Physical Findings in The Respiratory Examination Essay

Physical Findings in The Respiratory Examination Essay

A 70-year-old male patient presented to your clinic with complaint of a “ productive cough” x 2 weeks. Confirms fever, mild dyspnea on exertion, chills, tachycardia, and chest congestion. Describes cough as productive with clear to yellow sputum. Medical history includes nicotine dependence for 30 years smoking 1 pack per day. On inspection, patient appeared to be tachypneic with respiratory rate at 30, HR at 104, febrile with temperature of 101, 02 saturations at 91% on RA with crackles heard in all lung fields. The nurse practitioner noticed that patient could not complete sentences without pausing to take a deep breath. Physical Findings in The Respiratory Examination Essay


Discuss at least five questions you would ask this patient to elicit a history about the patient’s symptoms.
List three physical findings in the respiratory examination that will concern you as the nurse practitioner
What differential diagnosis would you consider as the nurse practitioner seeing this patient? Physical Findings in The Respiratory Examination Essay