MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


Develop and record a 10–15-slide, asynchronous, audiovisual presentation for policymakers, soliciting resource and policy support for the community health care system change you proposed in the previous assessment.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


Note: This assessment builds upon the work you completed in the previous assessment (attached below). Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

Nurse leaders must be able to make effective financial and policy decisions. Equally important is the ability to communicate their vision for change to policymakers and provide objective, evidence-based support for their position with respect to the regulatory, political, social, ethical, legal, and financial aspects of systemic change.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

This assessment provides an opportunity to develop a presentation aimed at soliciting resource and policy support for the community health care change you proposed in Assessment 3 (attached below).

Assessment Instructions


Note: The work you complete in this assessment is based on the work you complete in Assessments 2 and 3 (both are attached below). Therefore, complete Assessments 2, 3, and 4 in the order in which they are presented.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


The executive leaders at Vila Health accepted your change proposal and would like to move it forward. However, lasting change in a volatile regulatory and policy environment will require adequate funding and support from the applicable governing body or regulatory agency. Consequently, you have been asked to present the proposed change to policymakers to seek their support and funding for the change as an established policy for the organization and community.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

To prepare for this assessment, you are encouraged to begin thinking about funding and securing policy support for lasting change. In addition, you may wish to:

  • Review the assessment requirements and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
  • Review the Guiding Questions: Advocating for Lasting Change document linked in the Resources of this assessment, which includes questions to consider and additional guidance on how to successfully complete the assessment.
  • Be sure that your audiovisual equipment works and that you know how to record and upload your presentation.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft presentation to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


Develop and record a video presentation for policymakers from the appropriate governing body or regulatory agency requesting policy and financial support for your proposed change. Draw on your work in the previous assessments and consolidate lessons learned.

The presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Advocating for Lasting Change document provides additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assessment. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for the presentation format, length, and for citing supporting evidence.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

  •  Explains why proposed changes to a health care system require policy and financial support to ensure positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges. Makes a well-argued and convincing case and articulates the assumptions that support the rationale for specific policy support.
  •  Provides compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce the intended outcomes. A perceptive analysis of the evidence and its skillful application effectively strengthens the proposition for achieving the intended outcomes.
  •  Provides broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that are important to the success of a proposed change. Captures key funding requirements and provides data and information that substantiate the budgetary figures.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.
  •  Outlines a plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization. Articulates a clear vision and goals for change and provides a strategy for leading change, supported by applicable change theory and attentive to the effects on the organization.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.
  •  Assesses the potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals. Acknowledges assumptions underpinning the future vision and justifies a chosen leadership style for driving change.
    • As a guide, explore the website of, linked in the Resources of this assessment.
  •  Cultivates stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community health care system. Describes a clear vision for change that anticipates stakeholder concerns and acknowledges potential risks. Provides clear and explicit evidence for claims.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.
  •  Develops error-free slides that augment a multimedia presentation. The slides effectively support and enhance the presenter’s main points and arguments, are appropriate for the audience, and adhere to visual design best practices.
  •  Argues persuasively to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a proposed community health care change. Delivers a professional, well-organized, and engaging multimedia presentation. Presents clear and convincing arguments independent of, but well-supported by visual aids. Style, content, and duration are well-suited to the audience and purpose of the presentation. Concludes with a concise summary of key points.
  •  Supports assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence. Skillfully combines error-free source citations with a perceptive and accurate synthesis of the evidence.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Presentation Format and Length

Remember, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Your slide deck should consist of 10–15 slides, not including the title, questions, and references slides. Use the speaker\’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate.

Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:

Note: Your slide titles will depend on your choice of community and the specific content of your change proposal.

