Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.


Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern into an Evidence-based Practice Proposal Using the Research Process


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to continue work on a previously identified area or phenomenon of interest related to their MSN specialty track. Week Two’s assignment builds upon the identified area of interest by developing an overview of the evidence-based practice (EBP) project and the PCIOT/PICo question. This assignment initiates the evidence-based practice proposal that is continued throughout the entire course with each assignment adding components of the research process.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.


Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO#1 Integrate evidence-based practice and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings. PO 1

CO#2 Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve healthcare outcomes.  PO 2, 5

CO#4 Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies. PO 1, 2, 3, 5

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week Two

Total Points Possible: 150 points


Description of the Assignment

This assignment builds on the identification of a nursing concern from NR 500 and the application of a nursing theory to the selected concern from NR 501. For this course, the selected concern and nursing theory then serve as a foundation to the identification of PICOT/PICo. Identification of the literature search strategy is also required.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

Criteria for Content

1. Overview of Selected Evidenced-based Practice Project: This section provides a foundation to the MSN EBP scholarly project. It should contain the following elements:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidenced-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

2. Identification of the Nursing Concern to be Improved: This section provides a comprehensive discussion of the selected nursing concern. It should contain the following elements:Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track setting

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

3. PICOT/PICo question and Literature Search Process: This section identifies the PICOT/PICo question that will used for this EBP proposal. The literature search parameters will also be identified. It should contain the following elements:

· Identify the question in correct format with all required elements

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting a literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

4. Theoretical Framework: This section presents the theoretical framework that will used in this EBP project. It should contain the following section:Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applied to this EBP proposal

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

1. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 5, but no more than 8 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.

2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.

3. A minimum of 6 (six) appropriate research-based scholarly references must be used. Required textbook for this course, dictionary and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see “What is a scholarly source” located in the Course Resources tab. Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

4. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.

5. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

Directions and Assignment Criteria

Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Overview of Selected Evidenced-based Practice Project 25 17 Required content for this section includes:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidenced-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

Identification of the Nursing Concern to be Improved 25 17 Required content for this section includes:

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

PICOT/PICo question and Literature Search Process 20 13 The required content for this section includes:

Identify the question in correct format with all required elements:

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting a literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

Theoretical Framework 20 16 The required content for this section includes:

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applied to this EBP proposal

Paper Specifications 10 8 Paper meets length requirements of 5 to 8 pages.

Minimum of 6 (six) appropriate research scholarly nursing references

A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment.

References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission.

APA Format (6th edition) 25 17 Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.

One deduction for each type of APA style error

Citations in Text 10 7 Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Writing Mechanics 15 10 Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.
Total  150 100 %

C:\Users\D01030541\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\7T7OKQBI\Pre-licensure Header_Seal Only (3).jpgChamberlain College of Nursing NR505 Advanced Research Methods: Evidenced Based Practice

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR505 Advanced Research Methods: Evidenced Based Practice

NR505: W2 Assignment Refinement of Nsg. Concern Rev-7/31/2017 (AR)

NR505: W2 Assignment Refinement of Nsg. Concern Rev-7/31/2017 (AR),

REV 1/10/18 (AR)


Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Exceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = 100 Points

Overview of Selected Evidenced-based Practice Project 25 Points 22 Points 20 Points 10 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidence-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidence-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidence-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidence-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

· Explain the relationship between research and evidence-based practice (EBP)

· Distinguish how EBP is different from research

· Explain the contribution of EBP to professional nursing

· Identify your MSN Program Specialty Track and practice focus

· Explain how EBP promotes change within your future practice setting

Identification of the Nursing Concern to be Improved 25 Points 22 Points 20 Points 10 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track setting

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track setting

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track setting

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

Presentation of information in one, two or three of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track setting

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in four or more of the following elements:

· Explain the selected nursing concern in detail

· Identify how frequently the selected concern occurs within your specialty track setting

