NUR 3870 Informatics in Healthcare Assignment

NUR 3870 Informatics in Healthcare Assignment

Assignment: Website Critique for Credibility

Course Performance Standards:

 Evaluate the quality of the health information electronically retrieved, based on criteria

developed in the field of health care informatics.

 Select and use relevant literature to enhance learning and support written work.

 Demonstrate increasing ability to write in a scholarly manner.

 Demonstrate increasing ability to speak (present in online format) in a professional manner.

Instructions: Learn how to objectively evaluate the trustworthiness of a particular healthcare related


1. Choose a healthcare related website to critique

2. Complete the following ‘Health on the Net’ (HON) checklist … This form allows you to identify if a

site respects elementary basic ethical and quality standards. You can complete this form online or

use this form (this does not need to be submitted… for your informational purposes only). a. (



3. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (using grading rubric and the HONcode principles) for your Critique.

a. Please make it very clear using a visual on the slide whether or not the website met the criterions /

i. Please provide rationales on why or why not criterion was met… in the speaker note area is a great place to include these rationales

b. Include speaker notes with each slide

c. Use APA scholarly writing skills

d. Inclusion of screen shots are very helpful to the viewer… cite each one and include on the Reference list

e. Include citations for all images used

Source: Health on the Net Foundation retrieved from

Revised August 2016.cjk

Website Critique





Importance of this criterion





Title slide

Introduction of site

Include course name; your name; the website name and



Include brief overview about the site and include why

you chose this site

Principle 1. Authoritative  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Principle 2. Mission  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations

5 NUR 3870 Informatics in Healthcare Assignment

Principle 3. Privacy-Confidentiality  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Principle 4. Content- Referenced and Dated  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Principle 5. Claims Justified, Evidenced-based  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Principle 6. Contact Sources  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Principle 7. Funding Sources  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

 Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Principle 8. Advertising Policies  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Website Seal HON Code? Or other Seal?  Screenshot(s) and Yes/No visual on the slide

Rationale in speaker notes with citations


Summary Concluding comments, include summary of positive and

negative points, overall would you recommend this site to

your patients or family?


Presentation Clear, concise, creative, use of screen shots, scholarly,

position statements clearly stated and supported with

evidence. Followed APA rules.

. NUR 3870 Informatics in Healthcare Assignment

Maximum number slides =14


Reference slide to include sources used…




Source: Health on the Net Foundation retrieved from

Revised August 2016.cjk

Worksheet: Does the site follow the HONcode principles?

Principle 1. Information must be authoritative

1. The site provides general information about the organization or individual responsible for its operation and content, and details

about the editor or principal author are given with his/her credentials

Yes, an author’s or editor’s details with credentials are given


2. The site provides medical/health information or advice

Given by medical/health professionals whose training/credentials are listed

A clear statement (e.g. a disclaimer) is made whenever medical/health that the information or advice is offered by

non-medical professionals or organisations

Some health/medical information is not attributed to an author

Principle 2. Complementarity/Mission/Assistance

3. A statement declaring that information provided on the site is meant to complement and not replace any advice or information

from a health professional is clearly provided

Yes No

4. A statement describing the intended mission of the site is provided on the site

Yes No

5. The site clearly mentions the intended audience of the site (general public, health professionals, students…)

Yes No

Principle 3. Privacy – Confidentiality

6. A Privacy/Confidentiality Policy regarding e-mail addresses, personal, non-personal and medical information is displayed on the


Yes No

7. Do my site and its mirrors respect the legal requirements, including those concerning medical and personal information privacy,

that apply in the country and state of their location?

Yes No Don’t know

Principle 4. Information must be documented: Referenced and dated

8. Is the last modification date provided for the site?

Yes, for the site as a whole

Yes, for each page containing health/medical content

Yes, for all the pages of the site

No (explain as necessary below)

9. Does the site contain information from external sources?

Source: Health on the Net Foundation retrieved from

Revised August 2016.cjk

Yes, but no reference to the source is made

Yes, an HTML link (valid and regularly checked) is provided to the source data

Yes, a bibliographic reference to the source data is given

No, the content of the site is original, written by the editorial person/s

Principle 5. Justification of claims

10. Does the site make claims relating to the benefit or performance of a specific medical treatment, commercial product or


Yes, all claims are supported by clear references to scientific research results and/or published articles

Yes, the claims are based on the author’s personal research or opinions


Principle 6. Website contact details

11. A valid email address for the webmaster or a link to a valid contact form is easily accessible throughout the site?

Yes No

Principle 7. Disclosure of funding sources

12. Is the source of the funding of the site clearly described?

for commercial or non-commercial organisations:

Yes No

for personal or private sites, or those hosted without charge:

Yes No

Principle 8. Advertising policy

13. The site displays advertising that, is a source of income:

A page provides a description of the advertising policy

Separation between editorial content and advertising is clearly stated

No explanation regarding banner advertising is given

All ads banners are clearly identified as advertising with the word ‘advertising’

Advertising is not identified as such

14. The site is part of a link/banner exchange:

Yes, a statement describes precisely the relationship between this site and the other websites

Yes, a statement describes precisely the relationship between this site and the other websites mentioning any

economic benefit derived from the exchanges

Yes, but there is no specific description about the site advertising policy

Source: Health on the Net Foundation retrieved from

Revised August 2016.cjk


15. The site does not display advertising:

There is a clear statement explaining that the website does not accept or host any advertisement

There is no statement displayed

NUR 3870 Informatics in Healthcare Assignment