Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.


This assignment is a windshield survey of Sentinel City virtual program.   APA 7 required, Cover page and reference page do not count in word count or pages.  This will get submitted into TURNITIN and must have less than 10% similarity report. Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.


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Windshield Survey Analysis of Sentinel Virtual City

This is the windshield survey analysis of the virtual city of Sentinel in the United States, with an estimated population of 600,000 people whose majority are Caucasians at 80%. The four sections of the city classified based on the socioeconomic status of residents in ascending order are Industrial Heights, Casper Park District, Acer Tech Center, and Nightingale Square.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Demographics of the Population in Sentinel City

The race/ ethnicity distribution in the city shows that the whites who are the majority in the city live in the better and more affluent suburbs of Acer Tech Center (70%) and Nightingale Square (which is majority white). They are also the majority in the affordable housing suburb of Casper Park District at 63%. The disadvantaged and lowest socioeconomic status suburb of Industrial Heights is majority populated by Hispanics/ Latinos at 46%. It can be surmised that the rest of the population is mainly African American, since they do not feature in the other better-off suburbs despite being the largest minority group in Sentinel City at 10%. Both genders are virtually equally distributed in the city, with females being 49.9% of the population. The city has a majority young population with 89.5% being under the age of 65 years and 21% being under the age of 18 years. Lastly but not least, there are glaring income disparities in Sentinel City, with Nightingale Square being the most affluent (median household income of $269,550), followed by Acer Tech Center (median household income of $166,300), then Casper Park District (median household income of $80,134). Industrial Heights is the most socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhood with a median household income below that of Casper Park District.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

People Seen on the Streets

Five different types of people seen on the streets during the survey include (i) dishevelled homeless persons who are overwhelmingly African American and Hispanic with just basic clothing; (ii) young teenage mothers with children who are well dressed but who look stressed; (iii) obese teenagers who are overwhelmingly Hispanic and African American who are well dressed with a beverage in hand or a packet of snacks (Kornet-van der Aa et al., 2017); (iv) pensive Hispanic and African American parents with their children in basic attire taking the public transport; and (v) happy white parents with their children in sophisticated attires in personal cars. Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Some Aspects of the Physical Environment in Sentinel City

The physical environment in the city is diverse and reflects the socioeconomic status of the population living in each suburb. Green spaces are found in the most affluent suburb of Nightingale Square. Here, there are trees and beautifully manicured lawns that are well maintained. The roads that feed Nightingale Square have mostly private cars and are clean with sidewalks that have no trash. They are also well marked. Public transport is mostly found in the roads that feed Acer Tech Center, Casper Park District, and Industrial Heights. The roads in the suburb of Industrial Heights are particularly filthy, poorly lit at night, with sidewalks turned into garbage dumpsites. There are no stray dogs or any other animals roaming freely in the more affluent suburbs of Nightingale Square and Acer Tech Center.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay. The dogs and other pets in these locations are on leash and can always be seen with their owners. However, in the less affluent suburbs of Casper Park District and Industrial Heights there are many stray dogs roaming freely and creating a public health hazard. The pace of worship available in Sentinel City is an Evangelical interfaith church in the poor suburb of Industrial Heights. There are no other churches in the more well-to-do suburbs. Lastly, housing in each of the four suburbs also reflects the socioeconomic status of the population living there. In the affluent neighborhood of Nightingale Square, there are luxury apartments that are well constructed and maintained with all amenities present. In the suburb of Acer Tech Center, there are also decent houses but that are beyond the reach of the common Sentinel City resident. Casper Park District on its part has affordable housing that many employed residents can afford. Lastly, in the suburb of Industrial Heights the houses in most part are not fit for human habitation. Public amenities such as clean drinking water and toilets are scarce with rampant drug abuse, alcoholism, and prostitution.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Demographic Data and Health Status Indicators of Adolescents (Teenagers) in Sentinel City