  • Title slide.
    • Title or name of your project (main focus of your change proposal).
    • Subtitle (optional), which could include Jordan or Armitage, if not part of the title.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.
    • Your name.
    • Date.
    • Course number and title.
  • Introduction.
    • Identify the stakeholders to whom you are presenting.
  • Social determinants affecting health in the community (may need more than one slide).
  • Synopsis of the windshield survey and environmental analysis findings.
    • Identify the positive aspects of the community.
    • Identify opportunities for improvement. Although your change proposal addresses these opportunities, avoid phrasing them as negatives.
  • Your change proposal—briefly outlined (may need more than one slide).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.
  • Benefits of the change to the community and stakeholders.
  • Challenges or concerns.
    • Address the implications for the community and organizational stakeholders, if these opportunities are not addressed.
  • Funding (may need more than one slide).
    • Include the financial implications for the community and organizational stakeholders.
    • Specify your funding needs (how much and for what)?
  • Community health implications (may need more than one slide).
    • Explain how the proposed change will improve the health of the community.
    • Address both direct or indirect benefits, as applicable.
  • Conclusion.
    • Summarize key points.
    • Be sure to thank your audience for their time and consideration of your proposal.
  • Questions.
    • Add a slide to prompt questions from the audience.
  • References (at the end of your presentation).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Supporting Evidence

Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your presentation.

7th addition APA style

Additional Requirements

Upload your video presentation and attach the presentation slides, with speaker notes. MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Proofread your slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your presentation.

uploaded below: Powerpoint guidlines with grading guide, assessment 3 and assessment 2. Powerpoint is based off of assessment 3.

I will do the recording.

Community Health Assessment

Executive Summary

Every community provides a unique range of health needs which must be well assessed by the health leadership within the regions of the community. As such, the community assessment provides an opportunity to examine the prevailing health conditions and social determinants of health in a community.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care. One most notable methodology applied by the health professionals during the community assessment is thewindshield survey,which involves driving around the community area and recording the observations in terms of physical resources and environmental elements. The survey is useful in the validation of any underlying assumptions about the needs of the community and inform evidence-based decision making and strategic planning when it comes to the community health needs. This executive summary provides an overview of the community health assessment analysis of the Jordan community within the Scott county of Minnesota.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

General Condition and Public Health Needs

Jordan community is located in the Jordan region of Scott county, Minnesota, with an approximate area of 8.132 km2. According to the 2018 census, Jordan had slightly over 6000 residents with the population projected to grow at an increase of over 100 people annually (Jordanmn, 2020). From the survey observations, several general conditions and needs can be established in relation to the public health perspective of the Jordan community.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

To begin with, most of the people observed during the windshield survey are relatively young most of them under 40 years of age by estimation. Despitethe relatively young community members not having many health issues, they demand a lot of attention health-wise when it comes to elements such as maternal health needs, mental wellness, and psychological support (Lecloux et al., 2017). Therefore, there is a need for the establishment of health facilities that will cater for these community public health needs.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Furthermore, personal vehicles and trucks were observed both at their packing state or on the road. As such, the connector roads, as well as those leading to the highways such as Highway 169 are full of traffic, especially during rush hours. From this observation, air pollution seems to be a concern and therefore, the issue of pollution can be categorized as a public health concern (Bruno et al., 2018).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Another notable observation was the availability of wastewater treatment plant. A lot of waterborne diseases and other health conditions have been associated with improper waste management and thus posing a public health hazard to the communities around (Kamble et al., 2018). For the Jordan community, this initiative is encouraging, especially in ensuring that the waste water is treated and can be reused in other activities that require water, thus saving water and reducing the negative health impacts of ineffective waste management.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

What’s more, several health institutions were spotted during the survey. As such, this is a positive indication that the community public health is taken care of and the community members have a place to visit whenever their health needs demand so. Valley View Health Care Center is a notable facility that cares for the elderly while St. Francis Regional Medical Center, Queen of Peace Hospital and Fairview Hospital are available for the emergency services, as well as the general inpatient and outpatient needs (Jordanmn, 2020).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Environmental Analysis


  1. The Environmental Factors Affecting Jordan, MNCommunity

Traffic emanating from congested roads due to the overdependence of road transport, as well as a road connection to the National Highways such as Highway 169 is a major environmental concern due to its effect on air pollution. This may lead to increase in health complications that emanate from the air pollution (Payne-Sturges et al., 2019). Therefore, there is a need to decongest the roads or come up with more environmentally friendly transport systems such as the use of electric town rail that will work greatly in reducing the air pollution within the Jordan community.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

The Jordan region weather condition is relatively warm, which poses a friendly environment that discourages common health conditions such as flu and common cold associated with cold weather. This means there is an expected reduction in complications that are associated with cold weather, which may translate to fewer hospital visits, as well as improved health well-being of the Jordan community.

