Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
PLEASE NOTE THIE WEEK IS CINNECTED TO WEEK 2 AND WEEK 3 Benchmark – Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about \”Case Study: Healing and Autonomy\” as the basis for your responses in this assignment. Answer the following questions about a patient\’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview. In 200-250 words, respond to the following:Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient\’s autonomy? Explain your rationale. In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James\’s care? In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care? Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Benchmark Information This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: BS in Health Sciences 1.2; BS Nursing (RN to BSN ) 5.2 Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. Rubric Attempt Start Date: 17-Aug-2020 at 12:00:00 AM Due Date: 23-Aug-2020 at 11:59:59 PM Maximum Points: 200.0
All the selected studies focused on Surgical site infections (SSIs); SSIs are among the leading hospital-acquired infections among hospitalized patients. The first quantitative study by Hill et al (2015) sought to examine the impact of perioperative infection control bundles in decreasing infections post-hepatic surgery. The implicit research question was “What is the effect of a perioperative bundle on the rate of post-hepatic surgical infections in the surgical unit”? The research question complements the purpose of the study. The second quantitative study by Kim et al (2019) sought to examine the rate and the risk factors associated with surgical site infections (SSIs) in the geriatric population following the gastric cancer surgical procedure. Broad evidence shows that SSIs are common complications among older adults. The implicit research question in the study by Kim et al (2019) is “what are the risk factors and the incidence of SSIs among the geriatric population following the gastric cancer surgical procedure”? The research question complements the purpose of this study.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
The first qualitative study by Awoke et al (2019) investigated the rate of SSIs and the risk factors among post-surgical patients. As quantitative studies indicate, the rate of SSIs among surgical patients is very high. The research question in this study is implicit and can be defined as “what is the rate and risk factors for SSIs among post-surgical patients”? The second qualitative study by Qvistgaard et al (2019) indicates the prevalence of SSIs globally and thus emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the prevention of SSIs among surgical patients. Qvistgaard et al (2019) therefore sought to evaluate the experiences of the nursing staff regarding the intraoperative prevention of SSIs. Just like the other three studies, the research question in this study is implicitly stated.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Support for the Nursing Practice Issue
The four articles support the nursing practice issue is various ways as they indicate the prevalence of SSIs among post-surgery patients and the importance of addressing the nursing practice issue. Hill et al (2015) support the nursing issue by demonstrating the efficacy of the perioperative bundle in decreasing the rate of SSIs and similarly the study by Qvistgaard et al (2019) emphasizes the importance of preventing SSIs among patients undergoing surgery. The findings of this study demonstrate the efficacy of perioperative interventions in lowering the SSIs. Studies by Awoke et al (2019) and Kim et al (2019) indicate the high prevalence of SSIs among the surgical patients and the risk factors for SSIs. Therefore, addressing the risk factors for SSIs using various interventions such as perioperative bundle can help in reducing the rate of SSIs.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Methods of Studies
Hill et al. (2015) used a retrospective review study methodology to assess the impact of perioperative infection control bundles in decreasing infections post-hepatic surgery. The sample size included 163 patients who were scheduled for a hepatic surgical procedure. For a quantitative study, the sample size was relatively small and thus may limit generalization of the study findings due to reduced reliability. Multivariate and univariate analyses were used for data analysis. Kim et al. (2019) adopted a retrospective cohort as the study methodology. The sample size included 353 older adults set to undergo gastric cancer surgery.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. The sample size in this study is relatively adequate and this increases the reliability of the study findings. Data analysis methods included the use of Shapiro–Wilk tests, Chi-Square, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and Mann–Whitney U tests. Benefits associated with retrospective studies include that they are not time-consuming and are less costly. However, sample sizes may be small for quantitative studies and this may reduce the reliability of the findings. Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
The qualitative study by Qvistgaard et al. (2019) utilized the Reflective Lifeworld Research (RLR) approach grounded in phenomenology as the study methodology and the data analysis was done through thematic analysis. This method is flexible and allowsan in-depth exploration of the insights and experiences of the participants (Rahman2017). The qualitative study by Awoke et al (2019) used a cross-sectional approach as the methodology. Samples were selected randomly while the data was collected using surveys and questionnaires. The relatively large sample size and the random selection of the study sample reduce bias and increase the reliability of the findings.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Results of Study
