Nurse Practice Act Research Paper

Nurse Practice Act Research Paper

Since nursing has evolved into a science and the twenty-first century nurse a professional practicing in various aspects of the discipline; implementation of a Nurse Practice Act became inevitable within the industry. This does not only set boundaries defining scope of function for every category of nurse, but also allows clients to determine the quality of care expected from each level as patent- nurse interactions are established. This document will embrace dimensions of the Nurse Practice Act across nursing cultures with the aim of evaluating its effectiveness in promoting adequate nursing intervention.Nurse Practice Act Research Paper

Internet Research – Nurse Practice Act


A Nurse Practice Act is an international criteria found within the nursing discipline as many other disciplines within social structure be it service, education or otherwise. As such, every country may have peculiar adaptations of addressing this issue being pertinent to their environment.
However, as a general rule most Nurse Practice Acts are legislated documents stipulating training requirements; licensure; ethical expressions; registration requirements; employment opportunities or restrictions and hierarchy within the administration of duties.
In almost all countries there is a ‘Board of Nursing’ responsible for enforcing specifics of the Nurses’ Practice Act within that geographic location. Precisely, authority legislating Nursing Boards to function within this capacity must be given by the respective legal agencies for the particular country, county or state.


Nurse Practice Act Legislation’s

Legislative declarations of Nurse Practice Act states that the term ‘Nurse Practice Act’ is a legitimate general assembly policy enforced to ‘safeguard the life, health, property and public welfare of people……… from unauthorized, unqualified and improper application of services’ ( General Provisions) within the profession.
As such, specific definitions accompanying duties based on training and licensure are clearly legislated. For example, countries which have categories of nurses such as Practical Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, Nursing Assistant; Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife, Licensed Nurse Practitioners define boundaries within which each category can practice in the profession anywhere in the world.Nurse Practice Act Research Paper

Nurse Practice Act and Approved Nursing Education

Since Nurse Practice Acts were designed to ‘safeguard the life, health, property and public welfare of people……… from unauthorized, unqualified and improper application of services’ (General Provisions); approved educational programs are essential to fulfilling this goal.
Therefore, institutions offering training at any level must apply to the Nursing Board of that particular country, county or state. The application must establish the institution’s credibility in complying with standards embodied in the Nurse Practice Act. These include creating and executing curricula which are consistent with the level of training required for the category or level of Nursing Practice. (Article 1)
Besides, these institutions must consent to periodical surveys to evaluate whether the curricula are contemporary or adequate for programs offered by each school. The executing arm of Nurse Practice Act legislation, Board of Nursing, has the authority to close any Nursing Education program which is in violation if measures are not taken by the school to comply. (Article 1)Nurse Practice Act Research Paper


It must be noted that Nurse Practice Act legislation’s vary from country to country and territory to territory. Importantly, they define operations way beyond Nursing Education and designations within the profession. Nurse Practice legislation’s are as far reaching as determining the caliber of members of the Board of Nursing or Advisory Council and ethical infringements within the profession.
These provisions exemplify the relevance of a twenty-first century nurse in relation to a role acceptance and practice within the discipline. With phenomenal developments in nursing education to ‘safeguard the life, health, property and public welfare of people……… from unauthorized, unqualified and improper application,’ (General Provisions) within the profession the Nurse Practice Act can be a reality.Nurse Practice Act Research Paper