About 21% of the population of Sentinel City is below the age of 18 years. That is about 126,000 persons in the city. Of that population segment, a significant number are adolescents. In this adolescent population, three main health problems seem to affect them most. These are obesity, teenage pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections or STIs. However, a clear disparity is present between adolescents from the affluent suburbs and those from the less privileged parts of the city. Those most disproportionately affected by these three health problems are adolescents from industrial Heights and Casper Park District suburbs. STIs are rampant in Industrial Heights as are teenage pregnancies (Shannon & Klausner, 2018).Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay. Presently there are 475 teenage pregnancies in the suburb, up from 199 last year. Adolescent obesity is also disproportionately affecting the teenagers from the most socioeconomically disadvantaged suburb of Industrial Heights (Partridge & Redfern, 2018; Ogden et al., 2018; Kornet-van der Aa et al., 2017; Jelalian & Evans, 2017). The reasons for this include low purchasing power preventing access to fresh groceries. Only cheap sugary beverages and fast foods are affordable to parents in this population, hence the disproportionate levels of adolescent obesity. For instance, a grocery store is only present in the affluent suburb of Nightingale Square where the purchasing power is high. Conversely, prepackaged and canned foods are in highest demand in the poor suburb of Industrial heights. This confirms the relationship between low socioeconomic status and high rates of obesity (Partridge & Redfern, 2018; Ogden et al., 2018; Kornet-van der Aa et al., 2017; Jelalian & Evans, 2017). Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

The two other major health problems affecting this target population of adolescents are major depressive disorder or MDD and drug/ substance abuse. These are mental health problems that are very significant (National Institute of Mental Health, 2019). These two major mental health issues are related to the global health issue of teenage suicidality which is a global public health concern. Because of peer pressure and unmet expectations, many teenagers engage in drug abuse and suffer depression which ultimately leads to many of them committing suicide (Bazrafshan et al., 2016).      Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Please review the rubric. Address the topics below and submit them as a word document with a minimum of 750 words (not counting title or reference page):
1. Describe at least 4 demographics of the people seen in Sentinel City including the race/ethnicity distribution, age ranges, and gender mix (please do not describe individual people in this section).
2. Describe at least 5 different types of people seen on the streets (Ex. Parent with a child, teens, couples, disabled persons, homeless, beggers) AND thoroughly describes personal characteristics, appearance, clothing.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.
3. Describe at least five aspects of the physical environment with examples including:
1) Animals seen in the city and whether on or off-leash if applicable
2) Churches and their denominations
3) Greenspaces
4) Road conditions, and sidewalks
5) Types of housing and condition of houses.
6. Select a target population of interest (children, teenagers, older adults, etc) and discuss relevant demographic data and health status indicators for this population group. You will need to research health status indicators for the population you choose. Not all of the information will be found in Sentinel City.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.
7. Identify at least two major health concerns for this target population. Include a discussion of major health concerns in relation to a global health issue. Like the health status indicators, you will need to research these concerns.
8. You are encouraged to add other relevant characteristics you observe.
Since this is an APA paper, it will require an APA title page, in-text citations, and a APA reference page. Abstract and tables are not required. Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.
• Scholarly Writing:
o Write in third person
o Times New Roman 12 font
o Double-space with 1-inch margins on all sides
o Indent the first line of each paragraph
o Use APA formatting for citations and references (See APA Quick Start Guide)
o Use upper and lower case
o Accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation
o Include page numbers
You should include at least four references: one may be your course textbook, the rest of the references should be from peer-reviewed journals from the last five years (please utilize the Seminole State Library and the embedded librarians in the course–What does scholarly/peer-reviewed mean? Journals should be from the last five years. You may use older resources with instructor permission. You may include additional references such as websites from professional organizations or government agencies but do not include non-scholarly websites (for example: Wikipedia, personal websites, or blogs). Please limit your submission to a Word Doc or PDF only. You will be submitting your paper to Turnitin. If your Turnitin originality score is greater than 20% , you will need to revise your paper and re-submit.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Sentinel City Windshield Survey

