NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

NURS 6411: Information and Knowledge Management | Week 5
Throughout this course, you have been exploring how databases are used in health care organizations to store, organize, and navigate large quantities of patient data and information. Before you can develop those databases, however, you need to have a firm grasp of key principles and terminology. This will ensure that you can create a database that will save and retrieve information in the most efficient manner. Microsoft Access is a database application that can be used to simplify the process. It is, therefore, an important and powerful tool for nurse informaticists to have in their toolkit. In order to use it effectively, however, you must understand the structure of a database.NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay


This week, you review some of the key concepts involved in creating a database. In particular, the focus is on examining exactly what is meant by the term relational database. You also gain hands-on experience using Access. You begin working with features in Access including tables and queries.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze the relationship between relational and entity relational databases
Develop a conceptual model for a database
Learning Resources

Required Readings

Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2017). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Chapter 3, “The Relational Database Model” (review) (pp. 71-106)
Chapter 4, “The Entity Relationship Model (ERM)” (review) (pp. 117-152)
Cox, J. & Lambert, J. (2013). Step by step: Microsoft Access 2013. Richland, WA: Microsoft Press.

Chapter 2, “Creating Databases and Simple Tables” (pp. 53–90) In this chapter, the authors demonstrate how to create databases both from templates and manually, how to construct a table structure, and how to define the relationship between tables.NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay
Chapter 3, “Create Simple Forms” (pp. 91–114)
The focus of this chapter is creating forms, which enables standardized data to be entered into a database. The authors demonstrate how to create, format and customize the layout of forms.
Chapter 4, “Display Data” (pp. 115–134)
This chapter concentrates on sorting and filtering information within a database in order to locate and display desired information. It begins with simple sorts and progresses through displaying information that matches specific, multiple criteria.
Optional Resources

There are a wide variety of online tutorials available to assist with using Microsoft Access. Below are several you might consider, as needed:

Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc. (2010). Access 2010. Retrieved from

This free resource provides a series of lessons, interactives, and video tutorials to assist in learning how to use Access 2010.
Pollock, A. (2010). Access 2010 essential training. Retrieved from

This series of videos provides detailed instruction on all aspects of Microsoft Access 2010 use. This resource requires a paid subscription.
Nurs 6411 Week 5 Discussion: Core Database Principles
When embarking on any new project or learning experience, it is essential that you have a strong foundation of understanding constructed from key concepts and parameters. As you begin your work with databases and database design, you should develop a firm understanding of key concepts and parameters that are critical to the foundation of all database design.NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

In this Discussion, you examine these key fundamental principles of database design.

To prepare:

Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources concerning relational and entity relational databases. Focus on how the two are interconnected.
Review information concerning cardinalities and consider what they are, how they are developed, and their role in database design.
Review information concerning business rules, what they represent, and how they are reflected in the entity relationship diagrams.
Review the conceptual model (Figure Q4.5) on page 150 of your text, Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Think of a similar example of how each of these concepts would be reflected in a database design for your own organization.
By Day 3

Post a brief analysis of the connection between entity relational modeling and relational databases. Discuss a brief example of a conceptual model that could be used in your own organization and list at least one business rule and two cardinalities that apply to that model.NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days. Help clarify their explanations of key concepts. For the conceptual model they provided, suggest an additional cardinality that would apply and why it would be necessary to use it.

Nurs 6411 Week 5 Assignment: Application: Creating and Using a Microsoft Access Database, Part 1 and Part 2
In this Assignment, you practice using Access to create databases, which will assist you in completing the Team Database Project. There are three parts to this Application; you begin Parts 1 and 2 this week and Part 3 in Week 6. The entire Application (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) is due on or before Day 7 of Week 8.NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

Assignment Scenario Premise:

Community Health and Wellness Clinic offers preventive and traditional medical care. In your role as Nurse Informaticist, you will help Community Health develop a new database system.


Three years ago, primary care providers John Anderson and Melanie Miller decided to combine their individual practices to form Community Health and Wellness Clinic. They wanted to concentrate on preventive medicine by helping patients maintain health and wellness. Dr. Anderson recently asked you to work with him as an IT consultant. He wants you to help Community Health develop an Access database system that will support the clinic’s operation and future growth.NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

Part 1 – Creating Tables

Instructions for Table Creation:

Create an Access Database with the title: Community Health and Wellness Clinic
Create an Access Database table with the title: Providers
Create a second Access Database table with the title: Nurses
Create a third Access Database table with the title: Patients
Create a fourth Access Database table with the title: Patient Records
The table Providers should have the following field names:


Provider Last Name
Provider First Name
Provider ID
Zip Code
Office Telephone
Mobile Phone
E-mail address
The table Nurses should have the following field names:

Nurse Last Name
Nurse First Name
Nurse ID
Zip Code
Office Telephone
Mobile Phone
E-mail address
The table Patients should have the following field names:

Patient Last Name
Patient First Name
Medical Record Number
Zip Code
Office Telephone
Mobile Phone
E-mail address
The table Patient Records should have the following field names:NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

Account Number
Medical Record Number
Provider ID
Nurse ID
Date Admitted
Chief Complaint
Record Criteria

Select the appropriate data type for each field in each table.
Select the primary key for each table.
Create ten (10) realistic database records for each of the tables. You may be creative as you enter the information in each field, but ensure that your entries are valid. For example, do not enter ABCDE into every field in an entry—include realistic names, numbers, etc.
As you create 10 records for the PATIENT RECORDS table, make sure that the information in the Medical Record Number, Provider ID, and Nurse ID fields corresponds to previous information you entered into the PROVIDERS, NURSES, and PATIENTS tables. This will ensure that when you establish relationships and run queries, you will return meaningful results.
Note: A patient can have more than one record in PATIENT RECORDS because patients can have many visits to the clinic.

Part 2 – Establishing Relationships

Instructions for Establishing Relationships

Begin by reviewing how to establish relationships in Microsoft Access. Next, using the tables that were developed in Part 1 of the assignment and using Access:NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay

Create a relationship between PROVIDERS and PATIENT RECORDS.
Create a relationship between PATIENTS and PATIENT RECORDS.
Create a relationship between NURSES and PATIENT RECORDS.
There is no submission this week.

Reminder: The Application (all three parts) will be due on or before Day 7 of Week 8. You will submit the database with the established relationships along with a 1- to 2-page paper explaining how you established the relationships, the primary and foreign keys, and the factors that influenced your choices. NURS 6411 -week 5 Information and Knowledge Management Essay