Concerning the nature of the buildings, the Jordan region is mostly occupied with relatively old buildings with an estimate of over 40 years, which may account for over 50% of the total buildings in the area. This means that there are fewer disruptions in terms of utilities such as water, sewerage and electricity, which sometimes leads to rise in health issues when disruptions occur during rapid constructions. Noise and dust are also common with constructions, which their effects are associated with negative health complications (Robinson et al., 2018).  The road construction is also minimal within the region. This, therefore,translatesinto more improved health within the community.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

  1. The Social Determinants Affecting Jordan, MNCommunity Health

The social determinants of health that affect the Jordan community include economic stability, neighborhood and physical environment, education, food, as well as a healthcare system. On economic stability, the Jordan community seems to do well economically with the observations of many and diverse open businesses andthe existence of large organizations with the capabilities of employing several hundreds of employees. This means that the poverty level is low,leading to increased access to health dieting and reduced health issues. The economic stability can also translate to affordability and increased access to health facilities to cater for the rising health needs.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

On neighborhood and physical environment, there is observation of existence of several parks and other sporting spaces which are crucial for recreation, as well as physical well-being. This translates to a more improved physical and psychological well-being, which is good for reducing numerous health complications. On education, several tertiary schools were observed with technical schools and universities within the neighborhoods also. This is an indication that the literacy level is high within the Jordan community which is a good element in the understanding and coping with social and health challenges, as well as offering solutions to the same.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Furthermore, the availability of a fresh produce market and established restaurants means that there is a wide range of access to food and a good balanced diet available within the community. As such, these improves the health status of the community at large. On the healthcare system as a health, social determinant, Jordan regions boosts of several comprehensive health facilities with services offered, ranging from the elderly care, emergency, maternity and the general health (Jordanmn, 2020). This shows that the community is better placed health wise and their health needs can be attended to within their reach.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


The windshield analysis of the Jordan community health assessment reveals a number of crucial observations. The relatively small number of populations of the Jordan community fits well with the established facilitations within the region, ranging from ample recreational parks to the beautiful golf courses. The availability of several health facilities is also an indication that the community has prepared enough for the eventualities of health needs. However, the physical environment poses a great threat to the community’s health well-being. Air pollution emanating from the traffic congestions can be a catastrophic source of health complications and thus its very existence jeopardizes the well-being of the Jordan community in terms of health.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Change Proposal for the Jordan Community


Jordan community is in the Jordan region of Scott county, Minnesota, with an approximate area of 8.132 km2. According to the 2018 census, Jordan had slightly over 6000 residents with the population projected to grow at an increase of over 100 people annually (Jordanmn, 2020). From the windshield survey conducted earlier on for the Jordan community, several underlying issues were identified to be affecting the public health for the community. MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.This ranges from the air pollution mainly due to traffic emanating from the major highways that connect Jordan as well as a relatively youthful population with several needs such as recreational facilities, tertiary institutions, maternal health, mental health, and rehabilitation and counselling centers/facilities. Therefore, there is need for change within the health sector catering for the Jordan community in order to comprehensively resolve these underlying issues now and in the future (Repovš et al., 2019). This paper is a change proposal that looks into the changes that are suitable to be applied to cater for the health needs of the Jordan community.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


Benefits and Implications

Jordan community is facing a range of health challenges emanating from the environmental factors as well as the community composition. The air pollution due to traffic emissions from the major highways that connect Jordan, and a relatively youthful population with several healthcare needs were established to be the major healthcare challenges that threaten the public health well-being of the Jordan community. This therefore calls for a change in the way the healthcare sector operates in the region to cater for the emerging issues and prepare adequately for the future consideration the growth in population, as well as other aspects (Paula Matos & Esposito, 2014).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

