Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay

Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay

Therapeutic Communication is due no later than 1/25. When completing the assignment, there should be a dialogue between you (the nurse) and the client using the techniques of therapeutic communication. You may include silence, or therapeutic touch as a technique. For example:Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay


Nurse walks into client’s room who is crying after noted hanging up the phone.

Nurse: You seem upset.

Client: My boyfriend/girlfriend just broke up with me.

Nurse: Therapeutic touch on arm.

Client: (Crying). He/she says the long distance is not working out.

Nurse: This must be difficult for you. I am here if you would like to discuss this more.

Client: Thank you. I appreciate that.

(Side Note: Continue with an organic conversation/exchange).

Communication is the process of conveying information to each another using words, actions, or by writing the information down to be read by another person. Communication is something that most people do at some point each day, and is an important part of life especially in a working environment. “The concept of communication is an essential part of every profession, and it is required to foster and maintain healthy relationships”( Jasmine, 2009, para. 1).Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay

Communication in the nursing practice and in healthcare is important because when talking with patients, their families, and staff, the nurse and the nursing student needs to be able to efficiently express the information that they want the other …show more content…
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Nursing students may not have the chance to develop optimal communication skills during their schooling because of time constraints, but having a chance to practice communication and decision making skills will lead to compassionate care giving and optimal patient outcome (Corless, Michel, Nicholas, Jameson, & Purtilo, Dirkes, 2009, para. 2).Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay

Therapeutic Communication is an effective and very important step in the patient’s care and recovery process. The nurse’s use of therapeutic communication during patient care helps the nurse recognize the needs of the patient and view the patient as a whole person in order to promote complete healing. In a fast paced, high task clinical environment a nurse may not feel like time is available to interact with each patient under their care using therapeutic communication, but taking the time listen to the patient and to allowing them to express their feelings or concerns is an important part of establishing a nurse-patient relationship . Lack of using therapeutic communication by a nurse or nursing student while providing patient care may lead the patient to feel unattended to, or that they are not able to trust the nurse to provide them with quality care.Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay

Communication and Therapeutic Relationships in Nursing/Midwifery
A therapeutic relationship can be described as one that offers support and care without being judgemental and can provide trust and a feeling of safety from threatening situations(Mc Klindon et al1999). In contrast to a social relationship it differs greatly in that a therapeutic relationship consists of collaborated goals which are identified when the relationship is initiated and once these goals are fulfilled the relationship is terminated in a therapeutic way(Nurses Association of New Brunswick2000).There are many communication techniques that can prove to be useful in certain situations for example verbal and nonverbal communication as well as being aware of body…show more content…
Language is known to be a major obstacle in communicating with clients which can lead to ineffective nursing care and discrepancies in gaining information from the client. In order to overcome this the nurse must try to find common ground with the client. The use of pictures, symbols and dictionaries prove useful in enhancing communication. Culture also can have an effect on communication for example the use of eye contact, physical proximity and physical contact in some cultures is not accepted(Daniels 2004).Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay To bridge this barrier one needs to educate themselves on cultural diversity and gain an understanding of the norms for relevant communities. Education level can also impede the communication process if the language used can not be understood by the client and the use of medical jargon can also create a distance between the nurse and the client and can be confusing and frightening. Communicating Assertively Self-awareness can be defined as knowing and understanding oneself in order to enhance interpersonal relationships. It can be achieved by recognising and accepting ones own values.  Therapeutic Communication in Nursing Essay