· Identify the stakeholders impacted by the concern

· Identify the consequences of the selected concern

· Identify your proposed solution to the selected concern

· Identify a purpose statement for this EBP proposal

PICOT/PICo question and Literature Search Process 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

· Identify the question in correct format with all required elements

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

· Identify the question in correct format with all required elements

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

· Identify the question in correct format with all required elements

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome

will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

· Identify the question in correct format with all required elements

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

· Identify the question in correct format with all required elements

· PICOT for quantitative research approach

· PICo for qualitative research approach

· Identify how the expected outcome will be useful to your future practice setting

· Discuss the purpose of conducting literature review and the contribution it will provide to this EBP proposal

· Identify the steps used to conduct a literature review for this EBP proposal by including:

· The specific library databases used

· The key search terms and phrases used

· The minor (additional) search terms and phrases used

· Identify any specialty organization that is relevant to this EBP proposal

Theoretical Framework 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applies to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applies to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applies to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information in one of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applies to this EBP proposal

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following:

· Explain the theoretical framework to be used in this EBP proposal

· Describe how the identified theoretical framework is applies to this EBP proposal

Paper Specifications 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
This section included all of the following:

· Paper meet length requirements of 5 to 8 page.

· Minimum of 6 (six) scholarly nursing references

· Dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, were NOT used as scholarly references.

· All references are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale was provided and the instructor approved them.

This section included three of the following:

· Paper meet length requirements of 5 to 8 page.

· Minimum of 6 (six) scholarly nursing references

· Dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, were NOT used as scholarly references.

· All references are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale was provided and the instructor approved them.

This section included only two of the following:

· Paper meet length requirements of 5 to 8 page.

· Minimum of 6 (six) scholarly nursing references

· Dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, were NOT used as scholarly references.

· All references are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale was provided and the instructor approved them.

This section included only one of the following:

· Paper meet length requirements of 5 to 8 page.

· Minimum of 6 (six) scholarly nursing references

· Dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, were NOT used as scholarly references.

· All references are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale was provided and the instructor approved them.

This section included none of the following:

· Paper meet length requirements of 5 to 8 page.

· Minimum of 6 (six) scholarly nursing references

· Dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, were NOT used as scholarly references.

· All references are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale was provided and the instructor approved them.

Content Subtotal ________of 100 points

Possible Points = 50 Points

APA Style 25 Points 22 Points 20 Points 10 Points 0 Points
APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page,

· running head,

· body of paper (including margins, headings, font etc), and

reference page

One deduction for each type of APA format error

0 to 1 APA error was present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page,

· running head,

· body of paper (including margins, headings, font etc), and

reference page

One deduction for each type of APA format error

2 – 3 APA errors were present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page,

· running head,

· body of paper (including margins, headings, font etc), and

reference page

One deduction for each type of APA format error

4 – 5 APA errors were are present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page,

· running head,

· body of paper (including margins, headings, font etc), and

reference page

One deduction for each type of APA format error

6 – 7 APA errors were present

APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the

· title page,

· running head,

body of paper (including margins, headings, font etc), and reference page

One deduction for each type of APA format error

8 or greater APA errors were present

Citations 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
There were 0-1 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge There were 2-3 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge

There were 4-5 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge There were 6-7 errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge There were 8 or greater errors in the crediting of ideas, and information that contributed to knowledge
Writing Mechanics 15 Points 13 Points 12 Points 6 Points 0 Points
1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 3 – 4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 5 – 6 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 7 – 8 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual
Format Subtotal _____of 50 points
Total Points _____of 150 points
NR505: W2 Assignment Refinement of Nsg. Concern Rev-7/31/2017 (AR); Rev 11/20/2017 (AR) 1