The proposed changes in the healthcare system includes establishment of a comprehensive health facility that will cater for the maternal health needs, put up a center for the mental wellness, establish community based guidance and counselling facilities, run designated campaign that will target the community and sensitize them on matters to do with environmental protection and finally having a youth coordination center. These proposed facilities will be essential in dealing with the aforementioned community challenges.  MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

The Goals, Direct Benefits and Potential Outcomes of The Proposed Changes

Numerous goals are associated with the proposed changes. To reduce air and other associated pollutions as well as eliminating the health complications associated with youthful population are the two major goals that the proposed changes seeks to achieve. On the issues to do with health potential outcomes, the goals are aligned with projections that there will be reduced airborne diseases that mainly emanate from air pollution. On the other hand, maternal mortality rate will be kept at minimal as there will be an availability of a comprehensive maternal care center that will ensure the wellness of the child, as well as that of the mother during pregnancy, at birth and in postnatal period.  MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

What’s more, youthful population has been associated much with the prevailing mental illnesses. As such, a mental wellness center will be crucial in catering for this vulnerable group and ensure their mental well-being is catered for effectively. On the same note, the establishment of the community-based guidance and counselling facilities will ensure that the issues associated with youthful psychological and social needs are addressed in the right manner through guidance and counselling. This will be essential on equipping the youths with the knowledge in coping with different psychological and sociological situations as they emerge.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Finally, for the periodical designated campaign, this will target the issues to do with environmental hazards, undesirable social behaviors and the need for health checkups. On environmental hazards, the campaign will target the community and enlighten them on matters to do with air pollution and its negative effects. Emphasis will be given on elements such as the need to use friendly means of transport such as bicycle, which will greatly reduce road traffic emissions and as well, act as a healthy way of ensuring the physical fitness. Furthermore, on the need to curb undesirable behaviors, the campaign will target on enlightening the community on the dangers that emanate from behaviors such as drug abuse, youth crime and early pregnancies. With such campaign, the community will beware of the underlying negative effects of addiction, conviction, as well as being incapable of catering for a family.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

The proposed changes will bring improvements in the overall Jordan community in terms of good health through practice that will ensure that the identified health gaps are sealed and the community health wellbeing is up to the desired level.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Potential Barriers to Change

In a community setting, certain elements are crucial where the change application require consideration of the effects as potential barriers to change. Culture, physical environment, demographic composition, economic and threat of comfort are the most common factors that can be cited as potential barriers to change when it comes to a given community (Palkon, 2000). Other factors given a specific situation may include political, power and control.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Strategies for Changing Barriers into Opportunities and Resolving Conflict

For the change to take effect without resistance, it must first of all be acceptable to the majority. For it to qualify, the change must be understood and be beneficial. The main strategies for driving change in a community is through the application of people driven policies, collaboration with all stakeholders and as well, application of technology in driving out the change message (Repovš et al., 2019).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

For Jordan community, Culture, physical environment, demographic composition, economic and threat of comfort are cited as the potential barriers to the proposed changes. For cultural factors, Jordan community is a mixed race of which the proposed changes have to cater for everyone’s health aspects across the board (Mncompass, 2020). On physical environment, this touches on land acquisition and setting up of facilities. On matters demographic composition, the population of Jordan is mainly youth. Finally, on threat of comfort, the Jordan community have been in existence since early 19th century and they have formed a traditional bond that will resist any outside threat that can bring disruptions to their normal living.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

To overcome these barriers, proper communication tools and methodologies will be put in place to cater for every stakeholder. On cultural factors, members of the community will be allowed to air their views on the proposal to strike a deal that is comfortable with everyone. This will be done through community leadership engagement (Palkon, 2000). On the other hand, the physical environment factor will be dealt with on the existing development regulations and any acquisition of private land will be made public and interest made clear to avoid any conflict.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care. The community will have a say on community-based facilities proposed in order to be established where the community deems as the most appropriate (Repovš et al., 2019). Demographic composition is another aspect that is crucial on eliminating barriers to change. With the majority of the Jordan community being youth, the proposed changes must be youth centered in one way or the other (Paula Matos & Esposito, 2014). Finally, on the threat of comfort, any development will be as per the Scott county development policy and as well, the consultation must rotate around all the stakeholders for a comprehensive decision making.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

