N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Book: Irresistible: The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked.

Alter, A. (2017). Irresistible: The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked. New York, NY: Penguin Books. ISBN: 9780735222847  N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay


Assignment instructions and Example paper attached.

Length: 3 pages

Irresistible Book Review
With the increasing popularity of advanced technology, new issues are introduced. These issues vary from abuse of technology to increased interepretation of data due to advanced technology. Although there are several risks associated with the increasing use of technology, there are far too many benefits to halt its continued growth. This paper will provide a brief book review of a book that is focused on technology and I will include my impressions of the book.
I recently a read a book by Adama Alter (2017) titled Irresistible: The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked. I chose this book because I am a person that loves the advantages of technology. I love having a cell phone akin to a mini computer and I love the ability to seek all of my technology devices to one system to keep me organized and on track. I also recognize that the increase in technology use has also lead to an increase in data breaches, identity theft and other virtual threats. N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay
Two Topics of Interest
Having a keen interest in psychology and improving the mental health of all persons, I was most impressed by Alter’s comparison of general technology use and technology use by well-known public figures. He does an inspiring job of offering direct evidence on how prominent technology moguls severly limit technology use. For example, Alter states how Steve Job’s did not allow his children to use an Ipad, a device that greatly contributed to his success. Furthermore, Alter explained how Twitter cofounder Evan Williams also prevented his children from using an Ipad. This should be a lightbulb moment for all readers to wonder why two men that rose to fame because of their technology creations do not want their kids to experience it.
Another positive impression from Alter’s book is his comparison of behavioral addictions and technology use. Addictive behaviors are difficult to overcome even though simple patterns created those addictions. As Alter details in his book, people accidentally become hooked on technology through things as simple as reading an email. Most professional communications occur through email or text messaging. The alert of a new message sounding is a major distraction and instantly pulls the focus to the message. N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay Most people immediately read their messages even if they do not immediately respond to the message. If this was not something I personally did, I might have struggled to believe Alter. However, when I hear my email ping at work, I read the message quickly to get a general idea of how I should prioritize the message. Such a distraction alters my tasks for the day because it takes time to regain focus. All those factors combine to create a perfect recipe for addiction behaviors.
Alter was definitely correct in explaining how addictive technology use has become. There is plenty of research that supports the claims Alter made because the same brain responses in drug abuse are seen in addictive behaviors (Douglas, 2017). That is the reason why people are so easily influenced by technology. Looking at the number of times a person checks their social media accounts in one day is proof of this. What other reason can a person use to explain the need to check social media multiple times a day. There has to be some neurological response pushing such confusing behavior. Another example that corroborates Alter’s claims includes methods to reduce addictive behaviors. Alter explains how people can prevent technology from overcoming their life by making simple changes. Change can be as simple as programming a donation to a charity every time a person presses their snooze alarm instead of getting out of bed (Douglas, 2017). As with overcoming any addiction, success is a result of strict mental effort. N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay
Practice Application
After reading this book, there are several personal practices that I plan to change. To begin, I plan to remove the email notifications from my work email. The time it takes to get back on track after a notification is one of the reasons I spend more hours working than I should. I will set certain times that I will check email and I will only look at my email at those times. Additionally, I will find more hobbies outside of technology that require physical activity. This will reduce the risk of me checking my phone during those times. Lastly, I will significantly limit the screen time of my children. N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

NOTE: You’ll create a new word document to submit your Book Review as one whole paper instead of typing directly into this document.
Overview: Book Review
You have selected one of the designated books to read. You will now write a book review that expresses your motivation for selecting the particular book, the impression the book made on you, information from another external, reliable source that either corroborates or contradicts the book, and how or why this book will or will not impact you. See Content Criteria on page 4 for more details. Note that your additional source should be from a recent (within last 5 years), professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.). Blogs, magazines, and newspapers are not considered professional resources. An external source is one that is not included within the course readings.N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay
Before you begin writing, review the APA formatted example paper located in the course. Format your paper exactly in this manner. Be sure that you are using correct APA format for all of your citations and references to include the book title. Outline your responses to the criteria listed in the rubric and instructions. Use language and examples that demonstrate your understanding of course concepts and reflect your personal position on the author’s stance. Write professionally and concisely. You may write in first person for this assignment. Be sure to proofread your assignment and correct any errors before submitting it. Your paper should be double spaced, include a separate Title and Reference page, and the body of the paper should not exceed 3 pages of double spaced written work.
If you submit your book review on a book that is NOT one of the choices on the syllabus, you will receive a 50-point deduction on the book review assignment. Please pay close attention to the book options on the syllabus to ensure you chose an allowed book for your book review. N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Book Review.”
 Proficient Acceptable Unacceptable
Body of the Paper
(max 5 points) Error free professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and paragraphs composed of at least 3 well-written sentences and paper within page limits.
(5 points)
Contains 3 – 4 grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors, or poorly written paragraphs and paper within page limits.
(3 points)

