The Scope Of Practice For Nurse Practitioners Discussion Paper

The Scope Of Practice For Nurse Practitioners Discussion Paper

The scope of practice for nurse practitioners including PMHNP varies in different states. The agreement of the scope of practice can be full-practice or reduced practice. In Texas, the scope of practice is restricted and PMHNPs are required to work under a collaborative agreement with physicians. This limits NPs from practicing fully despite being fully trained/educated to practice independently (Texas Nurse Practitioners, 2023)The Scope Of Practice For Nurse Practitioners Discussion Paper. The prescriptive authority agreement for NPs in Texas requires that physicians delegate authority to the nurse to write drug prescriptions.  However, certain issues may arise with the collaboration agreement between physicians and PMHNPs.


The adoption of the restricted scope of practice limits PHMNPs from practicing fully as per their education/training. The authority may create issues for the physicians and the public. Texas City has a physician shortage and thus labor is limited. The issue of labor shortage results in a physician serving a large population which could cause stress and burnout. Fatigue and burnout for physicians ultimately affect the quality and safety of patient care.

While most states are shifting to a full scope of practice, Texas State has been left behind. PMHNPs in Texas must practice under a physician collaboration agreement. According to Peterson (2017) shifting to the full scope of practice in Texas has faced great opposition from physician bodies as they fear losing lucrative contracts. In addition, they claim that allowing full practice authority for PMHNPs may result in poor quality and safety of healthcare services.

I can help address the PMHNP practice issues by advocating for the implementation of policies that promote the full scope of practice. In addition, I can join nursing organizations that provide a platform for nurses to be involved in the policy-making process.


Nurse Practitioner License. (2022, November 30). Limitations of practice as a nurse practitioner in Texas.

Peterson ME. Barriers to Practice and the Impact on Health Care: A Nurse Practitioner Focus. J Adv Pract Oncol. 2017 Jan-Feb;8(1):74-81. Epub 2017 Jan 1. PMID: 29900018; PMCID: PMC5995533

Texas Nurse Practitioners. (2023, October 17). Nurse practitioner prescribing regulations texas: NPS, bon. Nurses Attorney for Texas. Scope Of Practice For Nurse Practitioners Discussion Paper

In some states, PMHNPs practice independently; while in some states, PMHNPs will need a supervising physician or a collaborative agreement with a physician to practice. In this journal, to prepare yourself to practice upon graduation, examine the practice requirements in your state.

Please do the state of TEXAS


One page paper:

Analyze and describe the PMHNP practice agreements in your state(Texas).

Discuss two physician collaboration issues you might encounter as a PMHNP in your state.

What are the barriers to PMHNPs practicing independently in your state?

Discuss your plan for how you might address PMHNP practice issues in your

The Scope Of Practice For Nurse Practitioners Discussion Paper