Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies Discussion Essay

I believe the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies were selected as the foundation which we all should follow as our standard nursing practice acts.  This established the basics to which we learn to perform; not only as a better nurse but also to provide optimal healthcare to our patient.  Core competencies within the nursing standards are described as “fundamental knowledge, abilities, and skills that enable nurses to provide safe, effective care to other persons in health care settings.” (Hood 2018 pg. 6)


There are 10 well defined competencies identified as core nursing competencies.  Of those ten, the two which stand out in my professional opinion are safety and patient centered care.  Having more experienced in labor and delivery than any other nursing field, I find myself daily thinking and combining both practices together to not only have a healthy baby but also a healthy mother.  This is my foundation to help me make the best decisions of practice and begin my pathway to implement a safe delivery where the family or significant other are able to take not only one person home safely, but an additional love one that they have prayed and wished for so long.


Every day we all take measures to bring safety to not only our career but to our everyday lives.  As parents we teach our child the importance of safety by having them look both ways to cross a street, or never take candy from a stranger.  In our nursing careers we establish safety guidelines as our building blocks to do no harm.  This is our framework to begin towards establishing the those building blocks with evidence base practice, learning over time the knowledge and skills. In conclusion with the results of these evidence base practice, we are able to make a better healthcare service and judgement of care for our patients.  (PS, 2014).


I will take a moment to listen to my patients to discover what their opinions and views to make their labor the best possible experience they can have.  This establish the beginnings to patient centered care.  This is the time I can educate and answer questions to give my patient feedback, so they may become comfortable with the confidence of me providing care.  The Women’s Health Origination explains the importance of education and knowledge to patients from understanding of delivery options, to significant other being involved, to other education extending all the way to breastfeeding. (Dornfeld, 2015) They are getting to part of the care implemented, respected, and have knowledge that their voice is being heard.  Patients that are educated with the care provided will tend to have trust in the nurse’s competency and less likely have a negative view to the nurse or healthcare facility if something should not go as desire.


“Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing.” Leddy and Pepper’s Professional Nursing, by

Lucy J. Hood, Wolters Kluwer, 2019, pp.6-7

Zipperer L, Alligood E. Patient Safety : Perspectives On Evidence, Information And Knowledge Transfer [e-book]. Farnham, England ; Burlington, Vermont : Gower, 2014.; 2014. Available from: Chamberlain College of Nursing eBook Collection, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 30, 2018.


Dornfeld D, Rubim Pedro E. The health team and the safety of the mother-baby binomial during labor and birth. Investigacion & Educacion En Enfermeria [serial online]. February 2015;33(1):44-52. Available from: CINAHL Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 30, 2018.





Which 2 of the 10 competencies will be most important to your future nursing practice and why?


This chapter introduces select concepts core to aviation safety as frameworks through which to enhance the recognition of evidence, information and knowledge processes as contributors to safe healthcare delivery.
Patient Safety : Perspectives on Evidence, Information and Knowledge Transfer, edited by Lorri Zipperer, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from chamberlain-ebooks on 2018-04-30 14:10:52.



Nursing involves holistic practice in all aspects of patient care. How do the Nurse of the Future competencies support the holism we use in nursing? Please share an example of how you incorporate holism in your day to day nursing care and the competencies that are most important to your nursing practice.


The generalist nurse practices from a holistic, caring framework. Holistic nursing care is comprehensive and focuses on the mind, body, and spirit, as well as emotions. The generalist nurse recognizes the important distinction between disease and the individual’s illness experience. Assisting patients to understand this distinction is an important aspect of nursing. In addition, nurses recognize that determining the health status of the patient within the context of the patient’s values is essential in providing a framework for planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of care.

Focusing on the mind, body, and spirit, holistic nursing also encompasses the emotional aspects of patient care. (MOHE, 2016 p10)  The Nurse of the Future competencies that I would focus more on to incorporate holism in my day to day nursing would be patient center care and safety.


An example that I have seen and acknowledge with patient center care would be to look at the patient culture practices and mind set when practicing labor and delivery.  As stated earlier the importance of involving one with delivery process and encouraging questions while identifying needs.  Certain cultures when in labor may look to the strength of their God and find it a weakness or simply wrong to receive pain medication during labor.  Others have the mind set and preparedness to endure labor pains and feel it would harm the child.  Then you have others who only want to use modern medicine and not feel any pain at all.  This is the time I must coordinate and respect what a patient desire may be for their labor experience while taking time to fully understand the reason whether it would be against my opinion of right or wrong.  At the end of the day, the importance of explaining and educating serves the purpose of keeping my patient and infant safe while allowing for patient comfort.


Safety would be my second example to what is important to me as a Nurse of the Future.  My job to make sure my patients are at the minimal risk of harm not only physically but also emotionally.  (QSEN, 2007) This would be a time of education once my patient voices the care they would like to receive during their hospital stay.  I may need to explain the importance of how an epidural would help with decreasing a blood pressure by helping a patient to relax or the importance of continuous monitoring due to fetal indications.  Listening to my patient but providing a safer environment while communicating and educating my patient could lead to a better and safer outcome with my mother and infant.  Ensuring my patients mind and emotions received the same dedication and that their little one is safe is just as important mentally while continuing though physical barriers.


Quality and Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN). (2007). Quality and safety competencies.

Accessed from

Massachusetts Office of Higher Education (MOHE).  (2016). Massachusetts nurse of the future competencies.

Accessed from





Week 1
Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies
Now that you have examined the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, why do you think
these competencies were selected? Which 2 of the 10 competencies will be most important to your
future nursing practice and why?
Competence is embedded in the nursing profession and describes the performance level expectation
in providing care. “Clients expect competence from health care providers. Likewise, health care
providers expect competence from each other” (Hood p. 5). The Nurse of the Future Nursing Core
Competencies was developed, as a framework for the educational progression of nursing programs to
confidently and competently meet the demands of the nursing profession.
I think these competencies were selected as they each can have a material impact on patient care and
safety. In addition, these competencies contribute to developing well-rounded skilled nurses who are
preparing to enter into the workforce.
The two most important competencies for me are informatics and technology and evidence based
practice. Health care providers are embracing emerging technologies that support documentation of
assessments findings and procedures (Swenty 2014). This enhances health care efficiencies such as
reduction in redundancy of services and medication or implementation errors as well as improved
communication of charting history, thus promoting increased quality of care. Patient outcomes can be
adversely effected if future nurses fail to appreciate the importance of computer and information literacy
in practice.
Evidence based practice (EBP) guides nurses to safely provide the best treatment option based on
proven research, professional expertise, and patient values. By utilizing EBP in existing method of
interventions, nurses can evaluate its effectiveness and relevancy compared to recent clinically proven
trends and implement needed changes if existing methods are deemed outdated.
Hood, Lucy. Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing, 8th Edition. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 09/2013.
Swenty, C. L., & Titzer, J. L. (2014). A sense of urgency: Integrating technology and informatics in
advance practice nursing education. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(10), 57-67.
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