The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the nurse in treatment in the hospital. Implementation of doctor’s appointments, caring for seriously ill patients, holding many sometimes quite complex manipulations – all this is the direct responsibility of the nursing staff. The nurse is also involved in the examination of the patients, their preparation for surgical intervention and intensive care. All this demands much of not only professional but also moral and ethical qualities of a nurse, their ability to find the right contact with the patients and their relatives.The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper



It must be always kept in mind that a person addresses medical professionals for help only when in trouble, which can lead to short-term or long-term loss of health and even threaten the patient’s life. Thus, the real contact between the patient and the medical staff is ultimately necessary and important for successful treatment, which, from the side of medical staff, implies the full sympathy and understanding.

Sensitivity, emotional support, spiritual warmth to the patient are sometimes more necessary than drugs. No wonder that in the past, nurses were called “sisters of mercy”. This name not only refers to their professionalism but also the moral aspect of their work.The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

A nurse should be a good psychologist taking into account individual characteristics of the patient, the nature of their illness, the patient’s state of mind at that moment. On one hand, nurses must inform the patient if they have a critical disease; on the other hand, it is important to help the patient remain optimistic. The patient may be adequately informed of the disease, and, therefore, the information may be biased to cause distrust to medical personnel. In such cases, it is desirable to adjust the patient on a persistent treatment but, at the same time, inspire their confidence in the favorable outcome of the disease. The patient should be fully protected from the psychological trauma that may worsen their condition and make an unfavorable prognosis of the disease outcome.The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

Smooth and affable communication of medical nurse contributes to the creation of a favorable contact with the patient. Excessive dryness and familiarly attitude or is not acceptable. In some cases, it may be a violation of patients’ treatment regime. In this case, the aim of a nurse is to explain the patient the incorrectness of their behavior, and convince that such violations could adversely affect their neighbors in the room. A nurse should report to the doctor all violations of the therapeutic regime. Then, the doctor may make corrections to the treatment process.The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

The appearance of a nurse is equally important. A neat and trim nurse is more credible for the patients than the one who is not wearing fresh clothes, with long nails and messy hair.

One of the main duties of nurses is strict implementation of doctor’s appointments, the exact observance in controlling the drugs, the time of their introduction, the sequence of operations.

Making the appointment, the doctor is guided by the nature and duration of drug action, the terms of its introduction into the body and excretion from the body, as well as combining ability of certain drugs. Negligence in the appointment and the execution can be extremely dangerous for the health of the patient. For the same reasons, a nurse should not cancel their own appointments or make changes on their own.The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

Modern hospitals offer a wide range of diagnostic and treatment equipment. The duty of a nurse is to properly use these devices. More experienced and trained nurses assist and share their experience with younger colleagues who do not feel confident enough to carry out any manipulation.

In the case of an emergency due to a dramatic deterioration of the patient, panic and confusion are not allowed. It is inadmissible to have the sick fear, express uncertainty of the staff and talk in a loud and excited voice. Firstly, it all has a very negative effect on both the condition of the patients and the other medical personnel. Secondly, a nervous situation is not helpful to provide a modern and professional assistance to the patient. In such situations, the head of the department gives clear instructions, and before their arrival, the nurse must work in the room.The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper

In addition to patients, nurses often have to deal with relatives and close friends of the patients. In this case, health workers, adequately inform the relatives about the health condition of the patient. However, even in this case, one must exercise great care and tact.

Particular caution should be observed when giving information on the phone about the health condition of the patient. In this case, it is best to avoid serious conversations and invite the person to the hospital and talk in private. Starting a conversation on the phone, one must clearly introduce oneself: name the office, their position and last name. The Role Of The Nurse In Treatment Assignment Paper