Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay

Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay

put together your information in a 2-3 page (maximum) issue brief. In other words, this Health Policy Brief will summarize and synthesize all the key points you drafted in papers I and II. This is an opportunity for you to share your findings and objective data to legislators and stakeholders in a succinct and cogent manner. A few examples on policy briefs are provided by the National Council on Aging titled, Issue Briefs and Fact Sheets. Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay

Submission Parameters:

Please use the following guidelines and criteria for this assignment. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the policy brief is approximately 2-3 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s). Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay


I. This policy brief is not to be presented as an academic paper. In other words, the document is intended for you to share your findings and objective data to legislators and appropriate stakeholders. That said, please include a cover page and reference page, which will help faculty identify the author and references used for the final product. Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay

II. This policy brief will summarize and synthesize all the key points you drafted in papers I and II. There should be limited additional research needed to complete this brief. That said, this is an opportunity for you to translate your first two academic papers into a succinct and cogent brief.

III. Well written briefs have included the following elements (you may use these as headings): Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay

What is the aim of the policy brief?
What is the best hook for the audience?
What background information does the audience need?
What data are most important to include for your audience? How will you convey the data to your stakeholders (i.e. combination of in-text, bar graph, etc.)?
What are the policy options? Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay
What are your recommendations?
IV. To summarize, please note that short policy briefs are useful tools to conveying research and scientific implications for policy development and implementation and clinical practice. Writing effective policy briefs requires a specific set of communication and collaboration skills.

In regards to APA format, please use the following as a guide: Policy Development And Implementation And Clinical Practice Essay