Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay

Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following:
• A description of your core values.
• A personal mission/vision statement.
• An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
• A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen.
• A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples. Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.

Strengths Insight Guide
Father of Strengths Psychology and Inventor of CliftonStrengths

Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes may share identical insight statements. If this occurs, the lower ranked theme will not display insight statements to avoid duplication on your report.
Your Top 5 Themes

People who are especially talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.


What makes you stand out?
Instinctively, you like to partner with the same people over and over again. When you spend more time with your teammates, it probably is easier to pinpoint the unique talents, special interests, work styles, preferred forms of praise, or changing moods of each one. By nature, you frequently marvel at how good your life is. Favorable feelings flood over you when you determine how diverse individuals can better cooperate with one another. You are happy when you can figure out how they can be more productive. You are delighted when people begin to appreciate each other’s talents, knowledge, and skills. It’s very likely that you realize how wonderful your life is when you have been able to assist someone in need. Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay. Because of your strengths, you are inclined to join teams, especially when you are asked to determine what makes each person special and unique. You have a knack for showing diverse individuals ways they can cooperate and collaborate with one another. Driven by your talents, you are delighted to help people reach goals or realize dreams. Your investment of time probably allows people to accomplish exactly what they set out to do.
People who are especially talented in the Achiever theme have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.
What makes you stand out?
It’s very likely that you are known as a reliable and dependable person. You are motivated to work diligently. You cannot rest until you have completed what you told someone you would do. Chances are good that you derive much pleasure from honoring and praising individuals, especially when their good results are the fruit of hard work. You regularly go out of your way to notice their accomplishments, knowledge, skills, or talents. Just having someone notice these contributions encourages many people to use their gifts much more often. Instinctively, you normally launch projects with ease. You methodically identify pertinent facts and establish a step-by-step workflow. This probably is the way you prefer to reach desirable goals. Because of your strengths, you are determined to share your knowledge and skills with people you coach, mentor, or train. By nature, you feel very good about yourself and life in general when you exhibit the self-discipline to apply all your energy — mental and physical — to a job, assignment, goal, or obligation.

People who are especially talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
What makes you stand out?
Instinctively, you often experience satisfaction with your life when someone asks you to scrutinize, assess, examine, or evaluate things such as people, processes, plans, or mechanisms. Driven by your talents, you marvel whenever you create a link between one thought or object and another. You develop entirely new concepts, theories, innovations, designs, plots, conclusions, proposals, and more. With each mental leap, you experience feelings of happiness, pleasure, and success. It’s very likely that you sometimes use words, terms, or phrases that force people to stop and think in new ways. Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay. Because of your strengths, you have lots of innovative ways of doing things. Your clever inventions probably benefit your coworkers, teammates, classmates, family, and friends. Chances are good that you rely on reason to reduce things to their simplest parts. You closely examine each element to discover how it does or does not benefit the overall situation.

People who are especially talented in the Arranger theme can organize, but they also have a flexibility that complements this ability. They like to figure out how all of the pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum productivity.
What makes you stand out?
Because of your strengths, you draw on your reserve of personal accountability when pressed to complete tasks. Fulfilling your commitments spurs you to do whatever it takes to complete projects. You realize others depend on you. This explains why you seldom rest until your work is done. Driven by your talents, you are impelled to deliver on all of your commitments. You are determined to meet all of your obligations. Doing so is your badge of honor. It is one reason why people describe you as trustworthy and dependable. Chances are good that you usually are the person on the team who instinctively conducts one final check. Your attention to detail and your desire to eliminate careless errors explain why you do this. Instinctively, you spontaneously look for ways to involve everyone in group-related activities. You really sense what not belonging feels like to the person who is intentionally left out, overlooked, or ignored. It’s very likely that you are dependable. Others know you are someone upon whom they can rely. Once you have committed to an assignment, you resolve to follow through with it. As a result, others trust you will complete your tasks.

People who are especially talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future.
What makes you stand out?
Driven by your talents, you are innovative, inventive, original, and resourceful. Your mind allows you to venture beyond the commonplace, the familiar, or the obvious. You entertain ideas about the best ways to reach a goal, increase productivity, or solve a problem. First, you think of alternatives. Then you choose the best option. Instinctively, you feel wonderful when people value your innovative and original ideas. You are likely to help them envision what can be accomplished in the coming months, years, or decades. Because of your strengths, you are eager to get started on a project once you realize what you can accomplish in the coming weeks, months, or years. You work very hard to breathe life into your big dreams. These often push and pull you into the future. Chances are good that you possess a tremendous capacity for working long hours. Your mental and physical energy are seldom totally expended. However, the same cannot be said for everyone who attempts to match your pace. Your tireless efforts are typically directed toward the goals you plan to reach in the coming months, years, or decades. By nature, you occasionally spend a lot of time considering what the coming months, years, or decades have to offer you. When you ponder the future, you might consider what kind of world you will live in as you move through each stage of your life.

