Roles within Health Care Essay

Roles within Health Care Essay

In healthcare, there are a number of roles played by different, eligible individuals including nurses, doctors, managers and other qualified personnel. With regard to this, I would wish to examine various roles, their effects on personal privacy and their marked changes over time.

First, there is the task of administration and regulation. This is guided by law and implemented within the management of health care institutions. It controls how people work and to help uphold integrity of those entrusted with dealing with other people’s details.


There is also the role of diagnosis which is especially carried out by specialized doctors or other legible individuals. If the involved party is of low integrity, privacy of patients may be compromised. With advancement in technology, diagnosis is computerized.Roles within Health Care Essay

Another function is record keeping which deals with other people’s details and information relating to patients’ medical issues. This is managed by the information section of the given health care entity. From manual means of information management, there are now more efficient means of record keeping by electronic systems thanks to the growing technology.

Laboratory tests are crucial to identifying medical problems. Technicians and other qualified personnel are used.  They need to treat the information observed with confidentiality to avoid tarnishing the image of the concerned patient. In modern times, sophisticated devices are used to perform accurate tests and efficiently use the extracted data to handle deduced problems.

In addition, health care research is very vital. It is performed by highly trained medical experts who use it to discover and improve already existing medical issues. With the use of high-tech equipment, the exercise is nowadays more efficient than before. Roles within Health Care Essay