The findings in Hill et al. (2015) show that the rate of SSIs reduced to 4% from 20.4% after the implementation of a perioperative infection control bundle. The perioperative bundle also reduced the rate of complications among surgical patients. The findings of this study show that perioperative bundles can be implemented in the surgical units to reduce rates of SSIs and the associated complications. The findings by Qvistgaard et al. (2019) indicate that the prevention of SSIs is a continuous process that should be implemented in all surgical units to prevent and reduce the rate of SSIs.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. A collaborative approach including the use of effective communication, teamwork, and coordinated care plays a big role in reducing the rate of SSIs. On the other hand, the findings by Kim et al. (2019) revealed that 25 patients in a sample of 353 developed SSIs. The findings further revealed that risk factors for SSIs include open surgeries and surgeries taking long hours. Lack of perioperative bundles was associated with a higher rate of SSIs.Similarly, the findings from Awoke et al (2019) indicated that 34 patients out of the sample of 261 patients developed SSIs. Risk factors for SSIs included previous hospitalization, lack of health literacy, and being admitted to public hospitals due to lack of perioperative care bundle. The findings from all four studies highlight the importance of implementing a perioperative care bundle to decrease the rate of SSIs.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Ethical Considerations
The most important ethical aspects when performing research include obtaining ethical approval from the relevant ethics agency before starting the study; seeking informed consent from all study participants; and safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of the study participants throughout the study process (Yip et al., 2016). The study by Qvistgaard et al. (2019) sought approval from the Ethical Regional Committee in Linkoping Sweden before conducting the study. Informed consent was also sought from all the participants and their confidentiality and privacy were maintained. In the study by Awoke et al (2019) ethical approval was sought from the Ethical Clearance Committee. Informed consent was also obtained from all the study participants. The privacy and confidentiality of the participants’ data were ensured through the exclusion of the participants’ identifiers and names within the checklist. However, the study by Hill et al. (2015) does not indicate if ethical approval was sought from the relevant body or if informed consent was obtained from the study participants. Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Outcomes Comparison
The expected outcome is that the rate of SSIs among the patients undergoing surgical procedures would reduce after the implementation of a perioperative care bundle. The perioperative bundle includes efficient compliance with the prophylaxis antibiotic therapy, adhering to the appropriate infection control practices, and adequate preparation of the surgical site. All four selected studies indicate that the perioperative bundle is effective in preventing and lowering the rate of SSIs among surgical patients. For example, findings from Hill et al (2015) show that perioperative strategies reduced the rate of SSI and similar findings from Kim et al (2019) indicate that lack of a perioperative care bundle is associated with an increased rate of SSIs. Findings from Awoke et al (2019) support that lack of perioperative measures increases the risk of SSIs among surgical patients.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. The findings by Qvistgaard et al (2019) also emphasize the importance of implementing perioperative measures to prevent and reduce the rate of SSIs. Overall, all four articles support the implementation of perioperative care bundles in the surgical units to prevent and reduce the rate of SSIs. SSIs are associated with a high mortality rate, increased readmission rate, increased likelihood to be admitted in the ICU, higher healthcare costs, and prolonged length of hospital stay. Therefore, since the four articles indicate that the implementation of the perioperative care bundle is effective in reducing the rate and preventing SSIs, healthcare organizations need to implement the perioperative care bundle in all surgical units.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Healing and Autonomy case study analyzes the decisions made by Mike and Joanne concerning the need for medical intervention for their son James. James is suffering from acute glomerulonephritis and consequent kidney failure. The attending physician recommended immediate dialysis for James, but the parents insisted on foregoing dialysis and placing their faith in God to heal their son. Days later, the couple return to the clinic after James’s condition deteriorates, and he requires a kidney transplant within a year. In light of this, this paper analyzes Mike’s and Joanne’s decisions in the context of the Christian worldview and evaluates the Christian worldview perception of sickness, health, and medical interventions. The paper also suggests actions that Mike, as a Christian, should undertake and how he should go about trusting God and accepting medical intervention for his son. Lastly, the paper discusses the spiritual needs assessment and how it would help the attending physician assist Mike in making the most appropriate decision to improve James health.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean disrespect of a patient\’s autonomy?
