The Role Of Professional Codes Of Conduct Essay.

The Role Of Professional Codes Of Conduct Essay.


Introduction: The social process that takes place upon entering the legal profession plays an influential role in re-shaping personal values into professional values as a result of the interaction which forms a wider set of learned dispositions. By evaluating personal values in relation to the client-lawyer power relationship; this paper will argue that the role of the professional Codes of Conduct – whose function is to enforce ethical behaviour by acting “as a readily accessible guide to professional behaviour norms” – is then dependent upon these adopted professional values being ethically sound. This paper will conclude that the Codes of Conduct, although improving, are an inadequate vehicle for ensuring that lawyers follow ethical guidelines. Normative ethics, particularly the Standard Conception of legal ethics, thus, play a role in understanding why these failures occur. Personal Values: Individuals enter the legal sector with a set of predetermined values; however, these personal values undergo a significant transformation and adapt to correspond with the firm’s values. As such, it is professional values—not personal values—which play a role in addressing professional legal ethical issues.The Role Of Professional Codes Of Conduct Essay.


Introduction Throughout the world, business organizations and various professions conduct daily activities that require standards of ethical behavior. To convey a company’s ideals, principles, and goals most companies develop a document called a code of ethics that defines the behavior that others can expect from them. A business code of ethics is a valuable tool used within a profession or business to evaluate its performance in the business world. Business Codes of Ethics Each day in the workplace, people encounter ethical situations to which they must react. A code of ethics formed by a profession or a business is very clear and helpful in providing guidance in the ethical decision making process. The purpose behind a code of…show more content…
In another example, Kenneth Lay and Jeffery Skilling, along with several other senior management individuals, regularly lied to Enron stockholders and employees about the company’s financial situation. It was as if a code of ethics did not exist at Enron. While the company was sinking financially, they all raped and pillaged Enron’s coffers while displaying no remorse for their actions. Ultimately, the company crumbled and the perpetrators received punishment. Unfortunately, 20,000 people lost their jobs because of the unethical behavior of the Enron executives. Within my future field of the IT industry, the standard code of ethics revolves around three main areas. These three areas are as follows: “I will strive to know myself and be honest about my capability, I will conduct my business in a manner that assures the IT profession is considered one of integrity and professionalism, I will respect privacy and confidentiality”. (SANS: IT Code of Ethics, 2004, p. 1) Below each of these headings, a plethora of other sub points of ethical expectations reside. The Role Of Professional Codes Of Conduct Essay.
A code of conduct is a set of rules and responsibilities that are written for individuals to follow. The code of conduct is a guide for people to follow in order to sustain a stable atmosphere in the work area and at school. This set of rules helps people stay in control because it provides them with a safer environment around each other and easier for everybody to get along. It also helps keep in control the character of all the people so they can only be permitted to do certain things. Not only that, but it helps the customers and businesses be protected. With the code of conduct implemented the students, can also show different people how an organization can mediate all its employees and students in a safe environment at school. School would benefit from having a code in place, especially when it comes to keeping employees and students safe from behavioral incidents. It also helps the individuals communicate with each other and helps them debate any work ethics.Schools should have a code of conduct implemented in order to not be held liable for any incidents that happen during or after school hours. However, its very difficult to come up with a code of conduct that includes social media because everything in social media can change in seconds and cause various problems, not only that but also if they do not include every single offense of social media then the school can get in trouble or even sued. Therefore, the school has a harsh time with the code of conduct because of all the issues that can happen on social media and also coming up with the consequences for those actions.
The codes of conduct need to be updated frequently to keep adding new rules against any issues that occur that have never been done in the past. The Role Of Professional Codes Of Conduct Essay.
A code of conduct is a set of rules and responsibilities that are written for individuals to follow. The code of conduct is a guide for people to follow in order to sustain a stable atmosphere in the work area and at school. This set of rules helps people stay in control because it provides them with a safer environment around each other and easier for everybody to get along. It also helps keep in control the character of all the people so they can only be permitted to do certain things. Not only that, but it helps the customers and businesses be protected. With the code of conduct implemented the students, can also show different people how an organization can mediate all its employees and students in a safe environment at school. School would benefit from having a code in place, especially when it comes to keeping employees and students safe from behavioral incidents. It also helps the individuals communicate with each other and helps them debate any work ethics.Schools should have a code of conduct implemented in order to not be held liable for any incidents that happen during or after school hours. However, its very difficult to come up with a code of conduct that includes social media because everything in social media can change in seconds and cause various problems, not only that but also if they do not include every single offense of social media then the school can get in trouble or even sued. Therefore, the school has a harsh time with the code of conduct because of all the issues that can happen on social media and also coming up with the consequences for those actions.
The codes of conduct need to be updated frequently to keep adding new rules against any issues that occur that have never been done in the past. The Role Of Professional Codes Of Conduct Essay.