Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

Listening is identified, “the take action of reading attentively (Princeton, 2010). ” Restated, it takes more than merely hearing communication; hearing is an energetic thought process. It is hearing and concentrating on the verbal as well as the non-verbal. I got the being attentive quiz (Burley-Allen, 1982). My report was 75. What does this mean? Matching to Burley-Allen (1982), a credit score of 75 is average. I believe effective being attentive skills are analogous to the Gestalt style of psychoanalysis. According to Corey (2004), Gestalt therapy is dependant on the assumption that we are best realized in the context of our environment. The essential goal of Gestalt therapy is to give a framework that will permit individuals to increase their awareness of what they are experiencing and doing. Moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experiencing, together with the almost immediate awareness of one’s blocks to such experiencing, sometimes appears as the purpose of this remedy. As a physician, Gestalt therapy does not “use the dialect of ‘pathology, ‘ or ‘normal’ and ‘excessive. ‘ Instead, individuals are viewed as getting the capacity to self-regulate and to develop their dealings with the various environments they come across throughout life (Corey, 2004). ” Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

Listening is described, “the work of reading attentively (Princeton, 2010). ” Restated, it takes more than merely hearing communication; listening is an active thought process. It is hearing and concentrating on the verbal as well as the non-verbal. In addition, the majority of our communication is non-verbal, which includes listening.


What performed your report say about your listening skills? Were you amazed by the results?

I needed the listening quiz (Burley-Allen, 1982). My rating was 75. What does indeed this mean? Corresponding to Burley-Allen (1982), a rating of 75 is average. What does this mean? I really do not know because, regrettably, Burley-Allen omitted the reason of his four report categories. He did not describe the advantages and weaknesses of each rating category. Therefore, this newspaper will answer the rest of the questions from my point of view, instead of Burley-Allen’s. In addition, I will concentrate the newspaper as pertaining to my occupation of medicine. I really believe this will help me become a far better listener because I will be able to study from my advantages and weaknesses and apply them accordingly.

I think effective listening skills are analogous to the Gestalt design of psychoanalysis. Relating to Corey (2004), Gestalt remedy is dependant on the assumption that we are best understood in the context of our environment. The essential goal of Gestalt therapy is to provide a context that will enable individuals to increase their awareness of what they are experiencing and doing. Moment-to-moment knowing of one’s experiencing, together with the almost immediate knowing of one’s blocks to such experiencing, sometimes appears as the goal of this therapy. As your physician, Gestalt therapy does not “use the terminology of ‘pathology, ‘ or ‘normal’ and ‘excessive. ‘ Instead, individuals are viewed as having the capacity to self-regulate and also to develop their dealings with the various environments they encounter throughout life (Corey, 2004). ” I believe this is an priceless tool as your physician. Listening to patients explain their symptoms, being aware of their moment-to-moment experience, will assist in the therapeutic process and even lead to more accurate diagnosis.  Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

What are your advantages and weaknesses when listening to others? How will you improve your being attentive skills to improve your weaknesses? Furthermore, how do your strengths be used and applied to your profession?

The listening quiz does not qualify in case a listening habit is known as a durability or weakness. A lot of people will explain certain listening talents as weaknesses and vice versa. For example, habit eight says, “Form a rebuttal in your mind while the loudspeaker is conversing? (Burley-Allen, 1982). ” The report for this behavior is one point for “more often than not, ” two items for “frequently, ” three factors for “occasionally, ” and four things for “almost never. ” In order to score the utmost four points then your answer would be “almost never. ” However, I disagree with Burley-Allen’s assumption. I think effective listening is to be engaged in the thought process while the speaker is conversing. This includes building a “rebuttal in your head while the speaker is talking. ” The listener can then adapt the rebuttal consequently to the speaker’s recommendations. Creating a rebuttal includes concentrating on the communication (habit 5), learning from the presenter (behavior 6), realizing semantics (habit 7), achieving communication (habit 17), think about reactions (habit 19), and etcetera. According to Burley-Allen, a few of these habits are believed strengths and some are considered weaknesses. Therefore, the being attentive quiz shows low inner validity. Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

The primary action that a doctor does with a patient is listen. During the first come across between a physician and patient, the medical doctor begins the communication process by asking, “What brings you in today?” This question is followed by active listening. In this process, the doctor tries to comprehend the individual and put together a diagnosis. If pieces of an analysis are missing, then your doctor will paraphrase the info and have additional questions to be able to narrow the choices. I think that active being attentive is the most important act that a doctor can do.

In relation to the topics protected so far, identify at least three techniques that could help you make your skills.

