One-way Experimental Designs Essay.
Any research study involves a progressive observation and manipulation of the involved factors as a way of deriving out the essential information which is considerably essential in making a precise decision. In this research study, the researcher had his target on patients who were suffering insomnia or lack of sleep condition. Subsequently, these patients formed the sample for the research. These patients were subsequently subjected to some form of placebo treatment involving application of milk powder tablets (Doghramji, 2007).One-way Experimental Designs Essay.
One dependent variable can be seen to apply in this research study. Occurrence of insomnia is linked to form of treatment the patient is subjected to hence it is the dependent variable. Independent variable includes the form of treatment adopted by the patient. There are two levels of independent variable and they include application of placebo with subsequent advice. Some were advised that the treatment would yield no effects on their body while others were advised positively (Perlis, 2005).One-way Experimental Designs Essay.
This research embraced a between participant research design. Participants were divided into two groups which were subsequently subjected to different treatments. The outcome of each group was compared with the other group. If an ANOVA analysis was conducted in this research study, it would create a room to evaluate the variance levels between the two groups which were involved during the research studies. Patients who were subjected to placebo with a subsequent positive advice would have remarkable improvement in their health. On the other hand the other group would have less improvement levels. F test gives the level of variances which are observable between two groups of entities which are subjected to different forms of either physical or psychological manipulations as witnessed in this research study (Perlis, 2005).One-way Experimental Designs Essay.