Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors
Productive behavior are behaviors the ensure maximum out come at the work place. Productive behaviors are of two kinds: effective behaviors and efficient behaviors. The effective behaviors are those behavior possessed by workers and help them in achieving the organizations goals. On the other hand, efficient behaviors are behaviors that orient workers towards economizing and economizing and maximizing the use of the company’s resources (Ashori & Suhariadi, 2007).Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors
Meanwhile, Counterproductive behaviors are worker’s behaviors that inhibit the realization of the workers’ success and the success of the organization. Such behaviors may be server, chronic or acute. Such behaviors include among others, shouting, showing favoritisms, rumor spreading, poor listening, withdrawing, not getting along with the people, complaining, taking advantage of colleagues, stirring the plot, ostracizing someone, backstabbing and bullying (KGA,2001). Such behavior could pass for teenage behavior despite the fact that the people at the work place a grownups or mature people. Certainly the workers who exhibit such behaviors luck emotional maturity and intelligence. Such behavior, also may have been adopted by this people while in their child hood and continue to linger on in the adulthood. This behavior may also be s sign of personal problem.
Impacts of productive and counter productive behaviors on job performance and on the organization
Productive behaviors are a must have for employees if an organization is to realize its effectiveness. Due to their importance an influencing factor ought to be fought. With efficient behaviors, employees can help the organization to achieve its objective through enhncing coordination at the work place. The employees possessing such behaviors are also accurate at problem solving. When employees possess efficient behaviors are efficient in minimizing costs incurred in the work process. There is no time wastage and every thing is done in within the time limits. In a nut shell productive behavior streamlines an organizations activities and enables it to realize its goals (Armstrong, 2006).
Meanwhile, counterproductive behaviors have very negative influencing influence on the productivity of the employees and the overall production of the company or organization. This result of the behaviors is basically a result of inefficiency and ineffectiveness the results when the workers adopt this behaviors Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors
Strategies to increase productive behaviors
Productive behavior are both personal and environmental in threat the can be a product of the employees personality and the work environment. This behavior can therefore be improved by enacting strategies that improve the employees’ attitude towards work for instance improving their education and retooling them through seminars and workshop. The work environment can also be redesigned to ensure efficiency. The work can be shared or distribute among the workers according to their abilities to ensure efficiency and realization of their goals.
Strategies to reduce counter productive behavior
Certainly counter productive behavior should be discouraged at all costs. Employers can employ various strategies to deal with the counter productive behaviors at the work place. The first strategy the employers can use is to avoid motivating employees to addopt such behaviors. It is imperative to that all managers recognize that high-paced activity, drive and enthusiasm can not serve effectively as motivators. Engaging in one activity for a long time is very tiresome as well as energy consuming. It ends us becoming unproductive since such habits may not be efficient.Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors
Managers or employers should be keen to identify counterproductive behavior and help deal with them (KGA, 2001). The managers should come up with programs that help in reducing this behavior and improving how the employees handle their work. The managers can employ the following strategies; recognizing the behavior as soon enough and acting promptly. Managers should not back away from tackling such behavior promptly. After identifying the behavior, managers should document examples to facilitate decision making the discourse the performance of the worker. In such a discussion the managers should explain to the employees how their behavior’s impacts on them and their colleagues and what the long run results are likely to be. The manager can the organize conference for workers or workshops to help in teaching the workers on their behaviors. Confidential counseling can also be very helpful. After instituting the measures the manager should enact monitoring measure to monitor and continuously evaluate improvements.
In sum, productive behaviors are useful behavior that should be encouraged while counterproductive behaviors are behaviors interfere with that attainment of organizational goals. Certainly, different organization have different unique requirement. It however important the organizations enact means of promoting productive behaviors and those aimed at discouraging the counterproductive ones.Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors