NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Reflection Essay

NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Reflection Essay

Protecting human research participants is of utmost importance. Even though your change project will not be implemented in the field and you will not be engaging with human subjects in this context, it is still critical that all healthcare professionals have a solid foundation in patient rights and protections within the realm of research. It is essential that all healthcare professionals, whether or not they are currently involved in research studies, remain aware of regulatory policies and updates such as the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, or Common Rule, that will take effect January 2019. NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Reflection Essay


*Please see attached file for Protecting Human Research Participants*

*Discuss at least two of the following in your paper:

A)Describe the circumstances that influenced the need for a policy to protect human research subjects. Give examples of specific ways human research subjects can be harmed by researchers. NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Reflection Essay

B)Identify three vulnerable populations and the special restrictions associated with human research among these groups. Evaluate the requirements and restrictions. Do you think they are adequate? Why or why not?

C)The Belmont Report summarizes the ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects. Three core principles are identified: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Even though these principles are considered equal, prioritize them in order of importance to you. Explain your decisions.

D)Although you are not implementing a change project at this time, and you may not be directly involved in research as part of your professional responsibilities, explain the reasons why it is important for you to know about these rights and protections. NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Reflection Essay

Your reflective paper should be two pages and written in current APA Style. Refer to the rubric for more information.

Please use the attached rubric. Also please use the attached file on Protecting human research participants as one of the references NIH Protecting Human Research Participants Reflection Essay