Stepping Stones to The Civil War Essay

Stepping Stones to The Civil War Essay

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 12, 14
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, pick three (3) of the leading causes of the American Civil War: Stepping Stones to The Civil War Essay


The Compromise of 1850
The Fugitive Slave Law 1850
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852
The Kansas Nebraska Act 1854
The Dred Scott Case of 1857
The Lincoln Douglas Debates 1858
Then, address one (1) of the following for your selections: Stepping Stones to The Civil War Essay

Based on the historical facts given in this module, assess if the American Civil War was inevitable.
Analyze if the United States Supreme Court can settle legal and moral issues through judiciary review. In your response, provide a documented example of a modern parallel of a legal or moral issue settled by the United States Supreme Court. Stepping Stones to The Civil War Essay