On resolving conflict among competing interests, a dispute committee will be established within the project management caucus to cater for the emerging conflict issues especially on competing interests (Palkon, 2000). This will go along way in resolving conflict issues and striking a solution that best suits the interest of every stakeholder more so the Jordan community fraternity.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Stakeholder Communications

The key stakeholders are the community, the government, Healthcare professionals, NGOs and the health facilities. These stakeholders have a great influence on the proposed changes and the success or failure of the changes greatly depends with them. For the community, they are the main stakeholders, and their involvement and acceptance for change is vital. For the government, providing the necessary funding, developing proposals and as well offering guidance on the regulation protocols is important (Paula Matos & Esposito, 2014).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care. Healthcare professionals on the other hand are at the center of offering the professional opinions and overseeing the implementation of standards within the proposed facilities to meet the required industry thresholds. For the NGOs, providing technical expertise on matters to do with building standards, location, as well as donor funding will be crucial. On the other hand, the health facilities will be accorded the collaboration tasks with the established facilities to ensure that the emerging issues that require interprofessional collaboration are attended to in time to facilitate comprehensive patient care.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

These proposed changes are crucial and information’s such as land availability, donor funding, community participation, policy making processes as well as availability of the diverse health professionals will be crucial to assist in the various decision-making processes that lead to the implementation of the changes.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


1)The community,

2)The government,

The key stakeholders for these proposed changes are;

1)Healthcare professionals,


3)The health facilities

The above stakeholders have a great influence on the proposed changes and the success or failure of the changes greatly depends with them (Ma Regina, et al., 2018).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uSocial Determinants Affecting Health In The Jordan Community

The social determinants of health that affect the Jordan community include;

uEconomic Stability

uNeighborhood And Physical Environment



uHealthcare System

Most of these social determinants were found to be favoring the Jordan community on matters to do with public health except for some which had a negative impact on health well-being that necessitated the proposed changes

uSocial Determinants Affecting Health In The Jordan Community

uEconomic stability- The Jordan community seems to do well economically which translates to low poverty level, increased access to health dieting and reduced health issues.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uNeighborhood and physical environment- Recreational facilities such as parks ensured physical and psychological well being. On the other hand, Congestion from highway led to increased air pollution and increased chances of accidents which may lead to increased mortality rate and complications of airborne diseases and disabilities emanating from accident injuries.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uEducation- Availability of several tertiary, technical and university institutions translates to increase in literacy level which is vital in the understanding and coping with social and health challenges, as well as offering solutions to the challenges.

uFood- Presumably from the observations, the Jordan community has a wide range of access to food and a good balanced diet available within the community. As such, these improves the health status of the community at large. MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uHealthcare system- The Jordan region boosts of several comprehensive health facilities which concludes that the community is better placed health wise and their health needs can be attended to within their reach.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

vJordan community is located in the Jordan region of Scott county, Minnesota, with an approximate area of 8.132 km2. According to the 2018 census, Jordan had slightly over 6000 residents with the population projected to grow at an increase of over 100 people annually (Jordanmn, 2020).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

The Positive Aspects Of The Community

uA relatively youthful population

uCloseness to major highways and airports

uAvailability of diverse health facilities

uAvailability of recreational and sports facilities

uA mixed race community

uAvailability of standard amenities such as sewer and water, electricity and housing facilities

uSynopsis Of The Windshield Survey And Environmental Analysis Findings Continued….

