The Relationship between Health Policy and Healthcare Delivery Essay
In the YouTube video The Urgent Fight for Health Equity (2021), several issues in healthcare delivery have been outlined. Modern-day racism is still being practiced in the healthcare sector. Besides, equity is not facilitated especially to people of color. As a result, health is negatively affected by racism (Coriel Life Experiences,2020) The social determinants of health are not provided equally. For example, people of color are faced with discrimination, health inequalities, poor health policies, inaccessibility to healthy food, poor housing, and poor healthcare systems. Therefore, healthcare professionals should advocate for the right medication, embrace global health policies, and ultimately call out and dismantle institutions that dismantle equitable health. The Relationship between Health Policy and Healthcare Delivery Essay
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has significantly improved processes and systems in healthcare delivery in America. Ostensibly, through ACA the quality and efficiency of healthcare have improved, the cost of health is reduced, consumers of healthcare are protected, and healthcare coverage is expanded (Peikes et al., 2020). The expansion of Medicaid through ACA improved the affordability of healthcare costs leading to better access to health to low and middle-income earners across America. Besides, access to prescription drugs has significantly improved hence reducing the high cost of health.
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the need to have additional changes in the American health system for more affordable and accessible healthcare (Serchen et al., 2021). As such, the profound racial disparities require a more focused approach to achieve equity. Ostensibly, the social determinants of health should be reviewed since the healthcare system is judged on how it serves the less privileged (Coriel Life Experiences, 2020). Besides, the American healthcare system needs to improve in-home hospital and telehealth services to improve accessibility of specialists and timely intervention.
Additionally, to achieve equity in healthcare professionals need to embrace inclusivity by including cultural competency and humility in their practice (Serchen et al., 2021). Healthcare professionals need to have a deeper understanding of different cultural values and beliefs to ensure patients are provided with culturally sensitive care. Besides, the American healthcare system should work towards implementing practices and policies that will eliminate discrimination and racism. Embracing transparency in the delivery of healthcare will create a supportive and safe environment for the patients, thus promoting equity.
The implementation of APNs (Advanced Nurse Practitioners) in healthcare delivery will transform the quality of healthcare provided to patients (Peikes et al., 2020). Advanced nurse practitioners provide access to healthcare to the marginalized populations and in the rural areas. Therefore, the advanced nurse practitioners will work closely with the patients hence providing cost-effective treatment, safety, and high-quality care. Also, patients will be equipped with health education by the advanced nurse practitioners hence keeping them healthy. The Relationship between Health Policy and Healthcare Delivery Essay
Coriel Life Experiences (May 6, 2020). New Healthcare Delivery Paradigms During Covid-19 and Beyond.
Peikes, D., Taylor, E. F., O’Malley, A. S., & Rich, E. C. (2020). The changing landscape of primary care: Effects of the ACA and other efforts over the past decade. Health Affairs, 39(3), 421-428.
Serchen, J., Doherty, R., Atiq, O., & Hilden, D. (2021, April). Just A Comprehensive Policy Framework to Understand and Address Disparities and Discrimination in Health and Health Care: A Policy Paper From the American College of Physicians moment... Just a moment…
TEDx Talks (January 19, 2021). The Urgent Fight for Health Equity (2021).
For Americans to enjoy optimal health—as individuals and as a population—they must benefit from high-quality health care services that are effectively coordinated within a robust public health system. In considering the role of the advanced practice nurses in contributing to a healthy nation, read the materials and videos below and discuss the questions. The Relationship between Health Policy and Healthcare Delivery Essay
The Changing Landscape Of Primary care.pdf
A Comprehensive Policy Framework to Understand and Address Disparities and Discrimination in Health and Health Care ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Mandatory Videos to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
After reviewing the materials, respond to the following questions:
What are the significant issues in healthcare delivery as identified by the articles and videos?
Has ACA helped change the systems and processes of healthcare delivery? Explain in your own words how has this specific healthcare policy affected Healthcare delivery. Include evidence in your arguments.
What are additional changes necessary to get closer to best practices in healthcare delivery?
In what ways do improvements in healthcare delivery allow us to achieve health equity?
How can advanced nurse practitioners contribute to improving healthcare delivery and implementing ACA or other national healthcare mandates? The Relationship between Health Policy and Healthcare Delivery Essay
254680__comprehensive-policy-framework-disparities-and-discrimination-2021_650a4272e1ed9.pdf (1)