Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay

Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay

NUR703 Assignment: Policy Analysis Worksheet

Part I

Analysis Criteria Response
What is the issue that requires a policy solution?





Context: Add evidence for the following perspectives:








Cultural Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay








Issue Analysis Part II

Who are the stakeholders in this policy issue?

What is their ‘stake”? Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay





What are the health risks addressed by the policy issue?



How would the policy impact these risks? Use evidence.




Specify the policy consequences, both intended and unintended, to the best of your ability.






Issue Analysis Part III

Specify 3 policy options (you may include a ‘do nothing’ option – what happens if things continue as currently happening). Provide a brief rationale for the policy recommendations and enter the evaluation options using the scorecard below. Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay


Policy Options Scorecard

Identify your policy options which may include a “Do Nothing” option. Use this scorecard to rate your policy options. You can add criteria that you think are appropriate to your particular issue. Code your responses by using pluses and minuses.


Code: ++ strongly positive, + positive, — strongly negative, – negative


Criteria: Evaluate your policy on each of these criteria Policy Option # 1 Policy Option # 2 Policy Option # 3
Protection of rights      
Administrative feasibility Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay      
Evidence-based practice      
Environmental effects      
Cultural considerations      


Final Policy Problem Statement:


Recommended Policy Solution–Identify which of the policy alternatives is the best solution–give rationale. Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay

Select a health or nursing policy issue that supports population or global health. Using the Policy Issue Analysis Worksheet, you will prepare an analysis of the policy issue and approach the topic as an unbiased analyst reflecting upon the policy from a regional, national, or global focus. Based upon your analysis of the issue, you will make 2-3 action recommendations to enhance current healthcare delivery.


Using the Policy Issue Analysis Worksheet, you will prepare an analysis of the policy issue and approach the topic as an unbiased analyst reflecting upon the policy from a regional, national and global focus. Based upon your analysis of the issue, you will make 2–3 action recommendations to enhance current healthcare delivery from a global focus. A minimum of six scholarly sources must be included. Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay

Part I

  1. Issue: Introduce an issue that relates to population or global health.
  2. What makes this issue require a legislative solution (as opposed to an individual or private sector-solution)?
  3. Context: Address various perspectives of the issue – social, economic, ethical, political, legal, environmental, and cultural.
  4. Costs: Discuss economic and non-economic costs of the present situation. Discuss access and quality here if applicable.

Part II

  1. Stakeholder Analysis: Identify all stakeholders, what are their positions on the issue? Are there any champions on either side of the dispute? You must identify both supporters and opponents even if you are able to say that no one opposes it. If there are numerous stakeholders, creating a table is wise.
  2. Identify any health risks addressed by the policy issue. How will the policy impact these risks?
  3. Specify any policy consequences, both intended and unintended. Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay

Part III

  1. State 2–3 policy options. These should be realistic, highly specific policy recommendations for action regarding the issue. These recommendations must be feasible (e.g., not we must adopt a single payer health care system). Also compete the checklist for the three recommendations and complete the two questions in Part IV.
  2. Rationale for Policy Recommendations
    1. What are the economic and non-economic savings/losses of your recommendations.
    2. Evidence that proposed solution will make a difference.
    3. What will happen if the government does not intervene and the problem goes unaddressed?
    4. What is anticipated from the opposing stakeholder groups?
    5. Ease of implementation and a timeline for implementation.
    6. Enforceability of the recommendations. Consider who would monitor for compliance and the costs of monitoring.

Part IV: Conclusion

  1. References are required so step outside your comfort zone and use references that politicians use. You may want to contact stakeholders, call government offices to get unpublished information that will make your analysis shine.
  2. Cite a minimum of three peer reviewed journal published within the past 5 years. Write in APA 7th edition format with correct spelling and grammar. 
  3. Use the work sheet provided.

Please maintain the questions in the worksheet as a heading in order to cover all assignment contents Social Economic Ethical Political Legal Environmental Cultural Essay