Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients
The paper “Level of Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients” is an excellent example of an essay on nursing. Attended It would remain the intention of any author seeking to create a piece of material, to do so by grouping together a collection of their main points that in turn, would fit together in such a manner that there intended meaning would be able to be discerned. In this case, the following works to consider would be ‘Patient Privacy versus protecting the patient and the health system from harm: a case study”, ‘Through a glass, darkly’: the clinical and ethical implications of Munchausen syndrome’ & ‘Ethical planning for an influenza pandemic’. At first glance, despite their differing titles, all three articles would be bound by one unifying force. That is the issues involving health care.Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients
In the first article, the point would be raised by the author, as it would pertain to the overall protection of the patient’s privacy, against the need to make any valuable information available that would prevent the patient from receiving more treatment than needed at the hands of multiple medical professionals. A link between the article and another listed would involve the mentioning of the condition Munchausen syndrome. The suggestion of creating a system that would in turn, when activated, alert other medical organizations about the issues the respective patient(s) would be having. Encouraging the presence of a stronger system of reporting, to benefit the level of health care being administered and keep the costs of such care, within the realm of reason.Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients
Next, the article written by authors Ian H. Kerridge & Michael D. Robertson would begin with a direct mention of the work completed by Dawn E. DeWitt and her fellow writers and in the introduction of their work, would appear to agree with the premise reached by DeWitt and her colleagues. Further stepping in the direction of the material, the authors would also suggest that such a system that DeWitt and her team feel would be beneficial for the patients, as well as the health care system, would also work as a means of educating those within the system, these authors would assert that there, in fact, would be considerations that would not have been made and in their opinion, should have been. A strong leaning towards the consideration of ethical issues that they feel would surround the discussion of patients and their mental illness.
As they observe the approaches suggested by DeWitt and her team, authors Kerridge & Robertson, would assert the possibility of such a system that would lead to it being out of the realm of the patient’s control in terms of the dispersal of it to the outside world. Closer examination by the authors would be given, in terms of the presence of a link that would be present, in their assessment, between both the physical health status of an individual and their internal or their mental well being.
Such a link that would have been part of the discussion dating back to work completed in the 1600s. For the final article to consider, the issue would involve the presence of ethics behind the planning process to handle an influenza outbreak. The creation of a survey method that would reveal not only the thoughts in terms of health care administration but also thoughts in terms of the disbursement of funds necessary, to keep the system running as it should.
Out of the entire number of people given the questionnaire, just over half of those questioned, would fail to have provided their responses to the questions asked.Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients Further questioning of who should receive treatment and under what circumstance. A diverse level of opinion expressed, in terms of those asked as to how they would approach the instance of an outbreak of that kind. Evaluating the decisions necessary that are made by those in charge, so that things go as hoped for. The need for a greater debate to occur at all levels so that it can lead to the ability for a person (s), to be able to enforce the responsibilities of their position(s) and be able to effectively utilize what they would have at their disposal.
In terms of information that would stand out, the first example would be the statistical response from the survey provided in the article completed by Barr, In this case, “Of 1,018 surveys distributed, 406 (40%) were returned,” (Barr,, 2008, para. 6). With the apparent need for input from everyone involved, it would be especially disheartening to see less than half respond. For the work created by Robertson,, a notable mention would have been, “The interface between physical and mental health is a philosophical problem dating from Descartes’ work in the 17th century,” (Kerridge,, 2009, para. 7). Ultimately, an issue that would have shown relevance 400 years ago and would still hold to the current debate surrounding the administering of health care service, by understanding the nature of patients.Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients
As for the article produced by DeWitt,, a key element mentioned would involve the issue of patient privacy and how it could hinder the initiation of required treatment. In terms of a man that would have been suffering from an apparent heart-related issue, his immediate family would seek to make known their concerns about what they felt was a lack in his treatment. “However, privacy issues limited the treating team’s ability to speak frankly with the family and deal appropriately with their concerns,” (DeWitt,, 2009, para. 7). This would become an ethical issue in terms of considering the wishes of the patient themselves, in comparison to the wishes of their respective families.
In conclusion, that would be an invaluable question to consider. Where the level of privacy would be introduced in terms of the treatment of patients while maintaining the open level of dialogue between other interested parties? Consideration is given toward the need to keep in mind the importance of maintaining patient privacy while seeking to make as much information available as possible. So that resources can be utilized and services can be rendered.Privacy in Terms of the Treatment of Patients