What is a stroke? A stroke, also known as a brain attack, is a condition that affects the brain and nervous system due to a lack of blood supply to the brain. It is the 5th leading cause of death and the main cause of disability in the United States. About 795,000 people in the United States suffer from a stroke each year (CDC, 2017). The three main kinds of strokes are ischemic strokes, which are the most common, hemorrhagic strokes, and transient ischemic attacks (TIA), also known as mini strokes. Strokes have a high risk of reoccurring, especially if remedial measures are not administered. Patients who have suffered from a stroke may have their function impaired in various ways, requiring acute initial care and possibly rehabilitation. A stroke may present itself in many ways such as slurred speech, change in sensation, decreased strength, paralysis, and even headache. Patients who suffer strokes will need the assistance of an entire team of health care professionals ranging from nurses, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, neurologists, respiratory therapists, and social workers as well.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

A constant concern for stroke patients is effective rehabilitation to improve their strength and regain their ability to preform daily activities of daily living (ADL). In Western medicine, treatment includes pharmacological treatments, surgical procedures, and multi-professional rehabilitation. In Eastern medicine, acupuncture and physiotherapy are used in conjunction with Western medicine to improve functional disability and reduce the risk of further complications. “Acupuncture use as a complementary or alternative therapy has increased worldwide and has become widely applied to stroke rehabilitation over the last decade, which confirms that the efficacy of acupuncture can have a great impact on stroke management” (Jun, Jian, Dhiaedin, Qinhui, Xiao, Yi, & Ma, 2017).Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

This paper will discuss the application of the topic and how it impacts the MSN program specialty track, supportive evidence regarding acupuncture, supportive evidence on the identification of frequency of its occurrence, a discussion of the stakeholders impacted by the issue, a statement of the PICOT/PICO question based on the evidence, and lastly conclude with a summary and a self-reflection.

Application and Impact on MSN Program Track

Nurses play an integral role in the care of patients who have suffered a stroke. The numbers of advanced practice nurses who have a Masters of Science Degree or Doctorate Degree in nursing has increased over the years and continue to grow in the nursing profession. This author has chosen to pursue the Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP) track. As an ARNP, the role is to not only diagnosis and treat patients, but also to educate patients on new and alternative evidence based treatment modalities focusing on prevention and wellness.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

“Approximately 70% of stroke survivors experience functional disabilities, motor dysfunction being the most significant symptom” (Jun, Jian, Dhiaedin, Qinhui, Xiao, Yi, & Ma, 2017). Muscle weakness, loss of mobility, and flaccidity or weaknesses of one side of the body are some of the physical disabilities commonly experienced following a stroke. There may be varying degrees of impairment in stroke patients. Some patients will be able to regain their functioning in the acute phase of recovery, while others will spend months of time in rehabilitation settings in pursuit of greater independence in activities of daily living. Patients suffering from strokes may be unable to perform simple skills such as bed mobility, transfers, and ambulation. Many stroke patients also have a change in their body’s neurological system that can include pain, numbness, tingling, or pins and needles sensations. Beyond physical impairments, patients may exhibit changes in their cognition, memory, speech, and emotional responses. Patients with stroke experience great changes in their life, which may lead to limitations that also affect one’s family and his or her community at large. As an ARNP, the need to help the community and improve a stroke patient’s quality of life is a large not insurmountable goal. With this in mind, it is essential to collaborate and work together as a team with physicians, neurologists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and researchers, to advocate acupuncture as part of the treatment plan for post stroke patients. There is always a need for further research to guide the evidence-based practice (EBP) of advanced practice nurses in the treatment of stroke victims.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

Supportive Evidence

Acupuncture is a therapeutic holistic technique of Eastern medicine performed by trained practitioners in an effort to stimulate critical trigger points on the body by inserting thin needles though the skin. It is believed by acupuncture practitioners that the flow of energy throughout the body will become re-balanced. It is widely used in Taiwan and other eastern countries and has been a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine for 3,000 years (Huang, Wang, Yang, Liou, Chen, & Lin, 2014). The treatment of acupuncture has become more popular in the United States and is evolving into one of the most common forms of integrative interventions. “More than 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered annually in the United States alone” (Hao, & Mittelman, 2014).