Wancata and Hinshaw (2016) assert that for physicians to demonstrate respect for patient autonomy, they must acknowledge that patients can make decisions concerning their care, even when the decisions do not align with the doctor’s recommendations. Respecting patient’s autonomy requires physicians to provide the information required for patients to sufficiently understand the risks and benefits of a suggested intervention, as well as other possible options for patients to make informed clinical decisions.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. In this case, the attending physician should not impose his belief that dialysis is the best option for James. Instead, he should provide Mike and Joanne with sufficient information on the consequences of their decision. The physician is aware of James condition and should recommend that placing him under dialysis is the best approach. He should thus inform the couple on the benefits of medical intervention as they keep praying for a miracle.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
A critical ethical dilemma in healthcare surrounds balancing the ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence. According to Clark and Weaver (2015), physicians are obligated to allow the patients or their families to make decisions concerning their health but also offer conditions necessary for those decisions. Similarly, the principle of beneficence obligates all attending physicians to prioritize their patients and do all they can to preserve the patient’s life. In the provided case study, there is a conflict between respecting Mike’s autonomy and the beneficent obligation of the physician to save James life.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. Biomedical ethics recommend that physicians should respect patient decisions as long as the patient is competent enough to make informed health decisions (Taylor, 2018). In this case, James is eight years and has not reached the decision-making age. Therefore, his parents are responsible for making health decisions. The physician should understand that Mike and Joanne are autonomous parties who can make an informed decision for James. He can only guide the couple but not impose his belief on Mike and Joanne. Mike and Joanne have solely based their decisions on their faith and are trusting in God. The attending physician can only help the couple to analyze the scenario from an informed point of view. Rather than basing their decision on faith alone, he would encourage them to combine faith with medical intervention.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honouring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James’s care?
Christianity has different denominations, each with different perspectives concerning sickness and health. There is no particular belief concerning sickness that applies uniformly to all Christians. Christians should perceive sickness as a reflection of God’s care for the sinners and health as a sign of God’s victory over sin. Also, Christians should understand that suffering produces intimacy with God. According to Velez (2017), intimacy with God yields from a furnace of affliction. In times of duress, Christians are more drawn to God as they tend to seek help from God. Suffering also allows Christians to care for and comfort others. Sickness and suffering give Christians compassion for others who are suffering.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Additionally, Christians should understand that sickness refines us by illuminating our strengths and weaknesses. God’s purposes of sickness are to manifest his power, remind us of the effects of sin, and realign us with the worth of Jesus Christ. Some Christians consider sickness and suffering as a punishment for their sins or a test of their faith. Sickness and suffering could be possible ways through which God measures the faith for Christians. However, God wants humans to enjoy good health amid sicknesses. Therefore, humans should do all they can to lead healthy lives.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
In the Bible, God does not forbid Christians to seek medical assistance. Rather, medical knowledge is praised as a token from God to benefit his children. In the Old Testament, God commands Abraham to undergo circumcision, an aspect that demonstrates seeking medical procedures is not contrary to God’s commandments. Notably, the bible does not stipulate that healing is obtained through medicine alone. It supports the concept that God supports human life in several physical ways such as water, food, and even medicine (Igboin, 2015). Certainly, all Christians should understand that healing comes from God and should thus seek medical interventions with the knowledge that God utilizes medicine to heal his people. Medical interventions are, therefore, God-given gifts to benefit us.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
As a Christian, Mike should remain vigilant in his faith. However, he should allow his son to undergo medical intervention and view dialysis as a gift from God to heal his son. After placing James under dialysis, he and Joanne should continue praying and trusting in God for a miracle through the medical intervention. Honouring the principles of beneficence and maleficence mean that Mike should only engage in a decision that is in the best interests of James and which would not harm. Mike should, therefore, trust in God while giving the physician the freedom to what all he can to save James life.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike to determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?