The three techniques that will help improve my skills are: (1) resist interruptions, (2) summarize in my words, and (3) keep an open brain. The first technique is resisting distractions. The Penguin Dictionary of Mindset (2001) identifies stereotype as, “A set of relatively set, simplistic overgeneralizations in regards to a group or course of people. Here, negative, unfavorable characteristics are emphasized, even though some authorities regard positive but biased and inaccurate beliefs as the different parts of a stereotype. ” It is easy for my brain to become distracted while hearing a speaker. I have a tendency to do that frequently. For instance, if an individual will come in who looks underprivileged, i quickly have a tendency to stereotype the patient’s backdrop and battles. This triggers me to ignore important communication from the individual. (Take note: It really is difficult to withstand distractions whenever a patient has a foul scent and the medical doctor is trying never to vomit. )

The second technique I have determined is summarizing. That is a good tool when applied correctly. However, I have a tendency to assume to know very well what the individual means rather than summarize in my words. If I can figure out how to summarize a patient’s account in my own words, then there will be fewer miscommunications. This can lead to a far more productive doctor-patient marriage. Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

The third approach is to keep an open mind. The Penguin Dictionary of Mindset (2001) defines ethnocentrism as, “The propensity to view one’s own ethnic group and its social standards the basis for evaluative common sense concerning the methods of others, with the implication the particular one views one’s own specifications as superior. Hence, ethnocentrism connotes a habitual disposition to look with disfavor on the tactics of alien groups. ” I am very judgmental. I consider this habit a power; Burley-Allen scores it reverse as I do (behavior 28). Being judgmental allows the listener to create personal thoughts from the speaker’s communication – a gestalt of the communication. Habit 28 didn’t specify if judging was considered positive or negative, therefore i give it an optimistic connotation. Our textbook states, “Try to understand the thoughts or interests which could lurk concealed beneath confirmed complaint or affirmation. Often the person you’re talking with won’t be fully aware of them themselves (Hattersley & McJannet, 2008). ” Within the framework of ethnocentrism and judging adversely, this can be detrimental to effective tuning in. For me personally, this is comparable to technique one: avoid distractions. I can be a far better listener easily keep an open mind rather than judge negatively about a patient. (Take note of: It is difficult to keep an open up mind if a patient doesn’t have insurance, which is unethical by the physician. ) Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

Why is it important to have strong listening skills running a business and management?

The Website for the California Modern culture for Oriental Remedies reviews, “The February 19 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association released a written report by the Firm for HEALTHCARE Policy that studied the communication level between primary providers and patients. They discovered that physicians who listen to their patients and use a friendlier manner during sessions might decrease the risk that they can be sued for malpractice. Inside the randomized controlled research they discovered that physicians that advised their patients what treatment or technique these were doing, or heading to do, who elicited viewpoints and questions from the patient, and were more likely to utilize humor and giggle, were more often in the group without the malpractice claims. Health professionals who spent additional time using their patients were also much more likely to maintain the no promises group (CSOM, 2003). ” That is priceless – including non-monetarily – as a physician. The individual will feel convenient and allow the physician to perform examination strategies if the medical doctor first explains the task and actively listens to a patient’s opinion and questions. Furthermore, I think it is essential to permit multicultural or multiethnic patients to create their own understandings of the therapeutic process and also to engage in interpretation and other types of higher-level functioning. This will further facilitate a dynamic process of being attentive by the patients. Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills

I consider sacred and confidential communication between medical professional and patient contain specific phases that can increase listening efficacy. First, through the initial interview, the medical professional can begin to determine a collaborative romantic relationship with the patient. It is vital that the interview focus on the patient’s own wants and goals. Second, the physician should honor the patient’s concerns. It could be easy to respond to the emotional part of patients’ feelings – the pain or need that motivates them to seek help and enter in the hospital. The reactive thoughts and level of resistance of patients’ disclosure may be helped through effective being attentive. Third, medical doctors need to react to patient’s questions and recommendations that can only just be completed through the lively listening process. Giving an answer to the patients’ feelings, in an open-ended way, will usually produce the most information and intensify the doctor-patient communication. Finally, termination can be an important and particular phase of treatments that should be negotiated thoughtfully. Finishing the relationship will almost always be of great value to patients. It is necessary to listen to a patient’s concluding remarks because this usually suggests the overall quality of care and attention. I believe that many of these phases will contribute to a more effective hearing and communicating romance between doctor and patient. Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills


The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology (2001) identifies countertransference as “the analyst’s displacement of affect onto your client [and] the analyst’s psychological engagement in the restorative interaction. ” Which means that all feelings, thoughts, or actions of the doctor that entail or effect the doctor-patient communication process are countertransference. This explanation suggests that countertransference is a dangerous element in treatments; however, not absolutely all countertransference issues are unconstructive. I think that through maturity and development, as a specialist, combined with a thorough understanding of his/her ethnicity, principles, and biases, can permit your physician to effectively identify and take care of countertransference to make it profitable. Countertransference is a regular element in social processes, and I believe it is inevitable in the doctor-patient relationship.

In conclusion, when a physician engages in effective being attentive, the physician, without posting it with the individual, has an opportunity to learn something about him or herself and put it to use with regards to personal maturity and professional progress. The physician must be familiar with his/her own personal assumptions, ideals, and biases, and understand the worldview of culturally diverse patients to develop appropriate interventions, strategies, and techniques. Reflection Paper on Effective Hearing Skills.