Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay

Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay

I have attached the first part of the project so you can see what the subject is and what has already been said. I have also attached the rubic please ensure all answers are noted in the paper. Thanks


Use the following guide to complete your Project Plan. When you develop this paper, please recognize it is the 2nd half of the first paper and it must be the same project. So putting the two papers together would give you a complete Project Plan. Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay



If you click on the assignment in the gradebook, it will give you the instructions for the assignment and the grading guide, which is also below.




Student Name:

Plan Component

Possible Points

Earned Points

Project Work Activities and Schedule
What work tasks/activities are going to have to be done in order to complete this project? Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay
Typically, later work activities depend on earlier activities being completed. So we need to schedule when each work activity is going to be done. That does need to take account of the planned start and end dates, and can be a test of whether or not the planned length of time allotted to the project is realistic. So write out the schedule for each work task.
Identify which member of the team will be responsible for each work activity. (This form and the Team Roster are created at the same time so you know who your team members are going to be).
20 Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay


Gantt Chart


Team Roster
Who will you add to the team? (Think about what kinds of skills do you need to perform the work activities? And then identify the people who will do each work activity).
Who is the team member’s supervisor?
What is the contact information for the team member? Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay


Risk Analysis
What are the potential risks to your project?
What will you do to prevent or reduce the effect of each risk to the success of your project?


Specific Outcomes of the projectP roject Work Activities and Schedule Essay
Is your outcome a structure, process, or outcome for patient care?
Exactly what will you be able to give your manager as your product (will that be a paper, an item (product), a new process? Something else?


Communication Plan
Who should receive communication about the project’s progress?
What modalities will be used to communicate (Written flyers/updates), oral reports, posters (where), etc.
How often will formal communication activities be conducted?


Project Evaluation Plan
Project level of success (Did we achieve outcomes? Did we stay on time? On Budget? Are beneficiaries of the project satisfied? Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay
Project plan effectiveness: Was the plan effective in guiding our work? (How could we have improved the plan?) Did we perform according to the plan? (Did the plan provide structure and order to our work so the work went smoothly) How successful were we in keeping to scope, satisfying administration, stakeholders, and project team members? (How well did we plan, how well did we stick to our plan? What factors complicated or interfered with our work and were they predicted in the risk management plan? How could we have improved the plan?)


Quality of writing in this paper


Use of APA format in this paper
10 Project Work Activities and Schedule Essay