Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.

Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.


In Mrs C’s case a she must be provided an integral worker who be dealing with her by making certain all her need is found and also involve other multidisciplinary team and inter-agency team within medical and social good care setting to be a part of conducting a health care arrange for Mrs C during the her attention planning process. The health care worker would get other willpower and agency involve in Mrs C’s case because she was bought from a healthcare facility into the good care home so therefore they know much about her medical condition and the sort of treatment she require; it also ensure that beneficial techniques are devised to be able to meet her specific needs, and also improve her condition of well-being.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.


The following sets of multidisciplinary team and inter-agency would be involve in Mrs C’s case;

Multidisciplinary team include


This team are extremely important member involve in the care and attention planning process Mrs C, this team provide certain level of look after Mrs C’s circumstance because they only provide limited treatment as they use X-ray to analyze the kind of arthritis together with the signs and symptoms of her condition. After Mrs C has been diagnosed to have Arthritis rheumatoid different member of the multidisciplinary team were working together with one and other to get the appropriate medical service and treatment that could assist in improving Mrs C’s condition without any complications.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.


In most cases skeletal disorder like Mrs C’s Arthritis, exercise and physiotherapy is vital in order to avoid her joint from becoming so stiff, lessen off pain and keep her muscles productive. Furthermore her key worker in the attention home where she’s been considered into can also organise other form of treatment aside from visit from her physiotherapist could be a session of massage therapy, infra-red heat therapy and hydrotherapy (exercising in water) this freezing be on monthly basis.


The GP and the Doctors is important member because they provide medical history for other groups involved in Mrs C’s situation. Furthermore in addition they carry out many consultation program with Mrs C to be able to regulate and screen her blood pressure and recommend necessary medication and treatment that would be best suit her condition. After the GP has pass the information to the necessary team require in Mrs C’s circumstance during her amount of time in a healthcare facility the professionals would utilize this information to plan how they might meet her specific need and include the necessary company that help in planning her care and attention needs.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.


The nurses is also entail in medication process because they’re in involve in offering medication and provide medical support that Mrs C require in order to improve her health statues this is performed effectively by ensuring they work hand in hand with specialist involve and making sure that they may have effective communication skill and good team work within themselves as it benefit the kind of attention service that thy would be proving for Mrs C.

Interagency team

Family and friends

Come visit her from time to time, this would help reassure her and help keep her self-assurance as seeing her relatives and buddies around her regularly would her improve in health sensible.

Interpreters and translators

Would help her talk to the care supplier, the translators and the interpreters would help express and rephrase what she’s saying in her dialect since she doesn’t understand British. This service would help the attention provider know what she needs as a person plus they would know very well what to do to be able to meet and specific need.

Activity officer

They organise different activities which Mrs C can get require in. this could include a day out to the recreation area or take her to day treatment centre for people who gets the same disease has she does indeed. Doing this would help her improve the way she view and value herself within the good care home, way more seeing other folks with the same condition or worse would help restore her self-esteem and self-image.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.

Social worker

The welfare of Mrs C is very important so therefore by making certain she gets the sufficient help from other disciplines and organizations. The social worker visit Mrs C every once in awhile in order to be sure of her and see how her health is bettering and also they would review her condition to see if the health care home is keeping is well suited for her and whether it’s any beneficial for her keeping there or not.

Multidisciplinary and inter-agency teams donate to the treatment planning process completed for Mrs C, each one of these person in team are including in the assessing and utilizing the specific medical treatments that could best suit Mrs C’s situation. The multidisciplinary and interagency team get together to be able to give a best form of look after Mrs C they do this by communicating using the holistic approach on whatever step they will take concerning Mrs C. The two team identify the specific needs of Mrs C and then bargain and set satisfying goals that they all feels would best meet her needs with high standard and considering her rights, choice, values and belief.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.


Evaluate the role of multi-disciplinary and inter-agency employed in social care

Multi-disciplinary and inter-agency team provide and contribute optimistically in increasing service users’ well-being and health, using the attention plan would make it conducive to allow them to collaborate among themselves. Both units team get together at the start of every health care planning process for those individual receiving attention within medical and social health care arranging and the three to six months care evaluation intervals and the evaluation process for each service users predicated on this changes made. Relating to Nolan et al (2005) ” the changes don’t need to be major, however they can have a substantial impact on the person’s life”.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.

However, multi-disciplinary and inter-agency team working help with the improvement of the attention planning process, on the other palm it has both negative and positive impact on the way good care is provided for folks receiving care service.

The positive impact multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working alongside one another help create interdependence; this means that everyone in the team all depend on one another. Multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working within medical and social attention setting is that every person in the team has an integral role to try out in improving medical well- being of a person within receiving health care service. Forth most no one role is more important than another as each of them work hand in hand with one an other to provide a competence and effective team working by ensuring they provide a higher standard of care and attention to the service users’ by any means time.

The main essential aspect of the role of multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working allows everyone involve in providing health care to bring and combine their skills and expertise within the multicultural population of which escalates the opportunities to learning and new experience, which would contribute to a noticable difference in health and social care encounters, system and buildings because they all execute their different skills to set-up an improved way of providing good standard of care for the public. According to Mason et al (2007) there are vast range of medical advancements which may have originated aboard and are now used to improve medication and treatment services in this country”. With a wide variety of medical team working along from different country it offers aid in the improvement and advancements of care and attention provision for folks undertaking care service in the UK, then multi-disciplinary and inter-agency team has really improve with the service provide and more so it has kennel an improved team work and communication skill amongst the health good care company.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.

The negative impact of the role of multi-disciplinary and inter-agency working in social care is the fact the whole procedure for them working mutually doesn’t always work because not every member of the team talk to one and other then there would be some few communication break down due to insufficient information. In addition, whenever there are too many teams working together the individual they are working would be influenced because different member of the team sees them. For example; for somebody who is battling for a chronic condition needing to see different specialist would be really difficult situation to them because they would have to adapt to different doctors each time they have visit and sometimes the expert they need to see might possibly not have experienced their document to know their medical statues so therefore she or he might ask the individual to tell him or her about the key reason they are there. This could be therefore of lack of information or because the complete consultant are from different section or organisation the information isn’t fully go across to necessary people who are meant to know. Furthermore credited to several agency working with the service end user the session system is bad because the time place isn’t conducive for the individual then they find it difficult to cancel or made known an session has been cancelled.Multidisciplinary Good care Worker Essay.