Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the report provided when submitting your task as a guide. Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.


A. Upload your completed and signed “CPE Record” for evaluation as a separate attachment. The form should include the following: Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

• the date each activity was completed

• your electronic signature verifying that all activities have been completed


Note: The “CPE Record” should be uploaded as a separate attachment and should not be included in your e-portfolio.


B. Upload all of the following required deliverables to your e-portfolio and provide a link to your e-portfolio:

• CPE schedule table of tasks and timelines Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

• feedback and synthesis improvement plan for pathophysiology syntheses

• one, one-page pathophysiology syntheses for Alzheimer disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory infections, nephritis, or suicide

• three screenshots to document your Phase 1 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image of each of your two peer responses

• written reflection summary of your Phase 1 video reflection below your screenshot

• feedback and synthesis improvement plan for your patient- or healthcare consumer–focused synthesis

• one, one-page patient or healthcare consumer-focused syntheses of the pathophysiology and pharmacology associated with heart disease, accidents, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, or stroke Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

• three screenshots to document your Phase 2 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your two peer responses

• written reflection summary of your Phase 2 video reflection below your screenshot

• feedback and synthesis improvement plan for the preceptor- or colleague-focused synthesis and patient- or healthcare consumer–focused treatment plan synthesis

• one, one-page preceptor or colleague-focused synthesis of the pathophysiology for one Shadow Health patients Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

• one, one-page patient- or healthcare consumer–focused treatment plan synthesis of the pharmacology for one Shadow Health patient

• three screenshots to document your Phase 3 GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your two peer responses

• written reflection summary of your Phase 3 video reflection below your screenshot Performance Assessment Advanced Path pharmacological Foundations eportfolio Essay

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