Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

This Assignment puts you in the position of a practicing policy analyst again. Your task for this policy case is to apply assessment techniques to a case study. Your objective is to explore how forms of analysis inform and affect solutions to an environmental problem.

This Assignment asks you to write a memo that does the following: Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

Explains principles of risk, life-cycle, and cost-benefit assessments, with a focus on how they help determine the amount of environmental protection that should be permitted or required; and
Explores how alternatives assessment’s politically engaged and inclusive approach to solutions development can change the range of solutions considered.
You will achieve this objective by working on a case of your choice that you find complex and politically interesting.


Directions for Your Policy Memo Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

Write a 6-8 page memo offering assessment guidance for your selected policy. The goal of this memo is to explain the assessment techniques and then discuss how they can inform good policy.

In your memo, provide a solid description of these techniques and the kinds of insights that they provide. Your memo should culminate in a recommendation based on this question:

Should the selected policy place more emphasis on technical assessment or on alternatives assessment?
The memo should be divided into three sections (see below) and answer the questions as follows. Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay
Section 1: Unit 6 Impact Assessment (a.k.a. Technical Assessment)

In Section 1 of your memo:

Explain how a probabilistic assessment, a life-cycle assessment, and a cost-benefit assessment would assess the effectiveness of your selected policy. As part of your description and discussion, offer an example solution for each type of assessment. Your discussion should focus on the logic and process of carrying out the assessment, but you are free to provide computational examples.
Conclude this section by explaining the limitations of this approach. (Note: as part of your discussion, you may summarize criticisms of technical assessment methods from your readings or from class lecture notes.)
Section 2: Unit 7 Impact Assessment (a.k.a. Alternatives Assessment) Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

Technical analysis often attenuates the range of apparent solutions. They are based on a particular perspective on a problem, however if stakeholders do not agree with a characterization of a problem they may never agree with the proposed solutions (). Review this reading for an example of an alternative assessment. Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

In Section 2 of your memo:

Explain what an alternatives assessment is and why it might lead to radically different solutions to a technical assessment. In your answer offer an example that would be relevant to you selected policy.
Section 3: Recommendation and Implications for Assessment

Examining differences in assessment helps reveal two challenges in policy formulation. The first is developing appropriate comprehensive yet coherent solutions to environmental problems. The second is creating a democratic process that facilitates multi-stakeholder input. Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay

In Section 3 of your memo:

Make a recommendation consistent with your discussion in that recommendation, discuss whether you recommend a technical assessment or alternate assessment and why.
Reflect on your recommendation in light of the stakeholder assessment you completed for your Unit 4 assignment. How does the assessment technique you recommend relate back to, or even upend, stakeholder assessment? Recommendation and Implications for Assessment Essay