Sociological Perspective on Health And Illness Essay

Sociological Perspective on Health And Illness Essay

This week involves 2 parts:

  1. After interviewing a healthcare professional (preferably from a different discipline or position than yours), share their role, perspectives about healthcare and how they impact patient outcomes.
  2. Explore professional healthcare journals (nursing, medicine, physical therapy, etc) within the past 5 years for a scholarly article or study that demonstrated team collaboration to benefit patients.  Briefly summarize type of healthcare professionals were involved and the outcome. Cite the reference using APA format and attach a copy of the article. Sociological Perspective on Health And Illness Essay

Please note that a different position or discipline than mine can be a dietician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, certified nurse assistant


Share their role, perspectives about healthcare and how they impact patient outcomes.

Explore professional healthcare journals (nursing, medicine, physical therapy, etc) within the past 5 years for a scholarly article or study that demonstrated team collaboration to benefit patients.  Briefly summarize type of healthcare professionals were involved and the outcome.

Please don’t forget to Cite the reference using APA format and attach a copy of the article.

Discussion Parts 1 and 2

Serena, a 28-year-old Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), is critical in providing essential hands-on care and patient support (Abrahamson et al., 2020). Her perspective on healthcare, deeply rooted in daily interactions, prioritizes meeting patients’ basic needs, such as bathing, dressing, feeding, and assisting with mobility. In addition to these responsibilities, Serena serves as a vital link between patients and the broader healthcare team, regularly communicating changes in patient conditions to facilitate seamless information flow (Nurhidayah et al., 2022). Serena’s perspective underscores the importance of compassionate and patient-centered care, acknowledging the profound impact of building strong rapport on patients’ overall experience and recovery. Sociological Perspective on Health And Illness Essay

From her vantage point, effective teamwork, involving collaboration with nurses, therapists, and other team members, is integral to providing comprehensive patient support (Bachynsky, 2020). Serena’s role significantly impacts patient outcomes through meticulous attention to their conditions and proactive communication with the healthcare team, leading to early identification of changes in health status and timely interventions (Burgener, 2020). Beyond physical care, Serena’s hands-on and supportive approach extends to providing emotional support and fostering a positive and healing environment that contributes to patients’ overall well-being. Her commitment to a holistic approach aligns with her dedication to positively impacting the lives of those under her care. Sociological Perspective on Health And Illness Essay

In Foraker et al. (2021) research investigated how patient outcomes in a cardiac care unit were influenced by interdisciplinary collaboration. The team comprised registered nurses, certified nurse assistants, physical therapists, and dietitians. The study concentrated on introducing a collaborative care model featuring frequent team meetings, shared decision-making, and coordinated care plans. The results indicated a noteworthy decrease in patient complications, heightened patient satisfaction, and reduced hospital readmission rates. The findings underscored the critical role of team collaboration in elevating the overall quality of care for cardiac patients.


Abrahamson, K., Fox, R., Roundtree, A., & Farris, K. (2020). Nursing assistants’ perceptions of their role in the resident experience. Nursing & health sciences, 22(1), 72-81.

Burgener, A. M. (2020). Enhancing communication to improve patient safety and to increase patient satisfaction. The health care manager, 39(3), 128-132. DOI:10.1097/HCM.0000000000000298

Foraker, R. E., Benziger, C. P., DeBarmore, B. M., Cené, C. W., Loustalot, F., Khan, Y., … & American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; and Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health. (2021). Achieving optimal population cardiovascular health requires an interdisciplinary team and a learning healthcare system: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation143(2), e9-e18.

Bachynsky, N. (2020, January). Implications for policy: The triple aim, quadruple aim, and interprofessional collaboration. In Nursing forum (Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 54-64).

Nurhidayah, R. E., Amin, M. M., & Tanjung, H. R. (2022, March). Virtual Patient to Support Inter Professional Education and Inter Professional Collaboration. In 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM 2021) (pp. 315-318). Atlantis Press.                                       Sociological Perspective on Health And Illness Essay