Opportunities For Improvement

qEstablishing more connector roads may reduce traffic within the Jordan region

qA relatively young community has several health needs including the maternal and mental wellness

qUse of more favourable means of transport in the future may reduce the negative impact of air pollution

qImproved community engagement on matters to do with health may lead to adoption of a positive attitude especially on youths leading to a responsible society (Dean-Coffey, et al., 2012).MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uChange Proposal

The proposed changes in the healthcare system will include the following;

uEstablishment of a comprehensive health facility that will cater for the maternal health needs for the Jordan community

uEstablishing a center for the mental wellness to cater for the mental health needs of the Jordan community

uEstablish community based guidance and counselling facilities, to ensure psychological and social wellness of the Jordan community

u Run a designated campaign that will target the community and sensitize them on matters to do with environmental protection

uSet up a youth coordination center that will ensure the youth matters arising within the Jordan community are attended to in time

uBenefits of the change to the Jordan community and stakeholders

uImproved maternal and mental health within the community

uReduced airborne diseases that mainly emanate from air pollution

uThe establishment of the community-based guidance and counselling facilities will ensure that the issues associated with youthful psychological and social needs are addressed in the right manner through guidance and counselling.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uImproved awareness of the environmental hazards, undesirable social behaviors and the need for health checkups within the community.

uReduced government health spending

uReduced motality death that emanate from accidents and air pollution complications

uFor effective change application, there must exist people driven policies, and collaboration with all stakeholders coupled with application of technology in driving out the change message (Repovš et al., 2019).

uFor Jordan community, Culture, physical environment, demographic composition, economic and threat of comfort are cited as the potential barriers to the proposed changes.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uAn all round participation for the stakeholders will be crucial in ensuring that each stakeholders role is attended to and the decision-making process is smooth and execution is done in time (Ma Regina, et al., 2018)

uIf stakeholders do not participate fully in the change process, there is threat for not achieving the cited goals and as such the results will be unfavorable

uIncreased mortality rate, heavy government health burden, unhealthy community and low productivity level can be projected as the undesirable outcomes emanating from failure to effectively implement the proposed changes.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


There are several cited financial implications for the community, as well as other stakeholders

vCommunity- Although the proposed facilities may offer services at free cost, some specialized services are assumed to carry costs which may be covered through private insurance or pay out of pocket for the community residents

vGovernment- The government will be crucial in ensuring that trained and qualified professionals are available to carry out the various duties within the proposed facilities. Also, issues to do with land acquisition, community engagement and other facilitations

vNGOs- The non-governmental organizations will be crucial in bridging the financial deficits through offering grants and donations

vHealth Facilities- these facilities will offer the much needed support through availing their professional for interprofessional collaboration with the established facilities to enhance the service delivery.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uFunding Continued……


uFor effecting the changes, the proposed funding is ONLY meant to oversee the change initiatives and is not considered an entire budget for the whole change process. It will cater only for the oversight purpose and the rest will be left on the government, NGOs and well wishers

uA budget of $113, 000 is proposed as the initial budget to be utilized by the management caucus, as well as the evaluation committee in their effort to raise awareness for the changes and oversee a good start of the change implementation with all stakeholders on board.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uThe total budget breakdown will be availed to all the stakeholders right after this presentation for more insight on the allocations for the various items as it was projected

Community Health Implications

uThe proposed changes will bring improvements in the overall Jordan community in terms of good health through practice that will ensure that the identified health gaps are sealed and the community health well-being is up to the desired level.

uThe main objectives of effecting the changes will be to reduce air and other associated pollutions as well as eliminating the health complications associated with youthful population

uWith the proposed changes the community is expected to benefit from improved maternal and mental health. There is also a projected decrease in airborne diseases that mainly emanate from air pollution. The issue of youthful psychological and social needs will also be addressed through the facilitation of the guidance and counselling.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.


uCommunity Health Implications continued….

uThere is also expected that the changes will Improve awareness of the environmental hazards, undesirable social behaviors and the need for health checkups within the community through the heightened campaigns to be carried periodically.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

uDue to improved health that the changes will bring, the community is projected to access more funding directed to other development issues as there will be a reduced government health spending

uThrough changes proposed in the transport sector there is expected reduction in mortality death that emanate from accidents and air pollution complications



The need for full participation for the mentioned stakeholders will be key in ensuring the proposed changes are effectively implemented. By ensuring a comprehensive care for all the proposed financial support will be crucial in ensuring that the proposed changes are implemented accordingly to cater for the Jordan community healthcare needs now and in the future.MSN-FP6218 Leading the Future of Health Care.

Thank you for your time….