Nursing Theorists and Their Work

Nursing Theorists and Their Work

Explain why nurse theorists created their theories, providing examples of the three broad categories used to classify nursing theories. In your opinion, what are the realistic expectations of a practicing nurse to integrate unfamiliar nursing theories into practice? Discuss why it is important for the nurse to consider a theoretical model when providing client care.Nursing Theorists and Their Work

Why Nursing Theorists Created Nursing Theories and How the Theories Are Classified in Three Broad Categories 

Nursing theorists created their nursing theories in response to a need. A close look at the background of every nursing theory will reveal that it as the result of some observation of phenomena that the theorist made over time. For instance, Florence Nightingale came up with her Environmental Theory after her service in the Crimean War with her 38 “handmaidens of the Lord”. It was in 1854 and the conditions under which they took care of the war injured were unsanitary and filthy (Gonzalo, 2019). As a result, many of them died of preventable infections. Nightingale made very important observations and realized that the environmental conditions played a very important part in the healing or otherwise of the injured soldiers. She then came up with her Environmental Theory which states that for a patient to get well they need amongst others fresh air, good lighting, and clean water (Gonzalo, 2019). This was a classic example of a response to a need with a nursing theory.


            The three broad categories used to classify nursing theories are (i) grand theory (ii) midrange theory, and (iii) practice-level theory. This classification is based on just how abstract the theories are (Wayne, 2020). Grand theories are the most abstract and complex making them difficult to understand. They are not specific and are quite broad. Midrange (middle-range) theories are less abstract and more specific, addressing particular nursing problems. Lastly, specific-level nursing theories are specific to nursing situations and are not as broad in scope as the other two (Wayne, 2020).Nursing Theorists and Their Work

In my realistic opinion, it is very unlikely that a practicing nurse will attempt to integrate unfamiliar nursing theories into their practice. They will do this instinctively to avoid getting confused by what is not clear to them. It is however important for the nurse to consider a theoretical model when giving patient care. This is because the theory provides he conceptual basis upon which the rationale for interventions will lay (Onderzoeksmethoden, 2017). In other words, the theory forms the foundation upon which the nursing care is based.


Gonzalo, A. (August 22, 2019). Florence Nightingale: Environmental theory. Nurses Labs.,health%2C%20and%20that%20external%20factors

Onderzoeksmethoden (Publisher) (2017, July 7). Conceptual model – Introduction [Video file].

Wayne, G. (December 8, 2020). Nursing theories and theorists. Nurses Labs.,%2C%20and%20practice%2Dlevel%20theory

Nursing Theorists and Their Work