Patient Prenatal Education Discussion Paper

Patient Prenatal Education Discussion Paper

Patient Education #2 Precautions

Discuss specific foods that should be avoided during pregnancy and why.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss OTC medications and supplements that can be used while pregnant and those that should be avoided while pregnant and why. Do not simply state to check with the provider.
0.5 points for discussing OTC mediations that can be used
0.5 points for discussing medications to avoid
0.5 points for discussing supplements
0.5 points for explanation
2 pts Patient Prenatal Education Discussion Paper


Discuss at least 4 environmental exposures to avoid while pregnant and why.
0.5 points for each environmental exposure to avoid that is discussed
2 pts

Discuss alcohol, tobacco, and substance use while pregnant and the associated risks to the fetus.
1 point for discussing risks of alcohol, tobacco, and substance use for pregnant woman.
1 point for discussing risks of alcohol, tobacco, and substance use for the fetus.
2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss travel precautions while pregnant. Include timing of safest travel, preparation for travel, places to avoid while traveling, and when it is not safe to travel. Discuss the risk of sitting for prolonged periods of time during travel and what measures can be taken to prevent complications.
1 point for discussing travelling precautions
1 point for discussing risks of travelling
2 pts

Discuss the best time during a pregnancy to visit the dentist. Include whether it is ok to have dental procedures or dental x-rays while pregnant. Discuss common dental issues that occur while pregnant. Patient Prenatal Education Discussion Paper
1 pts


Learner confidently demonstrates the necessary critical thinking skills and self-reflection during the required skills video. Learner completed skills video by the following criteria for a professional nurse: • Learner presents skills with a neat and clean appearance, demonstrates good personal hygiene • Learner wears full Nightingale College regulation uniform, clothing is clean, pressed, and fits well. • Learners’ hair is pulled off shoulder and appropriate to the work environment for safety and hygiene. • Learner has provided clear designated work area appropriate for demonstration of skills • Learner ensured that skills video is clear and audible for evaluation. • Learner demonstrates skills during video without use of cues/prompts and has demonstrated skill competency by smoothly moving through skills topics without hesitation or without starting and stopping the recording. • Civility and professionalism are maintained throughout exam.

The grading criteria of ‘Professionalism’ is either pass or fail. You must demonstrate all components listed to achieve a “pass” on professionalism
Before, or by the due date, you must submit a video of yourself performing the skill(s); do not use another person (i.e., model, volunteer, etc.) in your demonstration. Your skills video should only include yourself

Please refer to the following websites for information on Pregnancy Precaution Education that would be important for a newly pregnant patient (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Patient Prenatal Education Discussion Paper