Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper
The difference in scope of practice and practice authority in Florida state
Both practice authority and scope of practice determine tasks nurse practitioner has the legal authority to perform. Scope of practice is the tasks that the nurse is regarded as both competent and authorized to carry out. Practice authority is the degree to which a nurse practitioner independently performs those tasks. While the scope of practice outlines what a nurse is trained and legally permitted to practice, practice authority is about how autonomously a nurse practice can perform those tasks. Precisely, practice authority determines if a nurse practitioner works under a medical doctor’s collaboration/ supervision or not (Clarke, 2022). Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper
Determination of practice authority occurs are the state level. APRNs in Florida have full practice authority (FPA). According to Kleinpell et al. (2023), FPA states, that APRNs are allowed by the board of nursing’s licensure authority to perform patient evaluation, diagnose conditions, order and interpret diagnostic tests; commence and manage treatments; and prescribe medications, schedule drugs. Clarke (2022) emphasizes that Nurse practitioners full practice authority allows NPs to carry out any task in their scope of practice independently with a medical doctor’s partnership or supervision. In some states, an NP must practice in collaboration with in in supervision of a physician for some time before being granted legal authority to practice independently. Since this is a temporary condition, these states are still regarded as full practice authority states.
In Florida, APRNs are required to practice within established protocols under a physician’s supervision. APRNs in primary care practice might apply for independent practice after completing three thousand clinical practice hours under physician supervision. Primary care is defined by the Board of Nursing in Florida Administrative Code 64B9-4.00. Scope of practice independent practice by APRNs is described in Title XXXII, Chapter 464, Sections 464.0123, 464.012(3), and 464.012(4)(c) of the statute and includes prescriptive authority, including controlled substances (Phillips, 2022). Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper
APRNs who practice outside primary care are mandated to practice in accordance with protocols developed by the APRN and a doctor of osteopathic medicine, dentist, or doctor of medicine, which include carrying out medical acts of operation, diagnosis, and treatment. The APRN might order physical therapy, occupational therapy, and diagnostic tests within the framework of the protocol. Supervision involves the ability to establish contact or communicate by telephone. There is no requirement for on-site presence of the supervising practitioner (Phillips, 2022).
APRNs with no authority to practice autonomously are permitted by supervisory protocol to prescribe, administer, dispense, or order medications, including Schedule II to Schedule V controlled substances as allowed by the nursing-adopted controlled substance formulary. Also, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners who are certified by the board of nursing might prescribe psychotropic controlled substances. APRNs have leg authority to request or dispense pharmaceutical samples. Restrictions on opioid prescribing limit the prescription of opioids for acute pain to three days, with exceptions allowing opioid prescribing for medication-assisted therapy. An APRN can prescribe a seven-day supply if they deem it medically necessary (Phillips, 2022).
Use 3 examples of patient situations where ethical rules will apply and how you would handle the situation provided you are an advanced nurse in that situation Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper
Example 1
A male patient in his late 60s with a history of atrial fibrillation presents to the hospital’s emergency department with a complaint of numbness in his right leg. The patient was on warfarin for atrial fibrillation. While at the emergency department, I would order a computed tomography so as to rule out a brain bleed because the patient was on warfarin. The NP thinks that the leg was numb due to a stroke, and the CT would rule out a bleed.
Example 2
A 25-year-old male patient with a history of substance use disorder is brought to the hospital by his friend for treatment. The patient reports that he had relapsed five months ago and now uses heroin and crack cocaine daily and occasionally drinks beer. He denies using any other illicit drugs. Is urine toxicology test positive for heroin, alcohol, and cocaine metabolites. The NP prescribes methadone, an FDA-approved Schedule II substance for the treatment of opioid dependence.
Example 3
A patient who has people involved in a car road accident is brought to the emergency department and is bleeding profusely. The patient is unresponsive. As an advanced nurse, I would admit the patient to the hospital’s emergency department for stabilization. After the patient is stabilized, he will transferred from the emergency department to another department for further treatment and observation. Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper
Assignment Overview
**Research and find the Ethical Rules for Advanced Nurses in your State. (FLORIDA IS MY STATE)**
Read the attached article(s): to an external site. to an external site.
Familiarize yourself with the ethical rules understanding that they are different in different states just as practice autonomy varies from state to state.
Note that there is a difference in scope of practice and practice authority.
Write a 2-page paper describing your state’s ethical rules along with practice perimeters.
1.Explain the difference in scope of practice and practice authority in your state.
2.Use 3 examples of patient situations where ethical rules will apply and how you would handle the situation provided you are an advanced nurse in that situation.
3.Remember to use your state’s practice perimeters (practice authority).
4.Be clear as to the rules you are operating under and why, including the scope of practice and practice authority.
5.Include the policies you are considering either before drafting the narrative. Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper
Your assignment submission should be a 2-page paper. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. Submit your assignment utilizing the APA 7th Edition format. Ensure all references are properly cited. Remember if it is not your original thought process, you need to provide a reference. Scope of Practice And Practice Authority in Florida Discussion Paper