Greater than 4 grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors, or poorly written paragraphs, or paper exceeds page limits, or does not follow rubric format.
(0 points)
(max 5 points) Detailed overview paragraph of paper contents to include information to be discussed within the body of the paper.
(5 points) Brief statement of paper contents.
(3 points) No introduction.N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay
(0 points)
Part I: Book
(max 10 points) Explanation of reasons for selecting book that include specific references to book title, description, authors, and particular student experience.
(10 points) General statement of reason for selecting book with vague references to book or vague example of student experience.
(5 points) Missing or unclear reason for selecting book and missing specific reference to book or example of student experience.
(0 points)

Part II: Two Topics of Interest
(max 30 points) Lists 2 separate topics with detailed, specific topic information from the book, and gives a detailed discussion of why the 2 separate topics impacted the reader with specific student examples or experiences for each of the 2 topics. (30 points) Lists 1 topic with general or limited information from the book and gives a general or limited discussion of why the 1 topic impacted the reader, including a general student example or experience. (15 points)N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

No topics addressed, and/or missing both student examples and/or both statements of impact on the reader. (0 points)

Part III: Corroboration / Contradiction
(max 30 points) Clear, accurate detailed explanation of corroboration or contradiction with at least two specific examples from at least one recent, professional external source on how the external source either corroborates or contradicts the information in the book or the author’s stance. (30 points) General explanation of corroboration or contradiction or only one example from an external source on how the external source either corroborates or contradicts the information in the book or the author’s stance. (15 points) No explanation of corroboration or contradiction and/or missing examples from an external source on how the external source either corroborates or contradicts the information in the book or the author’s stance. (0 points)N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay
Part IV: Practice Application
(max 10 points) Clear detailed explanation of how or why the book will or will not impact personal actions or professional practice. (10 points)
General statement of how or why the book will or will not impact personal actions or professional practice. (5 points)
Missing description of how or why the book will or will not impact personal actions or professional practice. (0 points)
APA Format (Title page, Headings, Font, Spacing, Reference page,

(max 10 points) 0-3 errors in APA format with at least one additional recent external professional resource. (10 points) Paper contains (4-6) different APA errors and at least one additional recent external professional resource. (5 points) Greater than 6 different APA errors and/or missing additional resource, or resource is not recent and/or professional. (0 points)N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Book Review Criteria
• Arrange your assignment in the following sequence with these required sections and subheadings and the content points noted.
• Open a new Word document, and save it to your Desktop with the filename, “yourname_Book_Review,” inserting your name in place of “yourname.”
• Begin your paper by setting the margins, font, and header. (See “APA Tutorial” or the “APA Formatted Template” in the left menu of the course.)
• Click “Save” often to keep from accidentally losing your work.N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Content Criteria
Introduction Write a short paragraph that introduces your paper to the reader. This usually includes mention of all of the content/topics that will be written about within the body of the paper. For example, “First I will explain why I chose….”. Insert paper Title, centered, not bolded and Title case.
Then start paragraph.
Part I: Book
State which book you chose, and discuss why you chose it. Include specific references to book title, description, authors, or particular experiences of yours that prompted you to select the book. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.
Then start paragraph.
Part II: Two Topics of Interest
Write two separate paragraphs describing topics or pieces of information from the book itself that made the greatest impression on you. Discuss why the topic impacted you giving an example of student impact for each of the topics. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.
Then start paragraphs.N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay

Part III: Corroboration / Contradiction
Provide at least two examples from an external source that either corroborates or contradicts the information or stance taken by the author of the book on your topics of interest. Be specific and relate the information from the external source to the book itself. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.
Then start paragraphs.
Part IV: Practice Application
Explain why or how the information you gained from the reading of this book will or will not affect your personal actions or your professional practice. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case.
Then start paragraph.

Submitting Your Assignment
• Click on the assignment link and go to “Attach File”, “Browse My Computer”, find your assignment document and double click on it. Make sure your document is showing up under “Attached files”, “File Name”.
• Click the box next to the Plagiarism Tools. “I agree to submit…”
• Click Submit at the bottom of the Assignment screen. N3335 Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Essay