Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper

Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper

Menopause: An age related lifestyle phenomenon


Many illnesses in societies across the world are lifestyle influenced, generally. They could emerge from occupational predispositions, hobby engagements, dietary habits as well as participation in social activities that define religious and spiritual interactive living. Research has shown where blood pressure levels were distinctly related to life style issues within a certain community and culture. (Ejike, et al. 2008).
As such, the role of the nurse, as an educator, inevitably, should embrace considerations of lifestyle infringements on health status in relation to health promotion practices. Importantly, health promotion ought to be compatible with sensitive health issues related to lifestyle. Precisely, the sociology of illness and health clearly explains health as being consistent with certain geographic boundaries, which can be traced to the lifestyle of people residing within that vicinity. (Weitz, 2009). Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper

Summary of Article

This article was found on yahoo news health forum; dated 25th May, 2011.The author specifically, reiterated that the age at which menopause occurs varies from woman to woman depending on the culture and life style, apart from hereditary impositions. Definitively, she mentioned that the age of menopause is not entirely inherited, but environmental factors related to lifestyle greatly affected the outcome. Menopause age related (Anon, 2011)
Further, she verified alluding to studies that while genetics play an important part in determining the age of menopause, individual behaviors are very significant in defining the age of menopause among women across cultures. Menopause then, becomes an age related issue in terms of its occurrence being influenced by a woman’s life style culture. Menopause age related (Anon, 2011)Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper

Analysis of article

Menopause has been defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation. In terms of growth and development it is a natural biological process, which is experienced by women of childbearing age and is only interrupted by hysterectomies or any other conditions affecting ovulation and hormonal functions. Menopause (Anon, 2011)
As the article correctly enforced, even though women expect menopause at a certain age it does not always occur that way. Contemporary, gynecological studies have adapted a range to explain the chronological age menopause occurs across cultures. According to this article, the writer offered a range based on some of the studies she read. It was revealed that women who experienced menopause 54 years or later were 6 times more likely to have their daughters go through the physical change at the same age exclusive of lifestyle infringements. (Morris, et al, 2011)
Conclusively, studies have further established the range to be between 40-50 as an average in presenting an understanding of how a woman could cope with this inevitable physical growth and developmental alteration. Menopause age related (Anon, 2011)
Growth and developmental theories also posit that menopause is essentially caused by a natural decline of reproductive hormones. It is believed that when women are arriving at the chronological age of their late thirties the ovaries tend to reduce their production of estrogens and progesterone, which are responsible for ovulation, fertility and menstruation, respectively.
In some women it is a very traumatic time of their lives since the transition symptoms may emerge years before menstruation actually ceases. It could be very disturbing when the regular menstrual cycles just become hap –hazardous. They are either longer or shorter besides being heavier or less. Many women may even experience spotting between periods as well. Menopause (Anon, 2011) .Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper
Other disgusting symptoms are vaginal dryness; hot flashes; sleep disturbances; mood swings; increased abdominal fat; thinning hair and flabbiness of breast and gluteus muscles known as buttocks. Menopause (Anon, 2011). For a woman it can be a terrible adjustment since menopause predisposes to many sexuality alterations as well. Maintaining the natural attraction towards the opposite sex could be a psycho-social challenge many women face at this crucial segment of their age related health issue.
The authors’ concern apparently was fuelled by what see saw her mom was enduring to wake up in the realization that, ‘menopause age related to when mom went through it.’ She concluded that, ‘both early and late menopause appeared to run in families…… Specifically, women whose sisters and mothers underwent menopause during a typical age were between 2 and 7 times more likely to do the same.’ (Morris, et al, 2011)
An emotion, which seemed to filter through this article even though unspoken, was the writer’s fear of meeting this awesome future. Precisely, she continued to address the heredity of this age related health issue in detail interjecting studies to verify her position. She further, explained how the age at which women arrived at menopause can predispose to other medical conditions connected to female reproductive health and sexuality. Menopause age related (Anon, 2011)
It must be noted that beyond any doubt that, this is a very significant age related health phenomenon because it can be considered inevitable to both gender and age. It is similar to menstrual cramps among adolescent girls. The writer was discreet in excluding from the article elements of what her mother was really encountering. However, the reading audience felt her horror of approaching menopause herself. Menopause age related (Anon, 2011)
This in itself suggests that menopause as an age- health related issue must be embraced from a broader perspective beyond merely hereditary or physiology, but more importantly, as a life style imposition requiring relevant adjustments. Health Education can play an essential role in assisting women to cope with this inescapable outcome of growth and development.Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper

