The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout Essay
Week4 NURS6003
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources.
Burnout in nursing is common, especially when nurses are exposed to severe conditions. It is an area of interest, given my career. Nurses may offer substandard services when experiencing burnout (Jun et al., 2021). (Dall’Ora et al. 2020) When nurses get burned, they might not execute their duties as effectively as they ought to, which is very dangerous, hence the reason for researching this subject. (Wei et al., 2020) Lastly, on the subject, nurse leaders play a crucial role in nurse burnout as they can contribute to or control the conditions. The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout Essay
The articles by Jun et al., Dall’Ora et al., and Wei et al. were obtained by searching Google Scholar with the keyword “Nurse Burnout”. The search was then proceeded by keying in the specific timeline I needed the articles to cover, which is any time since 2019. I further keyed in peer-reviewed papers on the database to obtain only scholarly information.
The challenges experienced in searching for the articles are not quite a few. One was deciding on the appropriate keywords to settle on an article that was not just general. I also had to check the ones that addressed the subject from all dimensions and provided solutions to the problem. I settled on the final articles because I saw them as educational and relatable.
The database was helpful for me and would also apply to my colleagues. This is because it is easy to search through it. It gives you a suggestion of topics as you continue to key in your keywords. It also has a place where one can select the year(s) they want to look up for. There is also an option to download the article if someone wants to have it and refer to it later. Besides, Google Scholar has purely scholarly articles that have been well scrutinized and qualified as academic. Finally, the database is commendable as it allows one to select whether or not they want peer-reviewed articles, making one’s choice easy and fast.
Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human resources for health, 18, 1-17.
Jun, J., Ojemeni, M. M., Kalamani, R., Tong, J., & Crecelius, M. L. (2021). Relationship between nurse burnout, patient and organizational outcomes: Systematic review. International journal of nursing studies, 119, 103933.
Wei, H., King, A., Jiang, Y., Sewell, K. A., & Lake, D. M. (2020). The impact of nurse leadership styles on nurse burnout: A systematic literature review. Nurse Leader, 18(5), 439-450. The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout Essay
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Burnout in nursing is a critical issue for nurses, and other healthcare professionals must commit their time and resources to achieve the best healthcare goals. Researchers have researched nursing and quality improvement strategies to achieve the best healthcare goals. Therefore, the purpose of nursing research is to conduct research through evidence-based projects that have been conducted previously. I like the brief keywords you selected as search terms, which were critical to establishing reliable research that could affect the development of evidence-based strategies. The keywords ensure that the researcher has adequate strategies and mechanisms for addressing the underlying needs and that healthcare professionals initiate strategies and mechanisms for attaining the best quality of care (Oermann et al., 2020). The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout Essay
I love using databases affiliated with nursing and healthcare because they assist in identifying and selecting high-quality evidence that ensures the development of adequate and effective healthcare service delivery. These databases provide access to peer-reviewed resources and allow healthcare professionals to rely on this evidence to ensure the issue is addressed using the best quality evidence. Although Google Scholar is a critical resource that helps develop evidence-based practice, other search engines and databases such as MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ProQuest will provide substantial resources and opportunities for enhancing healthcare service delivery approaches and managing nursing burnout as a practice issue (Fossum et al., 2022). You can access high-quality research with high-level evidence using these databases, which healthcare professionals can rely on when developing evidence-based practice and ensuring high-quality healthcare services. Moreover, professional resources provide reliable and valid evidence that can be generalized to the entire study population based on the findings that other researchers have used to address the problem. However, as we continue using these strategies, we advance our abilities to research and address the underlying issues by incorporating research into our routine activities. The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout Essay