Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay

Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay

We live in an ever-changing world, changing for the better. The nursing field is subject to the influence of emergent issues. These issues include reforms on current health care, the inclusion of emerging technology, patient-centered care, appreciation for skill-set in professional nursing, and setting priorities with the national effect, which were graded and considered for a ten-year plan. Speculations on future changes fit the nursing profession due to their service in the community setting.


There has been minimal improvement from week two to eight in terms of quality of work and in general, my nursing competencies and skills. I will, therefore, keep aiming higher and improving on the same. There are competencies needed for subsequent improvement of systems of health care by ensuring the provision of safety and quality services.Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay.  These include care for patients, teamwork and collective partnership, guaranteed security, enhancement in quality as well as practice based on evidence. Of importance again is the all-around knowledge in complexities in human psychology and systems as well as methods of acquiring other skills in the actual world. As a future nurse-teacher, I need the skill-set as well as techniques appropriate in managing and leading for a chance in improving on a progressive scale.

Success in the aptitude of the models involved in the delivery of new care is based on the health of the population and management of the care as well as coordinative care. As a plan, I will have gathered knowledge on health policy, skills, and attitude. Safety skills meaning reducing harm from care is key to the careful handling of equipment, used and un-used materials, and other wastes to control both equipment safety and overall health safety.

Effectiveness in practice is a crucial concern to any serious practitioner. I need to increase my reliability of alignment between scientific evidence and practice to reduce the underuse of effective practices and the overuse of ineffective ones. Effective time management in my practice will be essential since I will be working on reducing the delays that are not instrumental, and that would have been avoided. In my future nursing care, I would dwell more on patient-centeredness by offering more control and self-efficacy to the patients and their loved ones.

Quality Initiatives and Patient Outcomes

Research has shown that nurses, as the most direct caregivers for many patients, play a critical role in improving patient outcomes and delivering quality care. “With new pay-for-performance initiatives, they are also being recognized as key contributors to a health care organization’s bottom line,” NurseZone reports. Now that safety records and satisfaction rates are readily available through the Internet, consumers have the ability to find detailed information on hospitals from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay.  This access to information is changing the role of nurses in our healthcare delivery system. Other healthcare professionals are increasingly relying on nurses to “screen for potential risks and make sure that health care facilities avoid mistakes,” NurseZone explains. This is particularly important now that Medicare no longer pays for preventable errors.

Hospitals and health systems across the country are implementing a “triple aim” of improved quality, at lower costs, with better patient experiences. Nurses are required to apply complex knowledge to their care of patients and be prepared with new competencies in areas like leadership, evidence-based practice and collaboration.

As the U.S. healthcare system undergoes massive changes, nurses are a source of partnership and expertise. Elements like value-based purchasing, meaningful use and the Affordable Care Act are causing hospitals to focus heavily on improving and sustaining patient outcomes to stay afloat. There is a real push for quality, and hospitals are reporting improved patient outcomes when “change is led by nurses on the frontline vs. a top-down approach,” one expert told NurseZone.


Advancements in healthcare technology move at a rapid pace, so nurses have to stay sharp to keep up. Innovations like remote monitoring devices and high-tech patient simulators are becoming common in hospitals, as are electronic health record systems. Since each facility has different types and levels of technology, it’s important for nurses to be adaptable when it comes to learning new systems and equipment. In addition, electronic communication through text apps and hospital-wide paging communication tools enable nurses to respond more efficiently to patient needs. Apps that alert nurses when they are running late to provide treatment allow for concurrent quality management as well. Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay.

These innovative methods can improve life for nurses, enabling team collaboration and providing immediate access to critical patient information. Nurses are able to provide a rapid response to changing physiological parameters using evidence-based protocols to improve patient outcomes. More nurses than ever are participating in decisions about facility technology purchases, due to an increased recognition of the vital role direct access plays in improved care quality.

An overall increase in access to technology is one of the most important trends nurses can already see in their practice. There is increased use of portable and mobile technology, as well as an emphasis on telemedicine in rural or underserved areas. With the rise of electronic health records, hospitals and physicians’ offices are keeping track of patient information digitally. While this can make patient data easier to share and improve outcomes, it can also put private information at risk. Nurses have a responsibility to stay vigilant, in order to ensure the safety and security of patient data.

Care Delivery

Where nurses practice is changing as well. Facilities like ambulatory surgery centers and retail clinics are serving patients outside of the hospital setting, so nurses have job opportunities in more places than in the past. With healthcare moving out into the community, nurses have the opportunity to use their skills in new ways. Data from the RN Work Project indicates that more newly licensed nurses are accepting first jobs in ambulatory care, home health and nursing homes. In 2010-2011, just over 77 percent of new nurses got their first jobs in hospitals, down from almost 89 percent in 2004-2005.Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay. This trend may be due in part to economic changes or movement toward a more holistic care approach. Many believe that the future of nursing is heading back to where it started, with nurses frequently visiting patients in their homes and interacting with the community as a whole. We are already seeing a shift toward community clinics and home-based services.

Preventive care is another trend. Both the medical community and insurance providers are interested in encouraging patients to live healthier lifestyles that prevent health issues from arising. This means that nurses will see an increase in demand for “well care” and coordination with other healthcare professionals like nutritionists, physical therapists and psychologists. Collaboration has become the preferred style of care delivery, with a strong focus on interdisciplinary care. This is a good change for nurses. It allows them to own the decision-making process.

Along with the adoption of new technologies, nurses will increasingly collaborate with colleagues and non-nursing professionals on a regular basis. This can mean a large care delivery team that includes caseworkers, social workers, pharmacists and more.Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay.

Patient Changes

Patient interactions are evolving as well, and much of this is due to demographic shifts, increased access to healthcare services and better consumer education. For example, 2 to 3 million baby boomers are expected to age into Medicare every year over the next three decades. By 2020, more than 20 percent of the American population will be over the age of 65. In fact, adults over the age of 85 are the fastest growing age group overall. As people age, they have a greater need for healthcare services. This, in turn, increases the demand for nurses who are trained in gerontology and aging patient care.

Access to healthcare has also increased. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, millions of previously uninsured Americans now have health insurance or qualify for Medicaid. As consumers gain more access to healthcare, they will look for nurses to guide them in navigating the healthcare system.


The Push for Continued Education

With all of these new trends, it’s no surprise that many nurses are choosing to continue their education by earning an RN-to-BSN. As the American Association of Colleges of Nursing puts it, “Quality patient care hinges on having a well-educated nursing workforce. Research has shown that lower mortality rates, fewer medication errors, and positive outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate level.” In fact, the Health Resources and Services Administration reported in 2013 that 55 percent of the RN workforce held a bachelor’s degree, and that number is climbing. Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay.This is in part due to the famous Future of Nursing report released by the Institute of Medicine in 2010, which called for increasing the number of baccalaureate-educated nurses to 80 percent. “To respond to the demands of an evolving health care system and meet the changing needs of patients, nurses must achieve higher levels of education,” the report said.

As the healthcare system continues to change, nurses may find they need more knowledge to lead effectively. The advent of online nursing degree programs is providing nurses with more access to education than ever before. Online programs like the RN-to-BSN degree available at Husson University enable nurses to continue to practice while earning higher levels of education. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the ongoing nursing shortage will require 525,000 replacement nurses in the workforce. This brings the total number of job openings for nurses due to growth and replacements to 1.05 million by 2022 and is causing high-quality institutions with a long history of nursing education to add online offerings. Speculations on Future Changes in The Nursing Profession Essay.