Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.


Maiden pick infirmary ( MCH ) positioned at Euston square London being the caput quarters for other two of its subdivisions located in Middlesex and Newham. The chief purpose of the infirmary is to give patients particular service interventions with really extremely experient doctors. And it ‘s a non net income organisation

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Presently all the Centres are runing by managing their single database without holding entree with other Centres. Now with the aid of modern computing machine engineering like networking and modern computing machine they need to set up a centralised database where the three infirmaries physicians canbe able to obtain the informations of all the patients, current medical standings, demographics, insurance, and research lab consequences which are present in other subdivisions as good. The system should let merely the doctors of newham and Middlesex infirmary to entree the informations, no other so them can hold entree to the data.But in caput Centre subdivision all the support staff, pattern staff can come in the patient ‘s inside informations. Diagram below describes the above image:



Degree centigrades: Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIACAGCAT10j0205462.wmf C: Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIACAGCAT10j0205462.wmf

Middlesex infirmary Newham infirmary

Degree centigrades: Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIACAGCAT10j0235319.wmf

Euston square Hospital ( Head Centre )

Fig. 1 Diagram of the 3 Hospitals

To achive the above theoretical account or to implement such things few reaserch has to be done like how much computing machines will be needed where should be the web entree point should be there which hardware will be required etc.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

Research AND Solution:

These infirmaries are holding the 5 floors each.According to the available information there are 15 medical staff, 20 back uping staff and unit of ammunition about 300 patients in Middlesex hospital,25 medical staff, 50 back uping staff and around 250 patients in Newham infirmary, and Euston Square infirmary which is head Centre got 30 medical staff, 80 back uping staff and around 450 patients. These can be shown like as follows… .Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

Site Medical staff Support Staff Patients









Euston square




The Administration is believing to pass in a new ipv4 web and besides willing to hold the province of the art web engineering that will be able to manage the undertaking growing in the coming R next 10 old ages. And to accomplish this are the undermentioned demands

All the single staff members are holding their ain computing machines, that means

Number. of computing machines required for staff ( CR ) = figure of medical staff ( MS )

+ No. of support staff ( SS )

Site Name

Medical staff

Support staff

CR = MS + SS




15 + 20 = 35

New jambon



30 + 80 = 110

Euston Square



25 + 50 = 75

So harmonizing to the above description we can conceive of that, no of computing machines necessity for staff in Middlesex infirmary is approx. 35 computing machines, Newham infirmary is 110 computing machines, and all together figure of computing machines requirement for staff in Euston Square is 75 computing machines, So all together no of systems required in all the three infirmaries will be like as below:Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

( Middlesex +New jambon + E Square ) = ( 35+110+75 ) = 220 computing machine systems for staff.

Administrative section has decided that two terminuss should be made available for every 10 patients and wireless entree points should be at that place in vistor suites for each Centre.

Server room


Server Room

E square

Server Room


Fig 2. This diagram shows that each infirmary has 5 floors and each Centre has its ain waiter room.

Alltogether systems required for patients is calculated in proportion with 2 computing machines for 10 patieents.

So from above we can cipher that figure of system demand within a Centre is as follow:

Number. of systems required in a site ( CR ) =total no of patients in a site ( NS ) * no of computing machines allotted /10


Entire patients

Comp allotted

Entire comp needed





New jambon




E square




We count over 60 computing machines that we need in Middlesex Hospital, the new jambon requires around 90 computing machines and where as the central offices need 50 computing machines for, demand of 2 computing machines when they are shared by 10 patients

From the above informations Middlesex Centre has five floor, in which there are 300 patients which will be shared into 60 patients each floor, so 12 systems are required for the patients per floor. And 2 computing machines systems in visitant ‘s room in each floor so the sum comes to 10 computing machines for visitants throughout the infirmary. So wholly 70 computing machine systems demand for patients and visitants. And 15 computing machine systems for the staff.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

Same above scenario will be applied in the other two infirmary Centres, New Ham have got 450 patients which can be scheduled as 90 patients per floor, so it comes to 18 computing machine systems for each single floor for patients, 2 computing machine systems for visitants each floor so it comes to 10 computing machines per whole infirmary for visitant. So entire of 100 computing machines requires for patients and visitant ‘s and there are besides 30 member staff so for them it comes to 30 computing machine.

In the Euston Square infirmary they have 250 patients about so it comes to 50 patients per floor, so they requires10 computing machines per floor and every bit good as 2 computing machines for visitants on each floor, so it comes to 60 computing machine for patients and visitants. And this Centre has 30 medical staff and 80 support staff so they require 110 computing machine systems.

