NURS 6551 week 9 Primary Care of Women Essay

NURS 6551 week 9 Primary Care of Women Essay

NURS 6551 Week 9 Quiz / NURS6551 Week 9 Quiz (Latest):


Primary Care of Women: Walden University Walden University NURS 6551 Week 9 Quiz / Walden University NURS6551 Week 9 Quiz 1. What is the term for a postpartum disorder in which bacteria ascend from the lower genital tract and infect the uterus? a. Postpartum amenorrhea b. Postpartum endometritis c. Postpartum staphylococcus d. Postpartum lochia 2. About how many infants born to mothers colonized with Group B streptococcus will be colonized as well? a. 40% b. 25% c. 10% d. 50% 3. What is the term or stimulation of the uterus by an external agent to enhance uterine contractions after labor has started? a. Exteriorization b. Induction c. Augmentation d. Presentation 4. NURS 6551 Week 9 Quiz / NURS6551 Week 9 Quiz (Latest): Primary Care of Women: Walden University Walden University NURS 6551 Week 9 Quiz / Walden University NURS6551 Week 9 Quiz 1. What is the term for a postpartum disorder in which bacteria ascend from the lower genital tract and infect the uterus? a. Postpartum amenorrhea b. Postpartum endometritis c. Postpartum staphylococcus d. Postpartum lochia 2. About how many infants born to mothers colonized with Group B streptococcus will be colonized as well? a. 40% b. 25% c. 10% d. 50% 3. What is the term or stimulation of the uterus by an external agent to enhance uterine contractions after labor has started? a. Exteriorization b. Induction c. Augmentation d. Presentation 4. The onset of labor is indicated by regular uterine contractions and: a. Complete dilation of the cervix b. Change in the position of the fetus c. Rupture of the membranes d. Progressive cervical change 5. What should be addressed during the late postpartum maternal evaluation (weeks 2-6)? a. The healing of the mother b. The need for birth control information or supplies c. The birth plan of the mother d. The latching-on response of the infant 6. Exclusive breast milk feedings are ideal during the: a. First month of life b. First year of life c. First six months of life d. First three months of life 7. Which of the following is a predictor of impending preterm birth? a. Positive fetal fibronectin testing b. Cervical length less than 15 mm c. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid d. Cord prolapse 8. What is an indication of the second stage of labor? a. Complete dilation of the cervix b. Rupture of the membranes c. Emergence of the infant’s head d. Presence of bloody show 9. Without treatment shortly after birth, as many as 90 percent of infants born to hepatitis B-infection mothers will: a. Develop HIV b. Have cognitive difficulties c. Need blood transfusions d. Become infected 10. Postpartum depression occurs in about what percentage of women who give birth? a. 5-10% b. 25-30% c. 10-15% d. 1-5% The onset of labor is indicated by regular uterine contractions and: a. Complete dilation of the cervix b. Change in the position of the fetus c. Rupture of the membranes d. Progressive cervical change 5. What should be addressed during the late postpartum maternal evaluation (weeks 2-6)? a. The healing of the mother b. The need for birth control information or supplies c. The birth plan of the mother d. The latching-on response of the infant 6. Exclusive breast milk feedings are ideal during the: a. First month of life b. First year of life c. First six months of life d. First three months of life 7. Which of the following is a predictor of impending preterm birth? a. Positive fetal fibronectin testing b. Cervical length less than 15 mm c. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid d. Cord prolapse 8. What is an indication of the second stage of labor? a. Complete dilation of the cervix b. Rupture of the membranes c. Emergence of the infant’s head d. Presence of bloody show 9. Without treatment shortly after birth, as many as 90 percent of infants born to hepatitis B-infection mothers will: a. Develop HIV b. Have cognitive difficulties c. Need blood transfusions d. Become infected 10. Postpartum depression occurs in about what percentage of women who give birth? a. 5-10% b. 25-30% c. 10-15% d. 1-5% NURS 6551 week 9 Primary Care of Women Essay