Registered nurses must be familiar with the cities they residein to provide patients with optimum care. Nurses should understand geographic landscapes, manufacturing areas, residential hubs, and overall demographics of the population.  All of these elements effect the residents of cities that nurses care for in hospitals, schools, and healthcare clinics.Sentinel City is a virtual city with a population of just over 600,000 residents.Similar tomany other cities in the United States, Sentinel City is comprised of subsidized housing, religious institutions, schools and daycares, and businesses.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Sentinel City’s population demographics are diverse. Approximately 49.9% of the population is female. There is not a large senior population in the City; only 10.5% is older than 65 years of age.  Sentinel City’s population that is under the age of 18 years is about 21%.  Caucasians make up 80% of the population, with African Americans being the next largest minority group comprising about 10% of the population.There are four major sections of the City. These areas are Industrial Heights, Casper Park District, Acer Tech Center, and Nightingale Square.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Industrial Heights houses the Department of Transportation for the City, an interfaith church, a healthcare clinic, bodega, and the city school district.  Industrial Heights is the least populated of all the areas in Sentinel City with 38,855 individuals.It is primarily Hispanic or Latino, 46%. This area houses the highest number of individuals under the age of 65 that do not have health insurance, 37.5%. Despite these statistics, when riding on the bus people see there are children in clean uniforms heading to school.  These children are using a crosswalk with crossing guard, which demonstrates a safety initiative in practice. There is a playground that appears clean with children using the equipment.  There is debris in the street with graffiti on the sides of buildings. The church has a soup kitchen with a line of individuals waiting to be served a meal.  At the healthcare clinic, Better Health Clinic, data shows there were 475 teenagers aged 15 to 17 years old who became pregnant this year. This statistic doubled from the previous year, which only had 199 teenage pregnancies.  This may result from a lack of sex education and pregnancy prevention programs in the City.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Casper Park district houses a daycare and an affordable housing project.  There are more than 352,000 residents in this district. The median household income is $80,134.  Hispanics or Latinos make up 24% of the residential population.  Caucasian individuals are the primary ethnic group and make up 63% of the population. More than 22% of persons under the age of 65 years old have no health insurance.  There is graffiti on buildings in this area, and a police officer is with inmates picking up trash in a greenspace.Residents living in the affordable housing complex complain about the factory smoke the most, along with dogs barking and loud noises.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Acer Tech Center is home to the healthcare system, a restaurant, museum, community center, City Hall, and a radio station.  Acer Tech Center houses about 168,000 individuals.  The population is primarily Caucasian, 70%. Hispanic or Latinos are the largest minority population at 13.7%. The median household income is $166,300. The radio station’s audience is primarily residents aged 65 years and older. There are no stray animals in the area.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

Nightingale Square hosts the Department of Parks and Recreation, grocery store, public health department, and apartments.  Nightingale Square is home to about 103,000 residents.  These residents are primarily white, with a median household income of $269,550. The apartments appear to be luxury apartments and are clean and bright. There is only one area across from the basketball courts found to have a few piles of trash next to a building. Outside of this instance, the area is well landscaped with groomed green spaces and trees.There are no stray animals.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

The Hispanic and Latino population residing in the Industrial Heights neighborhood needs more educational and primary preventionprograms to overcome major health issues such as obesity and poor cardiovascular health.  Major cardiovascular health concerns for this population includes stroke and heart disease (Rector, 2018).  Cardiovascular diseases can be directly correlated to obesity.  Worldwide, nations are experiencing an obesity epidemic. In more than 70 countries, obesity has doubled in their respective populations (Friedrich, 2017).Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

According to the Healthy People 2020 website, one of the program’s goals is to improve cardiovascular health.  This initiative can be done by teaching the general population heart healthy lifestyle changes such as decreasing blood pressure, not smoking, and losing weight (“Heart Disease and Stroke”).  Hypertension and hypercholesterolemia are considered modifiable risk factors (Kershaw et al., 2016).Many individuals who are at risk of experiencing stroke and heart disease are also obese.  Healthcare providers need to screen residents for modifiable risk factors and provide residents with interventions they can do at home. Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.

A Bodega is located in Industrial Heights, and the nutrition data provided shows 45% of the residents of this neighborhood rely on supplemental nutrition assistance. This is higher than any neighborhood in Sentinel City. The data provided by the Bodega states residents of Industrial Heights buy more canned and prepackaged food than any other area in the City.  Prepackaged and canned food are known to contain high amounts of sodium, which is not conducive to a person’s cardiovascular health. These foods also contribute to the obesity epidemic.  Nutrition intake can greatly affect cardiovascular health.Sentinel City Windshield Survey Essay.