NURS 6561 Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan Essay

NURS 6561 – Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan Essay

Health Promotion
Nurses play an important role in promoting health within the patient, family, and community (Kemppainen, Tassavainen, & Turunen, 2012). The focus of patient care has been transferred from treating the illness to disease prevention (Mchugh, Robinson, & Chesters, 2010). The implementation of consultation, education, and follow up exams can increase the overall quality of life for an individual (Kemppainen et al., 2012). I will discuss the various roles of a nurse in health promotion along with the multiple work environments in which they can be implemented within. I will also reveal the maintenance plan of my own personal health regimen. NURS 6561 Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan Essay


The ability to be an educator, advocate, empowering agent, coordinator of care,…show more content…
The new implementations should be individualized around the patient’s personal values and goals. A nurse should empower the patient when times are challenging and continue to consult with the patient throughout the plan of care. Health promotion can be accomplished in various environments. Schools can be utilized for education purposes. Films, brochures, lectures, and class discussions can be routes of teaching about nutrition, hygiene, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and abuse. Health departments can distribute pamphlets concerning the importance of vaccinations and preventive strategies against sexually transmitted diseases. Hospitals and medical clinics can conduct health fairs that offer free blood pressure evaluations and cholesterol screenings. They can also educate the public about the serious signs and symptoms of a heart attack, stroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. My personal health promotion consists of exercising, eating healthy, and asking for help when feeling stressed. My place of employment offers a discounted gym membership that I take advantage of with my other coworkers. I love steamed veggies, fruits, nuts, and salads.NURS 6561 Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan Essay

Discussion 1
For this discussion, read the article “Oxygen Therapy in the Home” located in the module for Week 2. Considering the information in the article, address the following in your initial post by Wednesday July 20. * Your text describes several different roles the community health nurse can fill. Of the roles discussed in your text, what two roles would be the most important to fill and why? (in relation to the article) * Considering the core public health functions a community nurse fills, discuss how a community nurse can partner within the community to address issues related to the article.
You must reply to one other post by Saturday July 23 at 2355.
Post I:
The two roles that would be most important for the nurse to fill in relation to this article would be the educator role and collaborator role. While this article discusses the loss suffered by Mr. Jones this is a scenario that it’s very common. If the nurse had fulfilled the role of an educator Mr. Jones would have known that he should neither smoke while he was hooked up to his oxygen nor while his oxygen was on in the room. NURS 6561 – Direct Care Roles in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan Essay