NUR 231 Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing
Evidence-Based Practice Paper Guidelines
EBP requires nurses to continuously cultivate a spirit of inquiry. Nurses must identify and appraise the most relevant and best evidence to integrate the evidence into clinical practice. Students will identify and discuss suggested best practice related to an identified clinical issue/problem.
1. Students may work individually or with a partner on this assignment (limit to one partner). One paper submitted per partnership.
2. Using the PICOT question developed in class, perform a search for research studies from professional, scholarly journals (nursing journals preferred) and/or best-practice guidelines from professional organizations.
3. Select at least four studies or guidelines that discuss evidence-based practice related to the specific PICOT question, published within the past 10 years. Do not use an article that is a literature review, synthesis or meta-analysis (consult with Professor Lynn or the research librarian if you have questions or need assistance).
4. Complete the Literature Review Template for the selected sources. This information will form the basis of the written assignment.
5. Introduce the nursing problem. Provide a clear and concise description of the clinical practice issue/problem. Discuss the reason this topic is important to nursing practice (significance).
6. Translate the clinical nursing practice issue/problem into an investigational question. Identify each component of the PICOT question. The question must include all PICOT components.
7. Provide a discussion of each article, including the clinical problem and relevant background for the focus of the study/guideline.
a. If the source discusses a research study, include the research question (purpose), type of study (quantitative or qualitative) and results/conclusions (suggested strategies).
b. If the source discusses an evidence-based practice guideline, summarize the guideline (suggested strategies).
8. Describe potential barriers to implementing the research/guideline suggestions.
9. Identify potential strategies to address the barriers. Turning and Repositioning To Reduce Pressure Injuries Essay
10. This paper must be written following APA guidelines, Times New Roman 12 double spaced. Include a reference list. Proper grammar, spelling and professional word choice is mandatory.
11. The body of the paper is not to exceed 6 pages.
12. Papers will be submitted through SafeAssign in Blackboard.
13. Refer to the Grading Criteria Rubric posted in Blackboard and the Course Polices in the syllabus.
Evidence-Based Practice Paper Format
· Title Page
· Abstract: Brief summary of the key points of the paper. No need for keywords.
· Introduction: Provide a clear and concise description of the clinical practice issue/problem and background. Discuss the reason this topic is important to nursing practice (significance) and include a minimum of one reference for your reasoning. Identify the PICOT question at the end of the Introduction, , including all PI(C)O(T) components.
· Review of Literature: Address the required content for each study/guideline. Try to make use of transitional sentences between the discussion of each resource.
· Summary of suggested best practices as identified by authors.
· Barriers: Identify potential barriers to implementation of the best-practice recommendations in the articles.
· Strategies: Identify potential strategies to address the barriers.
· Conclusion
· References
APA format: Make use of the library resources! See APA Style Guide and sample paper on the library’s webpage.
Headings are optional, but if you decide to use them, be certain to consult the APA Style Guide.
No first person, no pronouns.
Citations for a direct quote must have page number.
Example: “Donuts make people happy” (Lynn, 2017, p. 3).
Tone of writing: Do not refer to authors by first names, and do not identify the title of the article. That is what the reference page is for.
Example: Lynn (2017) examined the relationship between eating donuts and being happy.