Isaac et al. (2016) acknowledge spirituality as a crucial component of healthcare. Spirituality is an aspect of cultural identity that impacts healthcare decisions for patients. It is essential for patients as it is correlated to the quality of life. Therefore, it is incredibly crucial for healthcare providers to gain an understanding and awareness of the patient’s spirituality to understand their health behaviour. Spirituality is salient in all aspects of the patient. It affects their perception of health, illness, health-seeking behaviour, and the overall perception of sickness.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Spiritual needs assessment tests allow physicians to understand the spiritual aspects of the patient. Various assessment tools such as the FICA, HOPE, and Open Invite offer adequate means to elicit information and patient’s thoughts, opinions, and preferences on spirituality and how it impacts their healthcare (Seddigh et al., 2016). Also, the spiritual assessment allows the physician to sufficiently support the patient through compassionate listening, recording the patient’s spiritual preferences for future visits, and including precepts of patient’s spirituality into the plans of care. Through these tests, the physician encourages the patient to use spiritual resources to enhance their health and wellness.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
A spiritual needs assessment test would be valuable to the attending physician as it would allow him to determine the most suitable intervention for James, based on Mike and Joanne’s spiritual values and preferences. From the information obtained from the survey, the physician would recommend approaches that are respectful to Mike and Joanne’s spiritual preferences. Additionally, the physician would understand that seeking divine intervention is greatly honoured by James parents. He should, therefore, encourage them to seek spiritual resources and incorporate prayer into James healing. They should continue praying for a miracle over their son’s health and allow him to undergo dialysis. A spiritual assessment would allow the physician to plan holistic care for James and his family. The physician will tailor information derived from the assessment to James cognitive development and cultural or religious background.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Benchmark – Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis
Healing and Autonomy case study analyzes the decisions made by Mike and Joanne concerning the need for medical intervention for their son James. James is suffering from acute glomerulonephritis and consequent kidney failure. The attending physician recommended immediate dialysis for James, but the parents insisted on foregoing dialysis and placing their faith in God to heal their son. Days later, the couple return to the clinic after James’s condition deteriorates, and he requires a kidney transplant within a year. In light of this, this paper analyzes Mike’s and Joanne’s decisions in the context of the Christian worldview and evaluates the Christian worldview perception of sickness, health, and medical interventions. The paper also suggests actions that Mike, as a Christian, should undertake and how he should go about trusting God and accepting medical intervention for his son. Lastly, the paper discusses the spiritual needs assessment and how it would help the attending physician assist Mike in making the most appropriate decision to improve James health.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean disrespect of a patient\’s autonomy?
Wancata and Hinshaw (2016) assert that for physicians to demonstrate respect for patient autonomy, they must acknowledge that patients can make decisions concerning their care, even when the decisions do not align with the doctor’s recommendations. Respecting patient’s autonomy requires physicians to provide the information required for patients to sufficiently understand the risks and benefits of a suggested intervention, as well as other possible options for patients to make informed clinical decisions. In this case, the attending physician should not impose his belief that dialysis is the best option for James. Instead, he should provide Mike and Joanne with sufficient information on the consequences of their decision. The physician is aware of James condition and should recommend that placing him under dialysis is the best approach. He should thus inform the couple on the benefits of medical intervention as they keep praying for a miracle.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
A critical ethical dilemma in healthcare surrounds balancing the ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence. According to Clark and Weaver (2015), physicians are obligated to allow the patients or their families to make decisions concerning their health but also offer conditions necessary for those decisions. Similarly, the principle of beneficence obligates all attending physicians to prioritize their patients and do all they can to preserve the patient’s life. In the provided case study, there is a conflict between respecting Mike’s autonomy and the beneficent obligation of the physician to save James life.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay. Biomedical ethics recommend that physicians should respect patient decisions as long as the patient is competent enough to make informed health decisions (Taylor, 2018). In this case, James is eight years and has not reached the decision-making age. Therefore, his parents are responsible for making health decisions. The physician should understand that Mike and Joanne are autonomous parties who can make an informed decision for James. He can only guide the couple but not impose his belief on Mike and Joanne. Mike and Joanne have solely based their decisions on their faith and are trusting in God. The attending physician can only help the couple to analyze the scenario from an informed point of view. Rather than basing their decision on faith alone, he would encourage them to combine faith with medical intervention.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honouring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James’s care?
