Nr531 Week 4: Vision and the Organizational Structure Essay
As the nurse executive, discuss your vision that you would like to implement for the organizational structure at SLMC. Share your rationale. How would you incorporate aspects of the person-centred nursing framework into your vision?
The interrelationship between an organizational structure and the organization’s vision highly influences its growth and development as well its goal realization. The vision that as a nurse executive would draw for SLMC would include a future of technology advancements and extensive application of evidence based practices (EBP) as well as incorporation of the optimal leadership structures for delivery of care in light of spiritual, psychological, physical and emotional care to each patient regardless of cultural diversity. This is because with the technology innovations have substantially enhanced the productivity of health care centres in many ways such as use of Electronic Health Recording, medical tools and equipments and communication approaches. According to Timbie et al. (2017), the future of health care sector. Nr531 Week 4: Vision and the Organizational Structure Essay
Developing a vision for SLMC would be important to the healthcare professionals and the patients and community. With the stated vision of SLMC as becoming a national leader for excellence and innovation, I believe a functional leadership would be required at this facility. The functional organizational strategy is one is which collaboration takes place within the facility between leadership and other team members. Also, collaboration takes place between the facility and the community. Bøllingtoft states that a successful organization named conveyed four specific attributes into their successful leadership organizational strategy, those included are as follows: “Relationship specific assets, knowledge sharing routines, complementary resources and skills and effective governance” (Bøllingtoft, 2019). These four attributes likely would be successful SLMC. The facility can be improved through understanding what is needed from the community and the shared governance approach facility wide.
While hoping to implement a motivating climate and atmosphere at SLMC, I would try to incorporate facility-wide incentives for nursing and other medical professionals. A clinical ladder aspect that provides monetary incentives for nurses whom reach higher education and whom are actively involved in committees could help increase positivity. Additionally, I would like to always encourage knowledge and advancement in the facility and within ones’ career. An article in the Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences states that reduction in educational opportunities and professional training had negative effects on employees’ satisfaction overall (Halldorsdottir, Einarsdottir, & Edvardsson (2018). My leadership style would be one which encourages people to shoot for a greater goal, to accomplish something bigger and expand their knowledge set continuously. The world and technology are always changing and to ensure SLMC in an innovative leader and excellent provider, the staff must be competent and aware of the newest trends available to the patients and community. Nr531 Week 4: Vision and the Organizational Structure Essay
Bøllingtoft, A. (2009). New Approaches to Organization Design : Theory and Practice of Adaptive Enterprises. Dordrecht: Springer. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Halldorsdottir, S., Einarsdottir, E. J., & Edvardsson, I. R. (2018). Effects of cutbacks on motivating factors among nurses in primary health care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(1), 397–406.
Nr531 Week 4: Vision and the Organizational Structure Essay