All the members of staff of infirmary ( medical and support staff ) is equipped with their ain

All the three Hospitals Centres is configured with local computing machines with a figure of terminuss as shown in the tabular array above for usage by staff, patients and visitants.

Every each floor in three Centres are holding CCTV cameras and besides picture conferencing installations installed so with the aid of such equipments medical staff can portion processs and operations live alternatively of traveling to other sites.

All waiters on on-site and off-site of the chief caput Centre support Email, browse, telnet tinkle, file downloading, online seeking for utile information etc.

Besides the radio web is provided each floor so ; Internet connexion is provided to each patients from their ain laptops and visitant can besides derive with their laptop.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

Intranet for direction and staff should be provided.

Security is besides been establishes to salvage the web from unauthorized entree like patients can obtain the entree to limited country to their ain informations.i.e, they can see about ain old written texts and medical specialties advices from medical staff and foreigners have entree to restrict to physicians clip agenda and list of patients.


processs to protect patient informations and all the webs, merely physicians and support staff at central offices and in other infirmaries to supply entree to data that doctors have entree to informations and non back up staff has beenA allowed.A User ID and watchword have been allowed to medical staff and support staff.A Each single infirmary has a backup waiter that makes the storage of informations when nothingness.

Network Monitoring Tool Tell us if the energy is break down, a LAN disconnected, the web is down, the possibility of waiter clangs, etc. , so that we can be ready.A The web provides information to better the artworks public presentation and provides inside informations on log files which allows jobs.


As ActiveXperts Network public presentation monitoring web supervising package to put in for instances where excessively many staff, patients and visitants use the web to link your laptop and utilize the centre kiosks.A These clouds Personal computer monitoring, public presentation monitoring, tracking databases and capturing packages

Improve web public presentation on a system running is established

All three infirmaries on five floors have wireless entree available.A nomadic exigency vehicle to supply a nomadic connexion considered


Here we specify all thesoftware and hardware equipments necessary to set up the web for three infirmaries.

Hardware Equipments:


Brief description


Need to give entree to internet and helpful to pull off web.

Wireless Routers

Need to configure web and facilitates informations transportation

Wireless web cards ( NIC )

Used to link wired web to radio. Connects desktop Personal computer ‘s to wireless web ( entree point )


Wires like cat 5, twisted brace, ISDN ( Integrated services digital web ) overseas telegram, fiber optics RJ 45 overseas telegram.


Used for linking the computing machine which are apart from each other with in same edifices.


Operating system

Different runing systems are used for host computing machine and waiter. Example Windowss view, windows XP for host computing machines and waiter 2003, Server 2008 e.t.c.


Firewall is package sits in between host computing machine and cyberspace which looks after incoming and surpassing traffic and makes certain that no 1 hacks the computing machine.

Network Monitoring tools

These tools make certain that all the computing machines are running decently, if any host is failure it gives in formation and cheques for web set breadth if down and takes appropriate stairss.

Anti Virus Software

Antivirus is following to firewall if they by base on balls, it runs in host computing machines and cheques for malware, acts has anti spyware.

Fig. 3 State of art of web diagram

Degree centigrades: Users alluriDocumentsDownloadsNetwork_diagram_for_three_hospitals ( 1 ) .jpg

Fig.3 above figure exposing three infirmaries which are equiped with local area networks on each floor.

Hospital Floor:

Degree centigrades: Users alluriDownloadshospital_room.jpg

Fig.4 each floor exposing with visitant ‘s room and patients room.


Degree centigrades: Users alluriDocumentsDownloadsDATA_AND_SERVER_ROOM.jpg

Fig.5 Data and server room same for three infirmaries.

Telemedicine is so much of import for every infirmary for giving speedy and fast service to patients. So, all Centres are now holding at that place ain Mobile new waves which contain all the equipment for surgeries when an accident is happened. These new waves have high definition cameras and laptops which are connected to any of the three infirmaries whichever is nigher. A physician in the new wave can pass on with the specializer in hospital via laptop and camera and demo the unrecorded intervention. The physician in the infirmary can speak with him on radio phones. Mobile streetcar is connected with WLAN PCMCIA utilizing a IEEE 802.11b protocol.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

Degree centigrades: Users alluriDownloadsmobi.jpg

IP Addressing Scheme

Degree centigrades: Users alluriDownloadsINternal_dia ( 1 ) .jpg

Fig.7 construction of three infirmaries, how they are connected.

