Topic 2 DQ 2
Physical assessment includes collecting subjective data and objective data from the patient. Collect the subjective data from the parents or caregivers related to child health history when a physical evaluation of the adult patient data collects from the patient by interview. Preschool children and an older child can be included in the interview by using age-appropriate toys and questions. The nurse uses inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation to collect the patient’s objective data and head to toe physical assessment done for both adult and child. Objective data include the child’s height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and respiration. A nurse needs to establish rapport by showing interest in the child to help the child and parent feel comfortable. The child’s comments should be listened to attentively manner. A nurse uses knowledge of the child’s growth and development appears by observing general appearances such as nutritional status, hygiene, mental alertness, and body posture. Examine the skin for color, lesions, bruises, scars, and birthmarks. Observe hair texture and thickness. They are noting psychological status and behavior (Belleza, 2017).
The physical assessment is the first contact between the nurse and the child. Establishing a trusting relationship between the child and the nurse is very important for the child’s physical examination. Involve the parents during the child’s physical examination and allow the child to handle safe, clean instruments, reduce anxiety, and feel comfortable. Provide a quiet and private environment during interviews and analysis (“Physical Assessment of Children,” 2016).
The nurse should explain the assessment and encourage engagement by calmly talking in a soft voice, distracting with a rattle, and offering a pacifier. Six months older infant feel stranger anxiety, the nurse need to distract the child with a toy or object, and the child held on the parent’s lap helps with the examination. Ear, oral, and other uncomfortable procedures should be done last. Communicate with the toddlers, use age-appropriate words to describe what is about to be done, and help decrease fear—praising the preschool child for cooperating. School-age children are encouraged to talk about their school performance and activities and encourage them to support and reinforce the child’s participation in the examination (“Physical Assessment of Children,” 2016).
Belleza, M. (2017). Pediatric Health Assessment and Physical Examination – Nurseslabs. Retrieved from
Physical Assessment of Children. (2016). Retrieved from
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