Health Education Strategies

Any facet of health education must clasp hands with health promotion policies for effective strategies to be adapted in efficiently addressing community health concerns. It must be noted that world health organization supports educating the masses where ever they are, to improve the quality of life globally.
“WHO as a whole applies the principles of, and strategies for, health promotion to a variety of population groups, risk factors, diseases, and in various settings too. More importantly, it encompasses the associated efforts put into education, community development, policy, legislation and regulation” Health Promotion (Anon 2010)
Also, with reference to health education models utilized for adult learning, specific strategic interventions have been projected as guidelines for successful outcomes. It must be understood that ‘people are different and need to be approached in different ways; health education must change with changes in services and changes in health problems; developments in psychology, sociology and related sciences—the behavioral sciences—have provided new foundations for skillful health education; all health education efforts need to be carefully planned and the results measured and just as health services depend on team efforts, so a team effort is required for health education.” Briefer, et al. (2000).Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper
Importantly, women embracing menopause with the conviction that it does not have to drastically alter their lifestyles must therefore, be the theme for informing strategies towards favorable educational outcomes. The targeted groups are women experiencing menopause. Clearly, menopause is not a disease, but a physiological change predicted by growth and development consequences. Its cause is entirely biological with numerous life style implications.
As such, in carefully addressing the growth and development stages encompassing age related menopause it becomes imperative to embrace Erikson’s stages of psycho-social development theories. The age range at which menopause occurs certainly impinges on two segments of these stages. Precisely, they are 25 -40 yrs if menopause happens before 50 yrs and 45-65yrs when it is experienced after 50 yrs. (Kail, 2004)
Applying this theory to individual needs, the educator is faced with two distinct groups. The first set of women 25-40 yrs are at the ‘love stage’ where intimacy versus isolation is at its peak. The second group is at the ‘care stage’ struggling with generativity and stagnation. According to Erikson within the “love stage” group there are questions about acceptance and certainty of forming solid relationships. Whereas the ‘care stage’ has surrendered to higher forms of thinking to know that love goes beyond sexual attraction. Rather, more intimate ways are realized to express this value. ( Kail, 2004)
Therefore, educational strategies designed to enhance the quality of life for menopausal women most definitely must include such psychosocial developmental realities. Specifically, a strategy nursing educators can adapt is taking a consequential approach in addressing the subject among women challenged by this age health related concern.Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper
Studies have shown that the sooner a woman realizes that menopause is a natural growth and development process, which should be viewed from that perspective the less acute symptoms can become. A recent study conducted by Nancy Woods and others revealed that interference at work along with other relationship pressures were closely related to menopausal symptoms such as mood changes; mild depression and difficulty in concentrating.(Woods,2011)
Precisely, relating these results to Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory it is explanatory why apparently the symptoms known to have been related to menopause are not really emerging from the physiological, but, more or less life style infringements. (Kail, 2004) Therefore, it makes much sense adapting the consequential educational approach when considering women’s desire for love and the relinquishment of sexual intimacy.
This then, makes the inclusion of adult sexual practices pertinent to the education. Certainly, apart from engaging women in a forum whereby they can openly discuss concerns within a safe space of educators and colleagues, reading material relevant to coping could be distributed to the group based on their special psychosocial developmental needs.


Related developmental theories by Sigmund Freud have posited that human sexuality plays a very important role in balance of one’s life. (Webster, 2002). Therefore, including how changes in the reproductive functioning influences sexual desires is an important strategic enhancement intervention for pre; intra and post menopausal women’s acceptance of their age health related issue.
Sex is a very sensitive aspect of one’s intimate life and is not often openly discussed among certain cultures. Precisely, it may be considered sacred and only to be shared between the partners involved. However, with careful assessment of the groups’ cultural orientation any nursing educator can appropriately evaluate when, where and how to manage a discussion for everyone’s privacy to be protected and each person’s comment respected.
As such, with the nurse educator being the facilitator of this education process he/she must present to the group a personality that can be trusted with confidential information; responsive to concerns empathetically refraining from criticisms; initiate involvement of every member of the group ; display professionalism in the delivery of information.( Brieger et al.,2000)
It is always important to remember when interacting with the public in any health promotion/ prevention education program that there are guidelines for effective communication. Simplicity is the key to communicating ideas. It crosses all cultural boundaries. Terms which will create ambiguity should be omitted from conversations and presentations. Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper
Health education strategies that encourage group participation are often most beneficial than lectures. As such, the objective of influencing women to accept menopause as a natural occurrence just like defecating must be emphasized for clarity. Every group member will be heard and their sentiments validated throughout these face to face interactions.
In upholding world health organization’s policy that, “health promotion strategies are not limited to a specific health problem, or to a specific set of behaviors….. (but) to tackle the issue of inequities in the distribution of health by gender, social class, income level, ethnicity ” Health Promotion( Anon, 2010) educators can passionately embrace a future rich with useful strategic interventions.
It is with great expectation that nurses can join the team of health promotion workers who sincerely declare that health is not merely the absence of disease, but rather total social and mental well being also. Health Promotion (Anon). Menopause age related to when mom went through it does not have be an end of the world experience. Efficient health education strategies can become the catalyst for reform in this age related health issue influenced by lifestyle practices.


In this discussion of “Menopause as an age related lifestyle phenomenon” the article “Menopause age related to when mom went through it!’ was thoroughly evaluated. The conclusion was that menopause has become an age related issue in terms of its occurrence being influenced by a woman’s life’s style culture as well as growth and development processes.
When analyzing its implications suggestions were that menopause as an age- health related issue ought to be embraced from a broader perspective beyond merely hereditary or physiology, but more importantly, as a life style imposition requiring relevant adjustments. Health Education can play an essential role in assisting women to cope with this inescapable outcome of growth and development.Nursing Exploring A Life Style Age Essay Paper
Strategic interventions inclusive of taking a consequential approach by allowing women to embrace menopause fearlessly knowing that it is not a disease, but a chronological growth and development health adjustment. Erickson and Freud were referenced for clarity in applying developmental theories to the selection of this teaching learning approach advocated incorporating group discussion techniques.


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