Personal Leadership Philosophies

A description of your core values

I am a Christian and consider myself as a religious person. I consider my religion to be the constant in my life and guiding principle that determines my core values. At the center of these values is the awareness that I was created by God with an intentional purpose to fulfil. I have a purpose that I must fulfil in order to live up to God’s expectations and intentions. As a result, I look to my religious tests (such as the Bible) and advice from religious leaders to determine my purpose in life (Zaccagnini & White, 2017). In addition, I believe that all my actions are subject to judgement by God at the end of my life in this world. Everything that I do has returns and a price. For instance, if I take time to attend work, then I should expect not to attend other social activities (price) and expect to be paid for the work done (returns). Similarly, if I attend class, then I should expect to miss work (price) and expect to learn new concepts (returns). Even as I make decisions between the different choices in my life, I must live with the decisions, irrespective of whether they have bad or good results. These are the core values that have been guiding my life in terms of the decisions I make (Black, 2016). Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.

A personal mission/vision statement

My mission is to have a successful and fulfilling life that allows me to live a positive footprint in this world. I want future generations to remember my life’s achievements as meaningful to them and serving as a good example. It is this mission that has guided my personal vision to be a role model to my community whether in the professional or personal arena. I want others who perceive my life to admire aspects of my life and seek to emulate it so that they are able to use the lessons learned to positively impact the environment.

An analysis of your Clifton Strengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile

A review of the Clifton Strengths Assessment reveals that I have five strengths as part of my profile. The first strength is individualization. I am intrigued with the unique qualities of people in my environment and am able to figure out how the differences between people can be managed to improve team performance. This strength helps me to develop my leadership and management skills as I am better able to lead and direct others to ensure collaborative team performance. The second strength is achiever. I have much stamina and work hard even as I draw great satisfaction from being busy and productive. This makes be a self-disciplined, dependable and reliable person who is motivated to work diligently and takes pride in completing my work. The third strength is ideation. I am fascinated with new ideas and try to find even the most innocuous connections between things. I find satisfaction in understanding how things work, and this has allowed me to be innovative in developing solutions to existing or anticipated problems. The fourth strength is arranger. I am an organized individual who plans my activities but remains flexible for changes. I am a good planner who attends to details and can be trusted to complete tasks. The final strength is futuristic. I am inspired by the possibility of the future and my vision. I am resourceful, original, inventive and innovative, qualities that allow me to envision improvements in my environment (Gallup, 2017).


A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen

Although I have five significant strengths, there are two key behaviors that I wish to strengthen. The first behavior is a shift from a planned life towards embracing some spontaneity. I typically plan my life around the goals I seek to achieve. This makes it difficult for me to make use of any new opportunities not within my plan. I have missed many opportunities because of this. Being spontaneous would allow me to use new random opportunities that come my way even as I follow my plans. For instance, I had a plan that I rigidly followed until it was almost derailed by the Covid-19 epidemic as my practice roles and responsibilities changed even as I was forced to follow the set safety protocols. The second behavior is adopting a more positive attitude even as I focus less on faults and differences. One of my key strengths is individuation, but this makes me appear to focus on the differences between people so that I am perceived as controlling and discriminatory. This makes some individuals less accepting of me in their groups. I would like to change this behavior by focusing more on the similarities and shifting from focusing on differences towards individual strengths that can be leveraged (Clifton & Anderson, 2016).

A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision.

I understand that the two behaviors are a significant weakness in my leadership and management capabilities. I intend to address the two strengths by attending leadership workshops and conferences. The trainings would allow me to develop new skills for making improvements. Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay. In addition, this would offer me the opportunity to practice the newly acquired skills and improve proficiency. Also, I intend to attend professional leadership training programs that would offer me the certifications that allow me to take on greater professional responsibility so that I achieve my personal vision (Clifton & Anderson, 2016).


Black, B. (2016). Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Clifton, D. & Anderson, E. (2016). StrengthsQuest. Gallup Press.

Gallup (2017). CliftonStrengths for Students: Your Strengths Journey Begins Here. Gallup Press.

Zaccagnini, M., & White, K. (Eds.) (2017). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.