It is considered a viable alternative treatment for post-stroke rehabilitation. According to Bai, Li, Hu, Xie, Wang, & Zhu (2013), a recent study in Canada showed that 87% of stroke patients were willing to accept acupuncture as treatment and 98% of stroke patients were willing to learn about acupuncture and the impact it has on stroke rehabilitation. The stakeholders who are impacted are stroke patient’s, families, healthcare providers, and third-party healthcare payers such as insurance companies, and the government. It has been observed that a acupuncture, specifically scalp acupuncture treatment, can result in 80% to 90% of patients experiencing improvement in paralysis and ataxia, and some patients showing full recovery (Hao & Mittelman, 2014).

PICOT Question

In EBP, the PICOT format is used to frame and answer health related questions (Melnyk, Fineout-Overhold, Stillwell, and Williamson, 2010). PICOT is an acronym that refers to patient, population, or problem, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. Patient, population, or problem refers to whom is receiving the care or what problem is being addressed. Intervention refers to what the treatment or procedure is. Comparison is what the alternative intervention is. Outcome is referred to as the goal and Time is the time frame being addressed, which is optional in some cases (Melnyk, Fineout-Overhold, Stillwell, and Williamson, 2010).Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

This author developed a PICOT related to the nursing issue of acupuncture impacting stroke rehabilitation based on the evidence, and it is as follows: In elderly patients 65 years or older who have experienced an ischemic stroke, how effective is acupuncture in comparison to standard stroke therapy in improving mobility over a 12-week period following the event? The population is patients 65 years or older who experience an ischemic stroke, the intervention is acupuncture treatment, the comparison would be standard stroke therapy, the outcome would be to improve mobility and the time frame would be over a 12-week period.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

In order to develop this question, this author had to initially think about an area of interest. Working with stroke patients and wanting to improve patients mobility post stroke, acupuncture used for stroke rehabilitation was chosen as a topic. According to the American Heart Association (2017), antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and cholesterol lowering therapies are prescribed to prevent recurrent strokes. As more and more people look to holistic or non-pharmacological treatments, understanding the effects of acupuncture on stroke and the impact it has on mobility, gives additional tools to provide resources to the patients served as an ARNP. Searching the literature, there was a lot of information found relating to the topic of acupuncture and mobility. Keywords that were used were acupuncture, stroke, and mobility, which resulted with many evidence-based findings that ensure the most effective and current treatments. Research has shown that “acupuncture helps deactivate the areas within the brain that are associated with processing pain” (Hao & Mittelman, 2014). Helping patients understand their options for the treatment of stroke related dysfunction through evidence-based research might prove helpful as alternative approaches for patients who do not respond to more conventional treatments or wish to use holistic medicine.


In conclusion, acupuncture does have a positive impact on the mobility of stroke patients. Since the discovery of acupuncture to recent Western acceptance of the treatment, acupuncture is a growing evidence-based practice continuously under evolving development to provide new ways and new techniques to treat patients.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

This paper discussed the application of acupuncture and how it impacts the MSN program specialty track, supportive evidence regarding acupuncture and the impact it has on the mobility of stroke patients, supportive evidence on the identification of frequency of its occurrence, a discussion of the stakeholders impacted by the issue, and a statement of the PICOT/PICO question based on the evidence.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.

Having some prior knowledge about acupuncture and having experienced it, it has made this author realize the benefits it has on the human body. One thing that was learned was that acupuncture influences cerebral blood flow in healthy patients as well as stroke patients facilitating improved brain function post-stroke (Ratmansky, Levy, Messinger, Birg, Front, & Treger, 2016). Preforming a literature search using my PICOT question and reviewing the currently available data on the topic of acupuncture and the impact it has on the mobility of stroke patients has taught me new information that can be applied into daily practice as a nurse and in the future as an ARNP.Week 2: Refinement of a Nursing Concern Essay.