Brief treatment on TCP/IP

TCP/IP ( Transmission command protocol ) was developed to link different web for reassigning informations from one web to another, to be able to reassign the informations or communicate they have to utilize standard protocols over the web. These protocols are followed by every computing machine pass oning with other.TCP makes certain that information is going to right finish from the beginning. Computers pass oning with each other have to cognize IP reference for directing and having the information. Transmission control protocol has 7 beds. Every information traveling through one computing machine to another should go through these beds and have and will amended by the heading at directing side and removed when tracking from bottom beds to exceed bed at receiver side. The figures below give a brief thought about how the package ( informations ) is traversed.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.

hypertext transfer protocol: //

The above diagram shows the 5 beds out of seven beds. Physical bed looks after the connexion from different wires and web cards, informations link bed will split the information into packages and sends to the finish via different routers whichever is free at that clip and goes fast. Network beds deicide which web to travel from.

Every computing machine in a web is identified by IP reference which is a 32-bit alone figure. The IP reference is divided into four bytes which is normally represented in flecked denary format, such as All computing machines on a peculiar web have a same web reference and have a alone host reference.

An IP reference is typically represented as binary figure.

For illustration, the IP reference of is really

11000011.10001111.00000010 in binary. This manner of stand foring an IP reference is besides known as flecked denary notation.

Binary figure and IP references are related to each other for this, it is of import to understand the transitions from binary to decimal and decimal to binary.

A binary figure is made up of a series of spots or binary figures. Each spot can be set to either 0 or 1. Bit values are based on powers of 2 and on the digit place, as shown. As IP references are groped in eights, sets of either spot, you ‘ll look at the place value for an eight.

hypertext transfer protocol: // ( en-us, TechNet.10 ) .gif

Classs of IP Address:

IETF criterion defined five IP reference categories lettered A through E. Only category A, B and C are in broad usage today. The chief difference between the three supported categories is the figure of the bytes used for the host and web reference. Table below shows the reference.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.


Host bytes/network

No of Network

No of host per web













Three categories were designed to suit a broad scope of webs, runing from little figure of web to a big figure of host ( category A ) to a big figure of web with little figure of host ( Class C ) .


We can develop ( N ) figure of logical webs that issues within category A, B, or C webs. To subnet a web we use some spots from the host part to make the subnetwork ID.


See web which has a mask of

Now – 11001100.00010001.00000101.00000000. – 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -sub — — — –

Here we have taken three spots from host part and will happen subnet. we can make 8 subnets. Host scope from 1 to 30. Range from 33 to 62. Range from 65 to 94. Range from 97 to 126. Range from 129 to 158. Range from 161 to 190. E.t.c.

Database System or Data Centre

1. Hospitals need to portion informations of all patients between staff and information should be same if the staff utilizing different device.

2. We need relentless storage for the Hospitals.

3. Several users and/or several tools must be able to safely entree the same information at the same time.

4. A Database waiter must supply more efficient entree to big sums of informations, through indexing and other optimisations, such as patient ‘s inside informations.

5. A Database Server should besides be used for communicating between different users or applications.

6. Data Centre must hold backup system and besides must hold handiness, concurrence that can back up 24 hour/7 day/365 twenty-four hours

Security issues

Security Firewall

1. Firewalls will assist and back up inbound package filtering and Package Inspection

2. This firewall gives Protection from specific onslaughts

3. Network Address Translation ( NAT )

4. VPN pass-through: to allow decently authenticated Internet Users

5. UPnP Support

6. Procuring Wireless Networks

Internet Security:

When a computing machine is pass oning with other computing machines on cyberspace there is a possibility that it can be accessed by unauthorised user from the cyberspace and he can entree the file and of import information about the infirmary. These can be avoided by supplying user ID and Password and seting limitation like merely read operation can be done no write operation, even we need to look into weather proper firewall is running because the interloper can dump a virus file into the system from the web.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.


When a user is connected to outside web there is possibility of acquiring whole database corrupted as there are package plans which are run by the unauthorised user in distant web and gets into our computing machine as file with when we give a chink on it, gets run and destroy whole database or will entree all the user histories and watchword from our system and the interloper is benefited. For this ground the computing machine, to be protected we need to hold really good antivirus plans which will halt the interloper. Such plans are known asA spyware, viruses, worms, Trojan.

Part 6: VPN

Virtual private web provide private web for administration or organisations over a public or private web. The nexus bed protocols of the practical web are said to be tunneled through the conveyance web. A practical private web ( VPN ) is a computing machine web in which some of the links between nodes are carried by unfastened connexion or practical circuits in some larger webs ( such as the cyberspace ) , as opposed to running across a individual private web. One common application is to procure communications through the public Internet, but a VPN does non necessitate to hold expressed security characteristics such as hallmark or content encoding. For illustration, VPNs can besides be used to divide the traffic of different user communities over an implicit in web with strong security characteristics, or to supply entree to a web via customized or private routing mechanisms.Project For Maiden Choice Hospital Computer Science Essay.