Prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections Essay.
Brianna Foglia 1. The evidence-based topic for development that I want to explore and and research about the prevention of hospital acquired infections, especially in critical care units. I believe that this is a very prominent problem in hospitals and a lot of things need to and can be done to help prevent infections from starting. 2. Potential BSN care practices that I am thinking about using for the project, paper, and poster would be promoting proper hand washing to everyone involved in the care of the patients.Prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections Essay.
Also, patient education is important, teaching them about different ways to take care of themselves to prevent infections as well as being able to acknowledge the beginning stages of infections to be able to stop them from progressing. Lastly, educating nurses and doctors that are implementing measures that require sterility on how to remain sterile or recognizing when something was contaminated and being able to correct it. 3. Some barriers to implementing EBP in the clinical setting would be knowledge deficit and time management on the nurses behalf when there are too many patients per nurse. Another barrier could be cost of supplies or inability to obtain the supplies due to hospital inventory that will be needed to educate patients and other health care workers. 4. The types of activities I will use for selecting my topic will be involving completing a lot of research in forms of books and online journals to provide the most accurate and up to date information as possible.Prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections Essay.
This is a very interesting and informative post, Brianna. This is because hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a major public health concern and HAIs are associated with increased morbidity and mortality; a prolonged period of hospital stay; increased healthcare costs; and significant suffering to the patient and their family (Ding et al., 2019). Therefore, as you have suggested, it is important to address this issue.
Effective hand hygiene is the cornerstone to preventing and reducing the rate of HAIs. Therefore, your proposed project regarding promoting handwashing in all healthcare workers involved in patient’s care is very important. Various studies have shown that handwashing basically eliminates the microorganisms that are invariably found in the hands of healthcare providers (McLaws, 2015). Increased adherence to handwashing is associated with a reduced rate of HAIs. Your suggestion about educating both patients and healthcare providers regarding hand hygiene is recommendable. This is because both patients and healthcare workers are potential vectors of the microbes that cause HAIs because their hands often get contaminated.Prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections Essay.
Again, I agree with you that a heavy workload is among the barriers to the implementation of EBP within healthcare organizations. This is because a shortage of nurses and thus heavy workload may lead to nurses lacking time to participate in EBP (Mathieson et al., 2019). This barrier can be addressed by persuading the organization to recruit more nurses and also persuading nurses about the importance of embracing EBP changes.Prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections Essay.
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