Christianity has different denominations, each with different perspectives concerning sickness and health. There is no particular belief concerning sickness that applies uniformly to all Christians. Christians should perceive sickness as a reflection of God’s care for the sinners and health as a sign of God’s victory over sin. Also, Christians should understand that suffering produces intimacy with God. According to Velez (2017), intimacy with God yields from a furnace of affliction. In times of duress, Christians are more drawn to God as they tend to seek help from God. Suffering also allows Christians to care for and comfort others. Sickness and suffering give Christians compassion for others who are suffering.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
Additionally, Christians should understand that sickness refines us by illuminating our strengths and weaknesses. God’s purposes of sickness are to manifest his power, remind us of the effects of sin, and realign us with the worth of Jesus Christ. Some Christians consider sickness and suffering as a punishment for their sins or a test of their faith. Sickness and suffering could be possible ways through which God measures the faith for Christians. However, God wants humans to enjoy good health amid sicknesses. Therefore, humans should do all they can to lead healthy lives.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
In the Bible, God does not forbid Christians to seek medical assistance. Rather, medical knowledge is praised as a token from God to benefit his children. In the Old Testament, God commands Abraham to undergo circumcision, an aspect that demonstrates seeking medical procedures is not contrary to God’s commandments. Notably, the bible does not stipulate that healing is obtained through medicine alone. It supports the concept that God supports human life in several physical ways such as water, food, and even medicine (Igboin, 2015). Certainly, all Christians should understand that healing comes from God and should thus seek medical interventions with the knowledge that God utilizes medicine to heal his people. Medical interventions are, therefore, God-given gifts to benefit us.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
As a Christian, Mike should remain vigilant in his faith. However, he should allow his son to undergo medical intervention and view dialysis as a gift from God to heal his son. After placing James under dialysis, he and Joanne should continue praying and trusting in God for a miracle through the medical intervention. Honouring the principles of beneficence and maleficence mean that Mike should only engage in a decision that is in the best interests of James and which would not harm. Mike should, therefore, trust in God while giving the physician the freedom to what all he can to save James life.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike to determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?
Isaac et al. (2016) acknowledge spirituality as a crucial component of healthcare. Spirituality is an aspect of cultural identity that impacts healthcare decisions for patients. It is essential for patients as it is correlated to the quality of life. Therefore, it is incredibly crucial for healthcare providers to gain an understanding and awareness of the patient’s spirituality to understand their health behaviour. Spirituality is salient in all aspects of the patient. It affects their perception of health, illness, health-seeking behaviour, and the overall perception of sickness.
Spiritual needs assessment tests allow physicians to understand the spiritual aspects of the patient. Various assessment tools such as the FICA, HOPE, and Open Invite offer adequate means to elicit information and patient’s thoughts, opinions, and preferences on spirituality and how it impacts their healthcare (Seddigh et al., 2016). Also, the spiritual assessment allows the physician to sufficiently support the patient through compassionate listening, recording the patient’s spiritual preferences for future visits, and including precepts of patient’s spirituality into the plans of care. Through these tests, the physician encourages the patient to use spiritual resources to enhance their health and wellness.
A spiritual needs assessment test would be valuable to the attending physician as it would allow him to determine the most suitable intervention for James, based on Mike and Joanne’s spiritual values and preferences. From the information obtained from the survey, the physician would recommend approaches that are respectful to Mike and Joanne’s spiritual preferences. Additionally, the physician would understand that seeking divine intervention is greatly honoured by James parents. He should, therefore, encourage them to seek spiritual resources and incorporate prayer into James healing. They should continue praying for a miracle over their son’s health and allow him to undergo dialysis. A spiritual assessment would allow the physician to plan holistic care for James and his family. The physician will tailor information derived from the assessment to James cognitive development and cultural or religious background.Patient\’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay.
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